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What is your position on the proposal to increase water rates to Tucson Water customers in unincorporated Pima County?

1214 registered responses

How would you rate your level of support or opposition to the proposal to increase water rates to Tucson Water customers in unincorporated Pima County?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Opposed 81.7% 992
Somewhat Opposed 6.4% 78
Neutral 0.8% 10
Somewhat Supportive 2.5% 30
Very Supportive 7.5% 91
I don't have enough information to decide. 1.1% 13

If the rates are increased, how would you prioritize the use of additional revenues by Tucson Water? Place the following items in order of priority:

Average priorities over 1214 responses
  1. Describe the significance of this item

    Fund infrastructure rehabilitation and replacement, and improve service levels in unincorporated areas.
  2. Learn more about the existing green stormwater infrastructure program at

    Fund additional green stormwater infrastructure throughout the Tucson Water service area
  3. Describe the significance of this item

    Pay down utility debt .
  4. Describe the significance of this item

    Fund low-income assistance program offered to all Tucson Water customers .
  5. Describe the significance of this item

  6. This will support the Tucson Million Trees goal 

    Fund a “Tree-bate” program to provide rebates to customers who purchase and plant desert-adapted trees
  7. The program provides grants and loans to install water harvesting systems.

    Increase funding for Tucson Water's low-income rainwater harvesting program
  8. Describe the significance of this item

    Cancel existing water delinquency debt for families enrolled in Tucson Water's low-income program

If you selected "Other" as one of your top 3 priorities please, indicate what you would prioritize with the additional funds.


Do you have any additional comments?


Do you (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Live in the greater Tucson area 75.7% 918
Live in the City of Tucson 13.7% 166
Work in Tucson 36.6% 443
Visit Tucson 20.3% 246
Own property in Tucson 41.6% 504
Own a business in Tucson 9.9% 120
Rent in Tucson 3.2% 39
Go to school in Tucson 5.4% 66
Serve on City Council, Board, Commission, or city staff 0.6% 7
Other 12.5% 152

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
15-19 0.2% 2
20-24 0.6% 7
25-34 5.5% 67
35-44 16.3% 197
45-54 14.4% 175
55-59 10.1% 122
60-64 10.8% 131
65-74 32.5% 394
75-84 9.0% 109
85 and over 0.7% 8

With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.2% 14
Asian or Asian American 1.6% 19
Black or African American 1.1% 13
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin 8.5% 103
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.4% 5
White or Caucasian 65.5% 794
Other 4.8% 58
Prefer not to disclose 21.5% 261

How do you describe your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 46.9% 569
Male 38.1% 462
Non-binary 0.2% 3
Genderqueer 0.1% 1
Other 1.8% 22
Prefer not to disclose 12.8% 155

What is your zip or postal code?

Response Percent Response Count
85601 0.1% 1
85602 0.2% 2
85611 0.1% 1
85614 0.3% 4
85619 0.1% 1
85622 0.2% 2
85629 0.2% 2
85633 0.1% 1
85637 0.1% 1
85641 5.8% 70
85645 0.2% 3
85653 1.4% 17
85658 0.3% 4
85701 1.2% 14
85704 4.4% 53
85705 2.0% 24
85706 0.2% 3
85707 0.1% 1
85710 1.9% 23
85711 0.9% 11
85712 0.8% 10
85713 2.6% 31
85714 0.1% 1
85715 2.3% 28
85716 2.2% 27
85718 15.4% 187
85719 0.9% 11
85730 1.4% 17
85735 2.8% 34
85736 2.1% 25
85737 0.2% 2
85739 0.1% 1
85741 3.0% 36
85742 2.7% 33
85743 2.6% 32
85745 5.9% 72
85746 2.2% 27
85747 1.0% 12
85748 1.3% 16
85749 14.8% 179
85750 13.1% 159
85755 0.1% 1
85756 0.7% 9
85757 1.7% 20
Other 0.3% 4

What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?

Response Percent Response Count
High school or GED 2.7% 33
Trade School/Certification Program 2.6% 31
Some college, no degree 10.3% 125
Associate degree 7.0% 85
Bachelor's degree 30.5% 370
Advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree 41.0% 497
Prefer not to say 5.9% 71
Name not available outside Wards
June 8, 2021, 9:35 PM
  • How would you rate your level of support or opposition to the proposal to increase water rates to Tucson Water customers in unincorporated Pima County?
    • Very Opposed
  • If the rates are increased, how would you prioritize the use of additional revenues by Tucson Water? Place the following items in order of priority:
    1. Describe the significance of this item

      Fund infrastructure rehabilitation and replacement, and improve service levels in unincorporated areas.
    2. Describe the significance of this item

      Pay down utility debt .
  • If you selected "Other" as one of your top 3 priorities please, indicate what you would prioritize with the additional funds.
    No response.
  • Do you have any additional comments?

    This proposal is blatantly unfair. I have no other choice for water and the use of differential rates feels like punishment. The team supporting the rate increase appear to have an elite view of superiority over the unincorporated residents. Additionally, reading some of the comments of the city proponents of this proposal smacks of arrogance and entitlement to “their” water and maybe they will allow “others” to have some but only at a premium cost.

  • Do you (check all that apply)
    • Live in the greater Tucson area
  • What is your age?
    • 65-74
  • With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
    • White or Caucasian
  • How do you describe your gender identity?
    • Male
  • What is your zip or postal code?
    • 85749
  • What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?
    • Advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree
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This will support the Tucson Million Trees goal 

Describe the significance of this item

Describe the significance of this item

Describe the significance of this item

Learn more about the existing green stormwater infrastructure program at

The program provides grants and loans to install water harvesting systems.

Describe the significance of this item

Describe the significance of this item

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