How would you rate your level of support or opposition to the proposal to increase water rates to Tucson Water customers in unincorporated Pima County?
Very Opposed
If the rates are increased, how would you prioritize the use of additional revenues by Tucson Water? Place the following items in order of priority:
If you selected "Other" as one of your top 3 priorities please, indicate what you would prioritize with the additional funds.
Give the money back to the people you are planning to steal it from. There is already a tiered rate, which if the county customers are using more, they are subsidizing those within the city limits. Simple math, a grade school student could figure out. This is plain and simple a money grab nothing else.
Especially, given your double talk on what appears to be agendas for using these stolen monies for other than improving the utility and/or service itself.
I supported the mayor and defended her when others wanted her recalled. But if she supports this plain money grab from unrepresented customers who have no say with their votes, then she loses my support. She will have become part of the problem and with any of you in the city and/or county elected positions who also support this. I worked very hard to be able to live where I do. I hard a hard time paying bills each month. I already lost my wife and my younger brother in the last few years, now you put me in an even more precarious situation with my home? Just because someone lives on one side of a line or another, you believe they have extra money laying around to fill your coffers? You will be contributing to forcing out those who may struggle to live in a particular area and making it only accessible to the very rich or those moving in from other states. Shame on you all. The tiered structure for ALL customers are great and they do incentivize conservation. Those are fine and I wholeheartedly agree with them. However, the inequitable action of taxing different people with the same class different rates based on whether they are outside the city is ludicrous and unfair. A pure money grab. So if you differentiate someone to be charged more for being in group A. (Pima County/Outside of City) and less for group B. (Pima County/Inside of City), then the County should charge for sewer service those in group B. (Pima County/Inside of City) and less for group A. (Pima County/Outside the City). This distinction is no less arbitrary than what you are suggesting at all. The current tiered rate already subsidizes those who use less, simply because you pay more per CCF is your use reaches into higher tiers. So you flat out lied when you said that the City customers are subsidizing the county users, when in fact the opposite is already true. You plainly just want more money in your coffers for things unrelated to water equity. Pathetic.
Do you have any additional comments?
No response.
Do you (check all that apply)
Live in the greater Tucson area
Work in Tucson
Own property in Tucson
Go to school in Tucson
Other - Raised here since 1978
What is your age?
With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
White or Caucasian
How do you describe your gender identity?
What is your zip or postal code?
What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?
Advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How would you rate your level of support or opposition to the proposal to increase water rates to Tucson Water customers in unincorporated Pima County?
If the rates are increased, how would you prioritize the use of additional revenues by Tucson Water? Place the following items in order of priority:
Describe the significance of this item
If you selected "Other" as one of your top 3 priorities please, indicate what you would prioritize with the additional funds.
Give the money back to the people you are planning to steal it from. There is already a tiered rate, which if the county customers are using more, they are subsidizing those within the city limits. Simple math, a grade school student could figure out. This is plain and simple a money grab nothing else.
Especially, given your double talk on what appears to be agendas for using these stolen monies for other than improving the utility and/or service itself.
I supported the mayor and defended her when others wanted her recalled. But if she supports this plain money grab from unrepresented customers who have no say with their votes, then she loses my support. She will have become part of the problem and with any of you in the city and/or county elected positions who also support this. I worked very hard to be able to live where I do. I hard a hard time paying bills each month. I already lost my wife and my younger brother in the last few years, now you put me in an even more precarious situation with my home? Just because someone lives on one side of a line or another, you believe they have extra money laying around to fill your coffers? You will be contributing to forcing out those who may struggle to live in a particular area and making it only accessible to the very rich or those moving in from other states. Shame on you all. The tiered structure for ALL customers are great and they do incentivize conservation. Those are fine and I wholeheartedly agree with them. However, the inequitable action of taxing different people with the same class different rates based on whether they are outside the city is ludicrous and unfair. A pure money grab. So if you differentiate someone to be charged more for being in group A. (Pima County/Outside of City) and less for group B. (Pima County/Inside of City), then the County should charge for sewer service those in group B. (Pima County/Inside of City) and less for group A. (Pima County/Outside the City). This distinction is no less arbitrary than what you are suggesting at all. The current tiered rate already subsidizes those who use less, simply because you pay more per CCF is your use reaches into higher tiers. So you flat out lied when you said that the City customers are subsidizing the county users, when in fact the opposite is already true. You plainly just want more money in your coffers for things unrelated to water equity. Pathetic.
Do you have any additional comments?
No response.Do you (check all that apply)
What is your age?
With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
How do you describe your gender identity?
What is your zip or postal code?
What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?