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Complete the Survey: The City wants your input about potential changes to Reid Park and the Reid Park Zoo

8905 unregistered responses

What is your primary language?

Response Percent Response Count
English 99.5% 8,864
Spanish 0.3% 31
Other 0.1% 10

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept A, please indicate your response.

Concept A No Zoo Expansion (<$1M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 48.6% 4,292
2 – Somewhat oppose 13.6% 1,200
3 – Undecided 7.6% 669
4 – Somewhat favor 10.0% 886
5 – Strongly favor 20.3% 1,791

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept B, please indicate your response.

Concept B West Zoo Expansion into Reid Park (<$1M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 37.7% 3,350
2 – Somewhat oppose 9.6% 853
3 – Undecided 4.4% 395
4 – Somewhat favor 14.9% 1,328
5 – Strongly favor 33.3% 2,964

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept C, please indicate your response.

Concept C West Zoo Expansion and Natural Resources Area in Reid Park ($1.5M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 35.3% 3,140
2 – Somewhat oppose 10.7% 952
3 – Undecided 6.1% 546
4 – Somewhat favor 18.9% 1,681
5 – Strongly favor 28.9% 2,570

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept D, please indicate your response.

Concept D Northwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($3.6M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 28.1% 2,497
2 – Somewhat oppose 15.7% 1,399
3 – Undecided 11.9% 1,057
4 – Somewhat favor 22.7% 2,020
5 – Strongly favor 21.6% 1,922

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept E, please indicate your response.

Concept E Southwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($8M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 44.9% 3,993
2 – Somewhat oppose 22.0% 1,956
3 – Undecided 12.1% 1,075
4 – Somewhat favor 13.5% 1,204
5 – Strongly favor 7.5% 667

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept F, please indicate your response.

Concept F East Zoo Expansion into Reid Park/Dell Urich Golf Course ($15M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 48.3% 4,296
2 – Somewhat oppose 14.3% 1,272
3 – Undecided 9.4% 838
4 – Somewhat favor 13.7% 1,219
5 – Strongly favor 14.3% 1,270

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept G, please indicate your response.

Concept G North Zoo Expansion ($15-25M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 46.4% 4,125
2 – Somewhat oppose 15.2% 1,353
3 – Undecided 10.8% 965
4 – Somewhat favor 15.3% 1,360
5 – Strongly favor 12.3% 1,094

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept H, please indicate your response.

Concept H Relocate Reid Park Zoo (>$100M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 73.9% 6,575
2 – Somewhat oppose 7.1% 628
3 – Undecided 8.3% 741
4 – Somewhat favor 4.9% 437
5 – Strongly favor 5.8% 517

If you have a concept idea not shown here, please share it below. Feasible and functional concepts will be researched by City staff and brought to the Core Stakeholder Group for consideration.


Do you (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Live in the greater Tucson area 45.1% 4,012
Live in the City of Tucson 60.9% 5,420
Work in Tucson 52.3% 4,653
Visit Tucson 13.1% 1,167
Own property in Tucson 50.4% 4,480
Own a business in Tucson 9.5% 842
Rent in Tucson 13.9% 1,233
Go to school in Tucson 11.7% 1,037
Serve on City Council, Board, Commission, or city staff 1.0% 90
Other 4.9% 440

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
15-19 1.7% 151
20-24 4.2% 374
25-34 18.6% 1,652
35-44 22.5% 2,005
45-54 14.8% 1,317
55-59 7.7% 689
60-64 9.0% 800
65-74 16.0% 1,419
75-84 5.0% 446
85 and over 0.5% 42

With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 2.1% 184
Asian or Asian American 2.3% 204
Black or African American 1.6% 141
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin 15.5% 1,380
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.5% 45
White or Caucasian 72.4% 6,442
Other 1.4% 126
Prefer not to disclose 11.1% 990

How do you describe your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 64.2% 5,708
Male 27.5% 2,445
Non-binary 1.1% 95
Genderqueer 0.3% 29
Agender 0.1% 11
Transgender 0.3% 26
Other 0.5% 45
Prefer not to disclose 6.0% 536

What is your zip or postal code?

Response Percent Response Count
85321 0.3% 28
85341 0.1% 13
85601 0.2% 19
85602 0.4% 35
85611 0.9% 77
85614 1.1% 101
85619 0.5% 42
85622 0.2% 22
85629 1.4% 126
85633 0.0% 4
85634 0.1% 6
85637 0.1% 8
85639 0.1% 7
85641 2.6% 227
85645 0.3% 25
85653 1.0% 86
85658 0.7% 60
85701 1.1% 96
85704 2.6% 231
85705 3.4% 305
85706 1.5% 129
85707 0.0% 2
85708 0.3% 25
85709 0.0% 4
85710 6.4% 572
85711 8.3% 735
85712 4.4% 391
85713 3.7% 328
85714 0.5% 44
85715 3.1% 279
85716 9.3% 825
85718 3.8% 342
85719 5.3% 475
85726 0.0% 4
85730 3.8% 340
85735 0.5% 44
85736 0.2% 14
85737 1.4% 124
85739 0.5% 47
85741 2.0% 177
85742 2.0% 181
85743 1.8% 156
85745 4.1% 362
85746 1.6% 138
85747 3.1% 277
85748 2.9% 254
85749 2.3% 203
85750 3.1% 273
85755 1.1% 98
85756 1.6% 141
85757 0.7% 66
Other 3.7% 327

What is your current employment/occupation status? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Employed full time (30-40 hours per week) 50.8% 4,517
Employed part time (less than 30 hours per week) 8.5% 758
Working multiple jobs 2.8% 247
Self-employed 9.0% 797
Unemployed and currently looking for work 1.7% 153
Unemployed and not currently looking for work 1.2% 105
Student 6.2% 551
Retired 21.6% 1,919
Household Manager 5.7% 507
Unable to work 0.9% 77
Prefer not to say 4.4% 395

What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than high school 0.7% 63
High school or GED 5.8% 518
Trade School/Certification Program 3.2% 285
Some college, no degree 14.5% 1,293
Associate degree 8.0% 716
Bachelor's degree 30.9% 2,745
Advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree 32.3% 2,876
Prefer not to say 4.5% 399

Do you rent or own the place you reside?

Response Percent Response Count
Rent 19.4% 1,722
Own 74.3% 6,607
Other 1.0% 87
Prefer not to say 5.4% 479

What is your total household income?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than $10,000 1.1% 100
$10,000 — $14,999 1.3% 118
$15,000 — $24,999 3.2% 289
$25,000 — $34,999 5.7% 508
$35,000 — $49,999 8.6% 766
$50,000 — $74,999 15.3% 1,359
$75,000 — $99,999 13.6% 1,211
$100,000 — $149,999 14.1% 1,255
$150,000 or more 11.5% 1,025
Prefer not to say 25.5% 2,264
Name not available (unclaimed)
April 13, 2021, 11:30 PM
  • What is your primary language?
    • English
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept A, please indicate your response.
    • Concept A No Zoo Expansion (<$1M Additional Cost) - 5 – Strongly favor
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept B, please indicate your response.
    • Concept B West Zoo Expansion into Reid Park (<$1M Additional Cost) - 1 – Strongly oppose
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept C, please indicate your response.
    • Concept C West Zoo Expansion and Natural Resources Area in Reid Park ($1.5M Additional Cost) - 1 – Strongly oppose
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept D, please indicate your response.
    • Concept D Northwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($3.6M Additional Cost) - 1 – Strongly oppose
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept E, please indicate your response.
    • Concept E Southwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($8M Additional Cost) - 3 – Undecided
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept F, please indicate your response.
    • Concept F East Zoo Expansion into Reid Park/Dell Urich Golf Course ($15M Additional Cost) - 3 – Undecided
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept G, please indicate your response.
    • Concept G North Zoo Expansion ($15-25M Additional Cost) - 1 – Strongly oppose
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept H, please indicate your response.
    • Concept H Relocate Reid Park Zoo (>$100M Additional Cost) - 1 – Strongly oppose
  • If you have a concept idea not shown here, please share it below. Feasible and functional concepts will be researched by City staff and brought to the Core Stakeholder Group for consideration.

    The Mayor and Council, City Management need to focus on the basic question. What is the Long range Master Plan for the Greater Randolph/Reid Park complex? This Planning study should ask basic questions first. What is the goal for the components of the R/RP complex? This includes the Public Park Areas, Sports fields, Randolph Golf Course, Reid Park Zoo, Hi Corbett Field, Recreation Buildings, Park Department Offices/Maintenance facilities. The current situation has been created by a Zoo Centric approach. Given the public outcry it is clear the Zoo Expansion plan was developed without adequate public notification. Every Land Use Plan Amendment and Zoning case is posted with a notice that a major change is proposed for the subject site. Yet no such notice has ever been reported at the Barnum Hill site. If it had - the Public - the People who go to Reid Park to walk around the lakes, enjoy the cool canopy of shade trees, the view from Barnum Hill, the sounds of ducks, birds, cascading water, and children enjoying the day - would have reacted well before contracts and funds were expended. No thought was given to the Public areas of the park other than it was Zoo expansion land. One look at the Zoo Master plan shows that minimal if any thought was given to the interface between the Zoo and Public Park areas. Even the Survey options largely focus on the operational functions within the Zoo, not on how the Zoo functions or preserves the integrity of adjoining Public areas within Reid Park. Imagine that the Barnum Hill area is gone. Imagine a wall/chain link fence backdrop for the Cele Peterson Rose Garden. Imagine a walk along the south side of Reid Lake - a narrow defile with a wall on one side to keep people out of the Zoo. Basic questions regarding the R/RP complex need to answered. What's the future of current Public Park areas? Should the Public Park areas and amenities be expanded? What is the future of Randolph Golf Course given climate change/extended drought, ageing golf population, and numerous area course closures. Will we need two golf courses? Should the Zoo be expanded now? What about in the future? The options presented in this survey basically assume continued Zoo expansion. Basically just keep the project going. That direction was never explicitly discussed or approved by Mayor and Council. The Barnum Hill area is the heart of the Public recreation/open space area of Reid Park. The Reid Park Zoo is also an important component of Reid Park. The Mayor and Council need to step back and arrive at a solution that preserves the current balance between these two amenities in Reid Park. It is time for Mayor and Council to take a longer view of the Randolph/Reid Park Recreational complex.

  • If you would like to be contacted about future engagement opportunities on this topic, please provide your email address. This is optional and will not be visible or shared with anyone.
    [email protected]
  • Do you (check all that apply)
    • Live in the City of Tucson
    • Own property in Tucson
  • What is your age?
    • 75-84
  • With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)
    • White or Caucasian
  • How do you describe your gender identity?
    • Male
  • What is your zip or postal code?
    • 85745
  • What is your current employment/occupation status? (select all that apply)
    • Retired
  • What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?
    • Bachelor's degree
  • Do you rent or own the place you reside?
    • Own
  • What is your total household income?
    • Prefer not to say
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