Provide your feedback on the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Updates
Click here to review all proposed Comp Plan updates.
The City of Winchester's current Comprehensive Plan has been guiding the City's development decisions for over seven years (created in 2011 and amended in 2014). The Comp Plan provides a long-range plan for the physical development of the community. The Planning Commission and Planning staff have been working on the latest update for several years and now, it is time for final review and approval by Council.
A strong Comp Plan, most importantly, needs to reflect the voices of the city's residents. Throughout the update process, there have been many opportunities for the community to review the materials and provide input. The next opportunity is a public hearing on March 1, 2022 at 6:00 pm (Rouss City Hall Council Chambers). Prior to the public hearing, an open house will be held at 5:30 pm to allow community members time to view the proposed changes again (also available online here). Public input can be provided in-person during the public hearing or in writing using this form. All comments provided in writing will be included with the agenda packet.
Deadline: February 24, 2022 at 12 pm
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