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Please provide feedback for FIVE suggested usages for the City of York American Rescue Plan Act funds.

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Affordable housing development to increase supply of affordable and high-quality living units

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Services to address homelessness such as supportive housing, and to improve access to stable, affordable housing among unhoused individuals. Examples use of funds: Financial support to prevent youth homelessness; Financial support to work with organizations who address homelessness

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New or expanded childcare to provide safe and supportive care; Home visit programs to provide structured visits from health, parent educators, and services to pregnant women or families to offer education and assistance navigating resources for economic support, health needs, or child development.

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Home vouchers, residential counseling, or housing assistance to facilitate household moves to neighborhoods with high levels of economic opportunity and mobility for low-income residents, to help residents increase their opportunities and reduce concentrated areas of low economic opportunity.

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Premium Pay payments. These are workers who have been and continue to be relied on to maintain continuity of operations of essential critical infrastructure sectors, including those who are critical to protecting the health and wellbeing of their communities.

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Please provide any additional ideas or comments for the use of the City of York American Rescue Plan Act funds.

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Expansion or creation of programs for City of York residents impacted by COVID-19.

Expansion or creation of economic impact programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of healthcare programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of public safety programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of broadband and stormwater infrastructure for the City of York.

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