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(You may be asked to solve a simple puzzle that is easy for humans but difficult for computers)
Town of Gardnerville Customer Survey 2018

Help evaluate the services Gardnerville provides and be entered to win a free year of trash service!

Vacation Home Rentals

Do you think Vacation Home Rental should be allowed in Douglas County?

New Douglas County Website

What do you think about Douglas County's new website?

2019’s “Movies in the Park”

We Want Your Suggestions for 2019’s “Movies in the Park”

Feedback on Douglas County Website

How do you feel about the Douglas County website?

Gardnerville Movie Survey

What movies do you want to see at Gardnerville's Movies in the Park 2018?

Town of Gardnerville Customer Service Survey 2017

Help evaluate the services Gardnerville provides and be entered to win a free year of trash service!

Strategic Plan Draft 2018-2022

How do you feel about the County's draft Strategic Priorities?

Clerk/Treasurer Service Satisfaction

Are you satisfied with the service provided in the Clerk/Treasurer's office?

Douglas County Strategic Plan 2017-2019

What do you think the Douglas County Board of Commissioners should include in the County's Strategic Plan? Take this quick survey and provide feedback.

Manage the County's Checkbook - Quick Version (estimated time 5 min)

Quick Checkbook - Tell us how you would manage your money by allocating $500 amongst the results below.

Manage the County’s Checkbook 2016

Manage the County’s Checkbook 2016

Manage the County’s Checkbook

Manage the County's Checkbook

Manage the County's Checkbook - Extended Version (estimated time 15 min)

Extended Checkbook - Tell us how you would manage your money by allocating $500 amongst the results and sub results below

Water Rates

As a Cave Rock/Uppaway or Skyland water customer, what rate option would you prefer?

2014 $500 Budget Challenge - Quick Version (estimated time 5 minutes)

How would you spend $500 to fund what is most important to you in Douglas County?

2014 $500 Budget Challenge - Extended Version (estimated time 15 mins)

How would you spend $500 to fund what is most important to you in Douglas County?

$500 Budget Challenge - Quick Version (estimated time 5 minutes)

How would you spend $500 to fund what is most important to you in Douglas County?

$500 Budget Challenge - Extended Version (estimated time 15 minutes)

How would you spend $500 to fund what is most important to you in Douglas County?