Welcome to the Budget Prioritization Tool for the City of Tucson!
This tool helps the City collect community input on how the City spends City Programmed budget dollars. City Programmed budget dollars are those that are not Restricted, in other words those not designated for a specific use (like Federal funding, grant funding, and/or some special revenue funds) and those not previously committed (like Tucson Delivers Safer City, Better Streets (Prop 101) and Parks & Connections (Prop 407)). Learn more about the City's budget structure and process here.
To help you understand the scope of the budget and the current budget allocations, you'll find information about the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Tentative Budget for departments that provide direct service to the community along with some information about the services those departments provide to the City here.
The Mayor and Council will review the feedback from this process, Budget Town Hall Meetings, and the City Manager's recommendation prior to adopting the FY22 Budget.
Thank you for engaging in this process!