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VBCPS E-Town Hall

Please provide us with your comments regarding how you think the new Teaching and Learning framework will support your work.

21 registered responses

Select level:

Response Percent Response Count
Elementary 36.8% 7
Middle 15.8% 3
High 36.8% 7
Other 10.5% 2

Does the Teaching and Learning Framework embody what you believe are the essential components of effective teaching and learning practices? (Please explain.)


What is very clear about the framework?


What part(s) of the framework requires further clarification?

Name not shown inside Virginia Beach
June 12, 2015, 8:06 AM
  • Select level:
    • High
  • Does the Teaching and Learning Framework embody what you believe are the essential components of effective teaching and learning practices? (Please explain.)

    I think that the Teaching and Learning Framework does embody the essential components of effective teaching and learning: plan (what/how are you going to teach), teach (implement it), and assess (check to see if it worked).

  • What is very clear about the framework?

    It is clear that teachers should be reflecting (i.e. responding) after each facet of the Teaching and Learning Framework.

  • What part(s) of the framework requires further clarification?

    I feel that it may be unclear how the learning environment plays in this whole process. Of course, each teacher may have a completely different learning environment therefore having a completely different teaching and learning agenda or the way they plan (then respond), teach (then respond), and assess (then respond).

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