Are you a resident of The City of York, Pennsylvania?
* required
What are your priorities?
Broadband and Stormwater Infrastructure
Expansion or creation of broadband and stormwater infrastructure for the City of York.
Make this the priority
Economic Impact
Expansion or creation of economic impact programs for the City of York.
Make this the priority
Public Safety
Expansion or creation of public safety programs for the City of York.
Make this the priority
People Impacted by COVID-19
Expansion or creation of programs for City of York residents impacted by COVID-19.
Make this the priority
Expansion or creation of healthcare programs for the City of York.
Make this the priority
* required
Health Clinics related to COVID-19. Please keep in mind that most COVID-related Bureau of Health Clinic improvements and supplies have been provided for through existing state and federal grants.
Health Clinics Secondary Effects of Reduced Medical Visits. Example use of funds: Increasing number of outreach specialist to reach pregnant mothers, such as Mother-Child Health Specialists
Behavioral health needs exacerbated by the pandemic and respond to other public health impacts. Services may include mental health treatment, substance misuse treatment, other behavioral health services.
Support for vulnerable populations to access medical or public health services. Example use of funds: Increase funding for home visit staff; Create transportation funds for residents
Physical plant improvements to public hospitals and health clinics. Example use of funds: Relocation and expansion of Bureau of Health; Expansion of Bureau of Health Clinic
Funding community health workers to help community members access health services and services to address the social determinants of health. Example use of funds: Add additional community health workers to visit homes and connect people directly with services
Fund public benefits navigators to assist community members with navigating and applying for available Federal, State, and local public benefits or services. Example use of funds: Create additional Ecosystem Coordinators and support for the Community Ecosystem Initiative.
Housing services to support healthy living environments and neighborhoods conducive to mental and physical wellness
Examples: Increase Property Maintenance and enforcement of codes on rental properties; Funding for lighting and breezeway gate projects
Remediation of lead paint or other lead hazards to reduce risk of elevated blood lead levels among children
Evidence-based community violence intervention programs to prevent violence and mitigate the increase in violence during the pandemic; Fund and expand Group Violence Intervention Initiative; Hire Credible Messengers and Assistants; Fund Community Police Response to Victims of Violence services.
Investment in Career Training Programming. Example: investment in organizations providing workforce development and career training services.
Revamp programming from the Job Training Partnership Act.
Assistance to Households. Examples include: Increase Rental Assistance Fund; Utility assistance; Provide grants/loans for home repairs; Eviction Prevention Counseling
Investment in broadband infrastructure. Example includes: low cost internet access for City of York residents that reliably meets or exceeds symmetrical upload and download speeds of 100 Mbps.
Investment in stormwater infrastructure projects to improve resilience in relation to severe weather events
Address educational disparities by investing in programs like evidence-based educational services and practices to address the academic needs of students, including tutoring, summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs; Fund mentoring and afterschool programs
Build a stronger community through investments in housing and neighborhoods. Example use of funds: Support for Affordable Housing Projects; Funding for park improvements; Community Center programming
Loans or grants to mitigate financial hardship such as declines in revenues, for example by supporting payroll and benefits costs, costs to retain employees, mortgage, rent, or utilities costs, and other costs. Example use of funds: Increase City Business Grant Program
Affordable housing development to increase supply of affordable and high-quality living units
Services to address homelessness such as supportive housing, and to improve access to stable, affordable housing among unhoused individuals. Examples use of funds: Financial support to prevent youth homelessness; Financial support to work with organizations who address homelessness
New or expanded childcare to provide safe and supportive care; Home visit programs to provide structured visits from health, parent educators, and services to pregnant women or families to offer education and assistance navigating resources for economic support, health needs, or child development.
Home vouchers, residential counseling, or housing assistance to facilitate household moves to neighborhoods with high levels of economic opportunity and mobility for low-income residents, to help residents increase their opportunities and reduce concentrated areas of low economic opportunity.
Premium Pay payments. These are workers who have been and continue to be relied on to maintain continuity of operations of essential critical infrastructure sectors, including those who are critical to protecting the health and wellbeing of their communities.
Please provide any additional ideas or comments for the use of the City of York American Rescue Plan Act funds.
What is a disruptive statement?
A statement
containing personal attacks, profanity, commercial advertising or content which is entirely off-topic, and/or
from a user who has falsified their registration information with the intent to post multiple statements in one topic or to misrepresent their city of residence.
Why does Open Town Hall monitor for disruptive statements?
OpenGov is a non-partisan company dedicated to building public trust in government and broadening civic engagement. Many people will not participate if the forum has disruptive statements.
Does Open Town Hall find many disruptive statements?
No. Disruptive statements are quite rare - less than one in a thousand statements are disruptive.
What does Open Town Hall do if they find a disruptive statement?
Open Town Hall
moves the statement to a different web page,
describes the problem in an email to the author, and
invites the author to change the statement.
Does Open Town Hall ever edit or delete statements?
Never. Only the statement's author can edit or delete a statement.
If I disagree with someone, can I post my opinion?
Yes. Open Town Hall encourages open dialog which, by necessity, includes disagreements.
How do I know if my statement is a 'disagreement' or a 'personal attack'?
Personal attacks are disparaging remarks which impute motives to a person's action. Statements of fact, or of your own opinion are generally not personal attacks.
Here are some examples of statements which are, and are not, personal attacks.
Personal Attack
Not A Personal Attack
He lied.
He said he did X, but in fact he did Y.
She misrepresented the truth.
I don't trust her.
He is greedy.
He is making plenty of money.
It is merely a power play on her part.
She will announce her candidacy soon.
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