What is the main reason that the 36th & La Cholla site is of interest to you?
I live within 1 mile of the site
Tell us about what you value most about 36th & La Cholla.
The natural ecosystem at the site
The City Council has identified affordable and workforce housing as a key priority. Which statement best reflects your opinion of this priority?
Strongly disagree
What do you believe their priority should be?
Preserving a pristine desert wash corridor that connects to Tucson mountain park. Too much desert is being razed for new developments.
What types of community benefits should accompany any potential development projects in this area? Please select your top 3 responses.
Natural desert open space
Park and play areas
Water harvesting/green infrastructure
What additional comments or questions do you have regarding the 36th and La Cholla site?
The development will only benefit the developers and the landowners. Vote against the development to preserve more desert green spaces and maintain the rural community feel of this area.
What is your age?
With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
White or Caucasian
How do you describe your gender identity?
What is your zip or postal code?
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How long have you lived in Tucson?
What is the main reason that the 36th & La Cholla site is of interest to you?
Tell us about what you value most about 36th & La Cholla.
The City Council has identified affordable and workforce housing as a key priority. Which statement best reflects your opinion of this priority?
What do you believe their priority should be?
Preserving a pristine desert wash corridor that connects to Tucson mountain park. Too much desert is being razed for new developments.
What types of community benefits should accompany any potential development projects in this area? Please select your top 3 responses.
What additional comments or questions do you have regarding the 36th and La Cholla site?
The development will only benefit the developers and the landowners. Vote against the development to preserve more desert green spaces and maintain the rural community feel of this area.
What is your age?
With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
How do you describe your gender identity?
What is your zip or postal code?