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Watertown, MA - Community Feedback

Give feedback on the proposed Watertown Square Cultural District.

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23 registered responses

Before this survey, were you familiar with the MA Cultural District designation?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 39.1% 9
No 60.9% 14

Are you a: (check all that apply, hold down the ctrl button to select multiple)

Response Percent Response Count
Watertown Resident 95.7% 22
Watertown Worker 8.7% 2
Business Owner 8.7% 2
Watertown Visitor 4.3% 1

Would you describe your work as arts or culturally-related? This might include theaters, galleries, libraries, schools, independent artists, and other.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 34.8% 8
No 47.8% 11
Not Sure 17.4% 4

How often do you enjoy cultural activities in Watertown? This includes live music, theater, movies, art exhibits, lectures, festivals, etc.

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly (1-6 times a week) 21.7% 5
Monthly (1-3 times a month) 47.8% 11
Yearly (1-11 times a year) 30.4% 7

What types of arts and culture activities do you enjoy in Watertown? (hold down the ctrl button to select multiple)

Response Percent Response Count
Art Exhibits 56.5% 13
Live Theater 39.1% 9
Movies 60.9% 14
Live Music 78.3% 18
Festivals/Fairs 78.3% 18
Lectures/Talks 60.9% 14
Workshops/Classes 56.5% 13
Dance 13.0% 3
Other 4.3% 1

What types of arts and culture activities would you like to see more of in Watertown? (hold down the ctrl button to select multiple)

Response Percent Response Count
Art Exhibits 56.5% 13
Live Theater 56.5% 13
Movies 47.8% 11
Live Music 65.2% 15
Festivals/Fairs 56.5% 13
Lectures/Talks 65.2% 15
Workshops/Classes 73.9% 17
Other 13.0% 3

How important are arts and culture for quality of life in Watertown?

Response Percent Response Count
Very important 73.9% 17
Important 21.7% 5
Neutral/Not sure 4.3% 1

How strong an arts and culture presence does Watertown have?

Response Percent Response Count
Strong 26.1% 6
Neutral/Unsure 47.8% 11
Weak 21.7% 5
Very Weak 4.3% 1

Do you consider Watertown to be an arts and culture destination?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 13.0% 3
No 78.3% 18
Unsure 8.7% 2

How significant is Watertown's historical presence?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Significant 34.8% 8
Significant 39.1% 9
Neutral/Unsure 26.1% 6

What effect would a Watertown Square Cultural District have on quality of life and support for artists and businesses in Watertown? (select all that apply, hold down the ctrl button to select multiple)

Response Percent Response Count
Improve quality life 100.0% 23
Supports artists 95.7% 22
Supports businesses 69.6% 16
Other 8.7% 2

What could the city do to support artists and small arts and cultural businesses in Watertown?


Looking at the proposed Cultural District Map. Are there any boundaries you would change? Why? Please be as specific as possible.


What marketing strategies should be implemented in the Watertown Square Cultural District that are not included in the proposal?


What additional thoughts would you like to share about the proposed Watertown Square Cultural District?


How welcoming is Watertown?

Response Percent Response Count
Very welcoming 13.0% 3
Welcoming 47.8% 11
Neutral/Unsure 34.8% 8
Unwelcoming 4.3% 1

In what ways is Watertown welcoming or unwelcoming?
