Please tell us your thoughts on school safety.
105 registered responses
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What does the school division do well in providing for school safety and security?
Not sure, they do have a computer system check in for visitors and security officers with one police resource officer, at my children's schools. I believe they have security cameras within the building and at each entrance to building.
What gaps exist regarding school safety and security that need to be addressed?
1) Unlocked front doors during school hours (7:00am-5pm). Main entry doors should be locked at all times WITH a school security monitor remaining at the front desk, at all times. Schools should implement front door buzzer automatic open-doors for all schools.
3) Front desk security should ask the visitors their name and verify the vistor has been in the building, using the security check-in software, then buzz them in and present ID visitor pass sticker.
3) Yearly background checks on ALL VBCPS employees! Especially all Personnel that work with students.
4) Better student monitoring on buses.
What new resources can be added or what existing resources can be used in different ways to strengthen school safety and security?
See input from prevoius question.