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What are your priorities as they relate to development options at 36th and La Cholla?

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77 registered responses

How long have you lived in Tucson?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than a year 1.3% 1
One to five years 9.1% 7
Five to ten years 9.1% 7
Ten to twenty years 11.7% 9
Twenty to thirty years 16.9% 13
Thirty years or longer 51.9% 40

What is the main reason that the 36th & La Cholla site is of interest to you?

Response Percent Response Count
I live within 1 mile of the site 59.7% 46
I work within 1 mile of the site 1.3% 1
I have school aged children that study within 1 mile of the site 1.3% 1
I travel by this site frequently 13.0% 10
Other 24.7% 19

Tell us about what you value most about 36th & La Cholla.

Response Percent Response Count
The natural ecosystem at the site 75.3% 58
Its proximity to my home or neighborhood 7.8% 6
The potential for additional housing opportunities at this site 6.5% 5
Other 10.4% 8

The City Council has identified affordable and workforce housing as a key priority. Which statement best reflects your opinion of this priority?

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 31.2% 24
Somewhat agree 14.3% 11
Neutral 19.5% 15
Somewhat disagree 10.4% 8
Strongly disagree 24.7% 19

What do you believe their priority should be?


What types of community benefits should accompany any potential development projects in this area? Please select your top 3 responses.

Response Percent Response Count
Transit connections & walking/biking improvements 46.8% 36
Natural desert open space 83.1% 64
Park and play areas 33.8% 26
Water harvesting/green infrastructure 58.4% 45
Housing affordable to middle-income families 23.4% 18
Other 18.2% 14

What additional comments or questions do you have regarding the 36th and La Cholla site?


What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
20-24 1.3% 1
25-34 9.2% 7
35-44 19.7% 15
45-54 10.5% 8
55-59 3.9% 3
60-64 10.5% 8
65-74 39.5% 30
75-84 5.3% 4

With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 5.3% 4
Asian or Asian American 1.3% 1
Black or African American 3.9% 3
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin 35.5% 27
White or Caucasian 47.4% 36
Other 9.2% 7
Prefer not to disclose 7.9% 6

How do you describe your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 53.9% 41
Male 40.8% 31
Other 1.3% 1
Prefer not to disclose 3.9% 3

What is your zip or postal code?

Response Percent Response Count
85701 1.3% 1
85713 72.4% 55
85716 1.3% 1
85719 2.6% 2
85742 1.3% 1
85745 18.4% 14
85746 1.3% 1
85756 1.3% 1
Name not available inside Ward 1
April 30, 2021, 5:21 PM
  • How long have you lived in Tucson?
    • Thirty years or longer
  • What is the main reason that the 36th & La Cholla site is of interest to you?
    • I live within 1 mile of the site
  • Tell us about what you value most about 36th & La Cholla.
    • The natural ecosystem at the site
  • The City Council has identified affordable and workforce housing as a key priority. Which statement best reflects your opinion of this priority?
    • Neutral
  • What types of community benefits should accompany any potential development projects in this area? Please select your top 3 responses.
    • Natural desert open space
    • Water harvesting/green infrastructure
    • Other - Keeping the original annex agreement
  • What additional comments or questions do you have regarding the 36th and La Cholla site?

    If the 60 acres at 36th and La Cholla has restrictions removed the following plus more would occur:
    quality of life for property owners in the area will diminish
    negatively impact the wildlife corridor
    destroy millions of homes and inhabitants that currently occupy the acres
    put heavy density next to park open space
    change water recharge area patterns and distributions of water for the eco system in immediate area as well as downstream
    adversely affect the WB Conservation Area and connecting corridors owned by the County
    heat island effect
    incompatible with current characteristics of the neighborhood
    would take away affordable housing opportunities
    increase taxes which can cause gentrification
    traffic safety problems would increase
    We request that the land use restrictions placed on property in 1979 annexation to the city should be honored as residents agreed to and were promised.
    The city cannot continue to rely on growth to sustain its economy due in large part to the coming water shortage crisis and the destruction through growth and drought of the very eco-system that supports its tourist trade.
    This proposed development has no seeable upside for the residents of the area.

  • What is your age?
    • 65-74
  • With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
    • Other - American
  • How do you describe your gender identity?
    • Prefer not to disclose
  • What is your zip or postal code?
    • 85713
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