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VBCPS E-Town Hall

Share your opinion on VBCPS schools start times

8080 registered responses

Are you a:

Response Percent Response Count
Parent 59.1% 4,775
Teacher/Employee 26.5% 2,144
Student 20.1% 1,622
Community Member 4.4% 359

If you are a parent, please select from the following:

Response Percent Response Count
Elementary 54.9% 2,723
Middle 39.0% 1,933
High 46.8% 2,320

If you are an employee, please select from the following:

Response Percent Response Count
Elementary 35.6% 827
Middle 25.1% 583
High 33.8% 786
Central Support 5.5% 128

If you are a student, please select from the following:

Response Percent Response Count
Elementary 2.3% 38
Middle 10.2% 172
High 87.5% 1,476

Did you watch the introductory video?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 83.5% 6,672
No 16.5% 1,319

Have you visited the school start times page on to review information?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 85.4% 6,839
No 14.6% 1,171

Please rank Options A, B, C, D in your preferred order from 1-4 (1 being most preferred, four being least preferred). Options below are listed randomly.

Average priorities over 8080 responses
  1. Option D
  2. Option C
  3. Option A
  4. Option B

With implementation scheduled for the fall of 2020, I/my family will have time to make the necessary accommodations to a new school start times schedule:

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 45.8% 3,538
Agree 34.3% 2,648
Strongly Disagree 11.7% 904
Disagree 8.3% 638
Name not available inside Virginia Beach
May 15, 2019, 10:30 PM
  • Are you a:
    • Parent
  • If you are a parent, please select from the following:
    • Elementary
    • Middle
  • If you are an employee, please select from the following:
    No response.
  • If you are a student, please select from the following:
    No response.
  • Did you watch the introductory video?
    • Yes
  • Have you visited the school start times page on to review information?
    • Yes
  • Please rank Options A, B, C, D in your preferred order from 1-4 (1 being most preferred, four being least preferred). Options below are listed randomly.
    1. Option A
    2. Option C
    3. Option B
    4. Option D
  • With implementation scheduled for the fall of 2020, I/my family will have time to make the necessary accommodations to a new school start times schedule:
    • Strongly Agree
VBCPS E-Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in VBCPS E-Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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For a comprehensive listing of all the research, survey results and presentations to the School Board regarding school start times, visit

Please click next to review each of the start time options and provide your feedback. 

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