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VBCPS E-Town Hall

Please provide your feedback on class rank.

633 registered responses

Which of the following best describes you:

Response Percent Response Count
I am a parent 98.7% 625
I am a student 1.3% 8

My child(ren) is/are in (select all that apply):

Response Percent Response Count
Elementary School 51.8% 324
High School 45.3% 283
Middle School 47.8% 299

I am currently in:

Response Percent Response Count
High School 87.5% 7
Middle School 12.5% 1

I understand that taking weighted courses has the potential to significantly impact a student’s GPA.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 69.7% 440
Agree 28.1% 177
Neither 1.1% 7
Disagree 0.5% 3
Strongly disagree 0.6% 4

Though there is research to suggest that class rank is no longer a critical decision-making element with regard to the college admissions process, I believe it is important.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 32.5% 205
Agree 36.2% 228
Neither 12.1% 76
Disagree 13.8% 87
Strongly disagree 5.4% 34

I support a change in VBCPS policy to adopt the Latin honors system of academic recognition.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 49.2% 310
Agree 28.1% 177
Neither 4.1% 26
Disagree 7.5% 47
Strongly disagree 11.1% 70

Within the proposed Latin honors system, I support the current GPA benchmarks as outlined.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 36.6% 230
Agree 38.0% 239
Neither 6.7% 42
Disagree 9.4% 59
Strongly disagree 9.4% 59

In moving to the Latin system, I believe VBCPS should maintain the practice of naming a Valedictorian and Salutatorian based solely on class rank as determined by GPA.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 47.1% 297
Agree 29.6% 187
Neither 8.4% 53
Disagree 8.2% 52
Strongly disagree 6.7% 42

General comments (up to 50 words):

Mark Martin inside Virginia Beach
February 9, 2018, 9:22 PM
  • Which of the following best describes you:
    • I am a parent
  • My child(ren) is/are in (select all that apply):
    • High School
  • I understand that taking weighted courses has the potential to significantly impact a student’s GPA.
    • Agree
  • Though there is research to suggest that class rank is no longer a critical decision-making element with regard to the college admissions process, I believe it is important.
    • Strongly agree
  • I support a change in VBCPS policy to adopt the Latin honors system of academic recognition.
    • Disagree
  • Within the proposed Latin honors system, I support the current GPA benchmarks as outlined.
    • Disagree
  • In moving to the Latin system, I believe VBCPS should maintain the practice of naming a Valedictorian and Salutatorian based solely on class rank as determined by GPA.
    • Strongly agree
  • General comments (up to 50 words):

    We believe that the Latin Honors system should start at 3.5. Also, we thought the language of the introduction and survey was worded in a biased way in favor of the Latin Honors System.

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