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Open Town Hall

City of York American Rescue Plan Funding Survey

355 Registered Responses



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349 responses
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355 registered responses

Are you a resident of the City of York?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 73.0% 259
No 27.0% 96

Please rank your priorities.

Average priorities over 355 responses
  1. Expansion or creation of healthy community and neighborhood programs for the City of York.

    Healthy Communities and Neighborhoods
  2. Expansion or creation of public safety programs for the City of York.

    Public Safety
  3. Expansion or creation of economic impact programs for the City of York.

    Economic Impact
  4. Expansion or creation of educational programs for the City of York.

    Educational Disparities
  5. Expansion or creation of healthcare programs for the City of York.

  6. Expansion or creation of broadband infrastructure for the City of York.

    Broadband Infrastructure

How important are these potential economic impact services?

Assistance to households (food, rent, utility, case management, home repairs, etc.)
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 5.7% 20
Somewhat Important 11.9% 42
Moderately Important 14.7% 52
Important 26.3% 93
Very Important 40.5% 143
Assistance to small businesses (loans, grants, technical assistance)
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.4% 12
Somewhat Important 12.7% 45
Moderately Important 19.3% 68
Important 30.3% 107
Very Important 33.1% 117
Provide "learn while you earn" paid work and education programs, such as the former Job Training Partnership Act
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 2.3% 8
Somewhat Important 5.9% 21
Moderately Important 17.0% 60
Important 33.4% 118
Very Important 40.5% 143
Assistance to non-profits (loans, grants, technical assistance)
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 7.4% 26
Somewhat Important 15.3% 54
Moderately Important 24.9% 88
Important 25.5% 90
Very Important 26.3% 93
Aid to impacted industries (tourism, travel, hospitality and other impacted industries)
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 11.0% 39
Somewhat Important 21.2% 75
Moderately Important 26.3% 93
Important 20.1% 71
Very Important 19.0% 67
Services to address homelessness such as supportive housing, and to improve access to stable, affordable housing among unhoused individuals
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 2.8% 10
Somewhat Important 6.2% 22
Moderately Important 16.1% 57
Important 21.0% 74
Very Important 52.1% 184

How important are these educational disparity services?

Fund mentoring and afterschool programs
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 4.3% 15
Somewhat Important 6.3% 22
Moderately Important 15.7% 55
Important 28.9% 101
Very Important 44.6% 156
Partnerships with appropriate organizations to assist with family issues, including: economic support, health needs, or child development
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.7% 13
Somewhat Important 6.0% 21
Moderately Important 13.7% 48
Important 31.7% 111
Very Important 44.3% 155
Addressing educational disparities magnified by the public health emergency
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 5.4% 19
Somewhat Important 10.6% 37
Moderately Important 18.3% 64
Important 27.1% 95
Very Important 38.0% 133
Promoting healthy environments for children, such as new or expanded high-quality childcare, parent education and other programs
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.1% 11
Somewhat Important 7.4% 26
Moderately Important 11.4% 40
Important 25.4% 89
Very Important 51.7% 181

How important are these healthy community and neighborhood services?

Building Stronger Communities through Investments in Housing and Neighborhoods
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.4% 12
Somewhat Important 6.3% 22
Moderately Important 16.0% 56
Important 30.6% 107
Very Important 43.7% 153
Housing services to support healthy living environments and neighborhoods conducive to mental and physical wellness
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 2.9% 10
Somewhat Important 6.9% 24
Moderately Important 17.1% 60
Important 32.0% 112
Very Important 40.6% 142
Support affordable housing projects
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 6.6% 23
Somewhat Important 7.7% 27
Moderately Important 20.3% 71
Important 22.3% 78
Very Important 42.6% 149
Fund park improvements for City of York parks
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 5.4% 19
Somewhat Important 14.0% 49
Moderately Important 28.6% 100
Important 21.7% 76
Very Important 29.1% 102
Fund additional programming in City of York Community Centers
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 6.6% 23
Somewhat Important 12.3% 43
Moderately Important 29.4% 103
Important 22.6% 79
Very Important 27.4% 96

How important are these potential public safety services?

Evidence-based community violence intervention programs to prevent violence and mitigate the increase in violence during the pandemic
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 2.6% 9
Somewhat Important 6.5% 23
Moderately Important 11.1% 39
Important 28.4% 100
Very Important 50.6% 178
Fund behavioral health counselors to assist Police Officers with responding to calls
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 4.5% 16
Somewhat Important 5.1% 18
Moderately Important 8.2% 29
Important 21.6% 76
Very Important 60.5% 213
Assistance to victims of violence
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 1.7% 6
Somewhat Important 7.7% 27
Moderately Important 13.4% 47
Important 30.4% 107
Very Important 45.7% 161
Diversionary programs for individuals at risk of criminal behavior
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.7% 13
Somewhat Important 7.1% 25
Moderately Important 19.0% 67
Important 27.8% 98
Very Important 40.9% 144
Assistance for those returning from incarceration
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.7% 13
Somewhat Important 10.8% 38
Moderately Important 17.3% 61
Important 27.0% 95
Very Important 39.8% 140
Internal behavioral health outreach for York City Police Department
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 3.4% 12
Somewhat Important 7.7% 27
Moderately Important 16.8% 59
Important 24.7% 87
Very Important 46.3% 163

How important is this potential infrastructure upgrade?

Broadband infrastructure to unserved or underserved communities
Response Percent Response Count
Not Important 6.3% 22
Somewhat Important 10.3% 36
Moderately Important 20.7% 72
Important 27.3% 95
Very Important 35.3% 123

Please provide any additional ideas or comments for the use of the City of York American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Name not available
July 19, 2021, 6:35 PM
  • Are you a resident of the City of York?
    • Yes
  • Please rank your priorities.
    1. Expansion or creation of economic impact programs for the City of York.

      Economic Impact
    2. Expansion or creation of healthy community and neighborhood programs for the City of York.

      Healthy Communities and Neighborhoods
    3. Expansion or creation of educational programs for the City of York.

      Educational Disparities
    4. Expansion or creation of public safety programs for the City of York.

      Public Safety
    5. Expansion or creation of broadband infrastructure for the City of York.

      Broadband Infrastructure
    6. Expansion or creation of healthcare programs for the City of York.

  • How important are these potential economic impact services?
    • Assistance to households (food, rent, utility, case management, home repairs, etc.) - Very Important
    • Assistance to small businesses (loans, grants, technical assistance) - Very Important
    • Provide "learn while you earn" paid work and education programs, such as the former Job Training Partnership Act - Very Important
    • Assistance to non-profits (loans, grants, technical assistance) - Very Important
    • Aid to impacted industries (tourism, travel, hospitality and other impacted industries) - Important
    • Services to address homelessness such as supportive housing, and to improve access to stable, affordable housing among unhoused individuals - Very Important
  • How important are these educational disparity services?
    • Fund mentoring and afterschool programs - Very Important
    • Partnerships with appropriate organizations to assist with family issues, including: economic support, health needs, or child development - Very Important
    • Addressing educational disparities magnified by the public health emergency - Very Important
    • Promoting healthy environments for children, such as new or expanded high-quality childcare, parent education and other programs - Very Important
  • How important are these healthy community and neighborhood services?
    • Building Stronger Communities through Investments in Housing and Neighborhoods - Very Important
    • Housing services to support healthy living environments and neighborhoods conducive to mental and physical wellness - Very Important
    • Support affordable housing projects - Very Important
    • Fund park improvements for City of York parks - Important
    • Fund additional programming in City of York Community Centers - Important
  • How important are these potential public safety services?
    • Evidence-based community violence intervention programs to prevent violence and mitigate the increase in violence during the pandemic - Important
    • Fund behavioral health counselors to assist Police Officers with responding to calls - Very Important
    • Assistance to victims of violence - Very Important
    • Diversionary programs for individuals at risk of criminal behavior - Very Important
    • Assistance for those returning from incarceration - Very Important
    • Internal behavioral health outreach for York City Police Department - Important
  • How important is this potential infrastructure upgrade?
    • Broadband infrastructure to unserved or underserved communities - Very Important
  • Please provide any additional ideas or comments for the use of the City of York American Rescue Plan Act funds.

    An area of suggested focus is to provide financial supports to hire and allow inspectors to visit all City properties regularly and follow up on complaints/reports timely to ensure needed repairs are made and quality conditions are present for those that rent. So many of our residents are living in unhealthy housing situations and paying way too much for it. The unhealthy housing leads to detrimental health conditions and so much more.

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Expansion or creation of public safety programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of broadband infrastructure for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of healthy community and neighborhood programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of healthcare programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of educational programs for the City of York.

Expansion or creation of economic impact programs for the City of York.

Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Services and programs to prevent, mitigate and respond to COVID-19
Increase Lead Abatement and Bureau of Health Lead Paint programming
Transportation support for vulnerable populations to access medical or public health services
Build a York City mental health assistance and service program
Fund community health workers to help community members access health services and services to address the social determinants of health
Increase the number of specialists at the Bureau of Health Clinic
Improve the design and execution of public health programs
Address disparities in public health outcomes
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Assistance to households (food, rent, utility, case management, home repairs, etc.)
Assistance to small businesses (loans, grants, technical assistance)
Provide "learn while you earn" paid work and education programs, such as the former Job Training Partnership Act
Assistance to non-profits (loans, grants, technical assistance)
Aid to impacted industries (tourism, travel, hospitality and other impacted industries)
Services to address homelessness such as supportive housing, and to improve access to stable, affordable housing among unhoused individuals
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Fund mentoring and afterschool programs
Partnerships with appropriate organizations to assist with family issues, including: economic support, health needs, or child development
Addressing educational disparities magnified by the public health emergency
Promoting healthy environments for children, such as new or expanded high-quality childcare, parent education and other programs
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Building Stronger Communities through Investments in Housing and Neighborhoods
Housing services to support healthy living environments and neighborhoods conducive to mental and physical wellness
Support affordable housing projects
Fund park improvements for City of York parks
Fund additional programming in City of York Community Centers
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Evidence-based community violence intervention programs to prevent violence and mitigate the increase in violence during the pandemic
Fund behavioral health counselors to assist Police Officers with responding to calls
Assistance to victims of violence
Diversionary programs for individuals at risk of criminal behavior
Assistance for those returning from incarceration
Internal behavioral health outreach for York City Police Department
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Broadband infrastructure to unserved or underserved communities
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