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Open Town Hall

Help us improve the experience at Anza Park by providing your input on potential improvements.

204 responses

Do you live or work within walking distance (1/4 mile) of Anza Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes, I live within walking distance 27.5% 56
Yes, I work within walking distance 10.8% 22
No, I drive/use transit to get to the area 61.8% 126

How do you prefer to access Anza Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Walk 25.0% 51
Bicycle 20.1% 41
Transit 2.0% 4
Drive 52.9% 108

How often do you visit Anza Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Every day 1.0% 2
Several times a week 9.3% 19
Once a week 13.2% 27
1-3 times per month 7.4% 15
A few times a year 47.5% 97
Never been 21.6% 44

Do you visit the park with children under the age of 18?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 16.2% 33
No 83.8% 171

When do you visit Anza Park (select all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Mornings 28.9% 59
During the work day 24.5% 50
Evenings 43.1% 88
Weekends 43.6% 89

Please select up to three (3) amenities you would most likely use if available at Anza Park (photos are examples of similar amenities at other local parks, not necessarily relective of what may be installed in this park)

Response Percent Response Count
Outdoor Exercise Equipment 20.6% 42
Walking Path 46.1% 94
Events (food truck rally, yoga, etc.) 10.3% 21
Shaded Ramadas 42.6% 87
Tennis or Pickleball 11.3% 23
Basketball 22.5% 46
Dog Park or Run 36.8% 75
Shaded Playground 37.3% 76
Other 37.3% 76

Out of the examples provided please indicate your most desired amenity (select one).

Response Percent Response Count
Outdoor Exercise Equipment 5.9% 12
Walking Path 15.7% 32
Attend a special event 4.4% 9
Shaded Ramadas 10.8% 22
Tennis or Pickleball 4.4% 9
Basketball 5.9% 12
Dog Park/Run 17.6% 36
Shaded Playground 12.7% 26
Other 22.5% 46

Anza Park is an historical property. Would you be interested in seeing an addition to the park that commemorates the park's history?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 75.0% 153
No 25.0% 51

What is your age? (optional)

Response Percent Response Count
Under 16 1.0% 2
16-22 2.0% 4
23-38 30.0% 60
39-54 37.0% 74
55-73 28.0% 56
74+ 2.0% 4

What is your race? (optional)

Response Percent Response Count
White 72.8% 131
Hispanic 17.8% 32
Black/African American 1.7% 3
American Indian/Native American 0.6% 1
Asian 2.8% 5
Other 4.4% 8

In the future, the city may host a participatory budgeting session with the community to help create a vision for Anza Park. Would you be interested in engaging in a participatory budgeting session?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 46.7% 92
No 53.3% 105
Name not shown (registered)
August 22, 2019, 7:48 AM
  • Do you live or work within walking distance (1/4 mile) of Anza Park?
    • Yes, I live within walking distance
  • How do you prefer to access Anza Park?
    • Walk
  • How often do you visit Anza Park?
    • A few times a year
  • Do you visit the park with children under the age of 18?
    • No
  • When do you visit Anza Park (select all that apply)?
    • Mornings
  • Please select up to three (3) amenities you would most likely use if available at Anza Park (photos are examples of similar amenities at other local parks, not necessarily relective of what may be installed in this park)
    • Basketball
    • Dog Park or Run
  • Out of the examples provided please indicate your most desired amenity (select one).
    • Basketball
  • Anza Park is an historical property. Would you be interested in seeing an addition to the park that commemorates the park's history?
    • Yes
  • What is your age? (optional)
    • 39-54
  • What is your race? (optional)
    • White
  • In the future, the city may host a participatory budgeting session with the community to help create a vision for Anza Park. Would you be interested in engaging in a participatory budgeting session?
    • Yes
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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