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Complete the Survey: The City wants your input about potential changes to Reid Park and the Reid Park Zoo

15 Registered Responses



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15 registered responses from users within the age group of 30-39

What is your primary language?

Response Percent Response Count
English 100.0% 15

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept A, please indicate your response.

Concept A No Zoo Expansion (<$1M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 46.7% 7
2 – Somewhat oppose 20.0% 3
4 – Somewhat favor 6.7% 1
5 – Strongly favor 26.7% 4

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept B, please indicate your response.

Concept B West Zoo Expansion into Reid Park (<$1M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 40.0% 6
2 – Somewhat oppose 20.0% 3
3 – Undecided 6.7% 1
4 – Somewhat favor 6.7% 1
5 – Strongly favor 26.7% 4

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept C, please indicate your response.

Concept C West Zoo Expansion and Natural Resources Area in Reid Park ($1.5M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 40.0% 6
2 – Somewhat oppose 6.7% 1
3 – Undecided 13.3% 2
5 – Strongly favor 40.0% 6

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept D, please indicate your response.

Concept D Northwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($3.6M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 20.0% 3
2 – Somewhat oppose 20.0% 3
3 – Undecided 6.7% 1
4 – Somewhat favor 33.3% 5
5 – Strongly favor 20.0% 3

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept E, please indicate your response.

Concept E Southwest Zoo Expansion into Reid Park ($8M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 26.7% 4
2 – Somewhat oppose 33.3% 5
3 – Undecided 13.3% 2
4 – Somewhat favor 26.7% 4

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept F, please indicate your response.

Concept F East Zoo Expansion into Reid Park/Dell Urich Golf Course ($15M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 6.7% 1
2 – Somewhat oppose 6.7% 1
3 – Undecided 13.3% 2
4 – Somewhat favor 33.3% 5
5 – Strongly favor 40.0% 6

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept G, please indicate your response.

Concept G North Zoo Expansion ($15-25M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 20.0% 3
2 – Somewhat oppose 20.0% 3
4 – Somewhat favor 26.7% 4
5 – Strongly favor 33.3% 5

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating that you strongly favor Concept H, please indicate your response.

Concept H Relocate Reid Park Zoo (>$100M Additional Cost)
Response Percent Response Count
1 – Strongly oppose 53.3% 8
2 – Somewhat oppose 13.3% 2
3 – Undecided 20.0% 3
4 – Somewhat favor 13.3% 2

If you have a concept idea not shown here, please share it below. Feasible and functional concepts will be researched by City staff and brought to the Core Stakeholder Group for consideration.


Do you (check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Live in the greater Tucson area 40.0% 6
Live in the City of Tucson 66.7% 10
Work in Tucson 80.0% 12
Visit Tucson 13.3% 2
Own property in Tucson 40.0% 6
Own a business in Tucson 6.7% 1
Rent in Tucson 33.3% 5
Go to school in Tucson 20.0% 3
Other 6.7% 1

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
25-34 73.3% 11
35-44 26.7% 4

With which racial and ethnic group do you identify? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
American Indian or Alaska Native 6.7% 1
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin 33.3% 5
White or Caucasian 80.0% 12

How do you describe your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 40.0% 6
Male 53.3% 8
Non-binary 6.7% 1

What is your zip or postal code?

Response Percent Response Count
85629 6.7% 1
85701 6.7% 1
85706 6.7% 1
85710 13.3% 2
85713 6.7% 1
85716 20.0% 3
85730 13.3% 2
85746 6.7% 1
85747 6.7% 1
85750 6.7% 1
Other 6.7% 1

What is your current employment/occupation status? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Employed full time (30-40 hours per week) 66.7% 10
Employed part time (less than 30 hours per week) 20.0% 3
Working multiple jobs 6.7% 1
Self-employed 20.0% 3
Student 13.3% 2
Household Manager 6.7% 1

What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?

Response Percent Response Count
Some college, no degree 13.3% 2
Associate degree 6.7% 1
Bachelor's degree 53.3% 8
Advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree 26.7% 4

Do you rent or own the place you reside?

Response Percent Response Count
Rent 26.7% 4
Own 60.0% 9
Prefer not to say 13.3% 2

What is your total household income?

Response Percent Response Count
$10,000 — $14,999 6.7% 1
$15,000 — $24,999 13.3% 2
$25,000 — $34,999 13.3% 2
$35,000 — $49,999 6.7% 1
$50,000 — $74,999 13.3% 2
$75,000 — $99,999 13.3% 2
$100,000 — $149,999 6.7% 1
$150,000 or more 13.3% 2
Prefer not to say 13.3% 2

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