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Name not shown inside Tempe January 17, 2025, 10:58 AM

Do you live, work or have a connection to this character area? Live
What additional amenities and enhancements would you like to see in this area? Choose all that apply. Enhanced streetscapes [shade, bus shelters, etc.], Addition and improvements of sidewalks, Canalside trails/multi-use paths, Sustainability measures, Heat mitigation
Does this area include the types of places, businesses, and infrastructure people look for when deciding where to live, conduct business, or invest? No
If no, what is missing? It is a very industrial area

Which of the following design elements would you prioritize to enhance project quality in future development to benefit the community overall? (Place the most important principle as the 1st priority and the least important as the last priority) Solar photo-voltaic panels on building or site, Solar shades and building orientation to reduce heat gain, Pedestrian-oriented design principles (ensuring that development is pedestrian friendly), Canal-oriented design principles for pathways, landscaping and structures on canal sides, Variation in color, form, height, and pattern in new buildings, Mobility and connectivity (e.g., forms of transportation and infrastructure) principles, High quality and natural building materials , Plant, shrub and ground cover recommend species list
If you could make just one improvement within Character Area 2, what would that be? Focus on heat mitigation and solar cells.
How do you get around the neighborhood and City. Select all that apply. Personal vehicle, Walking
Communication Media Email, Online surveys
How did you hear about this survey? Select all that apply. Email

Name not shown inside Tempe January 17, 2025, 10:34 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Safe and Secure Communities, Quality of Life, Financial Stability and Vitality, Sustainable Growth and Development, Strong Community Connections
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Crime prevention programs (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) (2), Investment in new or remodeling City infrastructure - roads, bridges, water systems and pipes, parks and city buildings (Financial Stability & Vitality) (1), Landscape maintenance along streets & sidewalks (Quality of Life) (1), Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Police services - calls for service, enforcement, investigating criminal activities (Safe & Secure Communities) (2), Providing for resident safety in neighborhoods (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)

Name not shown inside Tempe January 17, 2025, 8:30 AM

Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these proposed recommendations? Establish an Energy Resource Hub, a one-stop, comprehensive webpage for all home energy related needs and programs. (2), Provide resources to connect residents with programs like utility rebates, electric bill assistance, and home improvement programs by assisting with the application processes, hosting workshops and promoting these opportunities at public events. (2), Support efforts to update the antiquated funding formula for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), also known as the utility bill assistance program. Currently, Arizona ranks as the 6th lowest-funded state. (1), Create an Energy Meter Lending Program for residents to check out energy meters to use at home. By plugging the meter into outlets and connecting devices and appliances, residents can learn how much energy each uses and their associated energy costs. (1), Explore formalizing public-private partnerships with non-profit organizations to collaborate on home improvement programs, leveraging their additional funding resources to enhance and expand home energy improvement programs. (1), Adopt the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) as a requirement for private development, mandating increased shade, trees, and the use of cool materials for building projects. (1), Reevaluate the existing mandatory International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to determine if changes are needed to improve its effectiveness. IECC establishes minimum energy efficiency standards for buildings which helps lower energy costs. (1), Reestablish the city’s municipal energy dashboard to display energy usage in municipal buildings, to promote transparency and accountability in building energy usage. (1)
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these proposed recommendations? Monitor developments in Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) to assess opportunities and feasibility for city involvement. CCA models allow local governments to purchase electricity directly from energy suppliers. CCA programs are not permitted in AZ (1), Advocate to the Arizona Corporation Commission to improve the existing community solar policy to better serve residents. Community solar allows people to benefit from solar energy without installing their own solar panels through centrally located solar. (3), Partner with Solar United Neighbors (SUN), a non-profit that helps people make informed decisions about rooftop solar, to connect residents with their resources and dedicated staff, supporting households of all income levels in accessing solar energy. (2), Simplify rooftop solar permitting to reduce installation costs and expedite the installation process. (3), Develop and implement a community solar project in a Justice40 area. The Justice40 Initiative aims to direct 40% of the overall benefits of federal clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities that are underserved, and overburdened by pollution. (1)
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these proposed recommendations? Continue the Growing Together Tree Steward Program, which pays and trains community members to grow, plant, and maintain trees in Tempe neighborhoods that need them most. Continue funding and supporting these types of tree-planting initiatives. (3), Work with city staff to explore potential adjustments to the Treebate and Cost Match programs to better meet community needs related to cost, maintenance, and tree species. Provide multilingual resources to improve accessibility and participation. (3), Adopt the Rain to Roots Master Plan, which focuses on using nature-based solutions, such as increased tree cover, green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), and plants to help cool the city. GSI uses plants and soil to absorb rainwater into the ground. (2), Advocate for the adoption of an Urban Cooling Performance by City Council to ensure accountability and track progress, specifically in Heat Priority Neighborhoods, in implementing urban cooling initiatives to set clear goals and monitor outcomes. (2)

Name not shown inside Tempe January 17, 2025, 8:22 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Quality of Life
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Art programs (Quality of Life) (1), Crime prevention programs (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Investment in new or remodeling City infrastructure - roads, bridges, water systems and pipes, parks and city buildings (Financial Stability & Vitality) (1), Library services (Quality of Life) (1), Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Police services - calls for service, enforcement, investigating criminal activities (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Recreation programs (Quality of Life) (1), Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Youth diversion and community programs (Safe & Secure Communities) (1)
Why did you spend the money on these services? These are the things I care about most, although all the listed items are important.
Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget? I appreciate the transparency and seeking of input by the city.

Name not shown inside Tempe January 16, 2025, 9:22 PM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Quality of Life, Strong Community Connections, Financial Stability and Vitality, Safe and Secure Communities, Sustainable Growth and Development
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Business services and Economic Development (Financial Stability & Vitality) (1), Counseling services for residents (Strong Community Connections) (1), Homeless services (Quality of Life) (6), Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (2)
Why did you spend the money on these services? A city can only be as happy as the least happy residents.

Name not shown inside Tempe January 16, 2025, 11:35 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Strong Community Connections, Quality of Life, Sustainable Growth and Development, Safe and Secure Communities, Financial Stability and Vitality
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Homeless services (Quality of Life) (1), Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Multi-modal transportation (bus, light-rail, bike paths, streetcar) (Quality of Life) (1), Police services - calls for service, enforcement, investigating criminal activities (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Recycling and diversion programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Removal of Graffiti (Quality of Life) (1), Tempe 311 (one-stop center for residents) (Strong Community Connections) (1), Water conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
Why did you spend the money on these services? We need affordable housing (not $350K per unit but $100K per unit. We need sustainable water feature upgrades in our parks for animals, birds, butterflies and bees to be able to drink in our parks due to our heat. We need safe streets and a police force that actually does something because they don't care about elder scamming/abuse or enforcing park laws, code enforcement laws, etc. What a joke they have become. We need a plan for Danelle Plaza that includes the other side of Kyrene and Southern and across the street for a vacant building the last 3 years! We need more water conservation and that means making an ecosystem for all plants, animals, birds, insects, humans, etc. We are going to live or die depending on your choices.
Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget? This is not Scottsdale and whomever thinks it should be should move there and leave Tempe alone. We do not want more million dollar high rises. We do not want you to harass and write tickets that turn to warrants for our homeless. We want streets that are paved without seeing weeds growing in them. we need more lighting on our streets because it is very dark in some areas and not safe to walk. We need a new police chief because this one is a dud. Get Dave Humble or Johnny John back and make him Chief. We need you to support our Animal Welfare Department because that's the only one that is doing anything to make life more sustainable and doing a damn good job of it. Tempe is the envy of all the other cities in Arizona because of what Kristin has done to organize and create this department, pretty much on her own.

Name not shown inside Tempe January 16, 2025, 10:55 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Quality of Life, Sustainable Growth and Development, Safe and Secure Communities, Financial Stability and Vitality, Strong Community Connections
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Art programs (Quality of Life) (1), City and neighborhood park improvements (Quality of Life) (1), City development and redevelopment efforts (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Investment to improve and expand affordable housing (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Recreation programs (Quality of Life) (1), Recycling and diversion programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Traffic mitigation efforts (Quality of Life) (1), Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Water conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)

Name not shown inside Tempe January 16, 2025, 9:16 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Quality of Life, Sustainable Growth and Development, Financial Stability and Vitality, Safe and Secure Communities, Strong Community Connections
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Homeless services (Quality of Life) (3), Investment to improve and expand affordable housing (Sustainable Growth & Development) (3), Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (3)
Why did you spend the money on these services? The city is only as good as it's most vulnerable residents so my advice is always fix the issues at the bottom to elevate the rest of the community. This includes services to end homelessness and prevent it and to provide affordable housing for all residents. Finally I recommend investing money in roads and other public services.

Daniel Martin inside Tempe January 16, 2025, 8:48 AM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Strong Community Connections, Safe and Secure Communities, Quality of Life, Sustainable Growth and Development, Financial Stability and Vitality
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Art programs (Quality of Life) (1), City and neighborhood park improvements (Quality of Life) (1), City’s website - information, program registration, permit applications (Strong Community Connections) (1), Crime prevention programs (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Homeless services (Quality of Life) (1), Initiatives to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (Quality of Life) (1), Landscape maintenance along streets & sidewalks (Quality of Life) (1), Programs addressing unemployment (Financial Stability & Vitality) (1), Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)

Name not shown inside Tempe January 15, 2025, 11:33 PM

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you. Strong Community Connections, Quality of Life, Financial Stability and Vitality, Sustainable Growth and Development, Safe and Secure Communities
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services? Art programs (Quality of Life) (1), City and neighborhood park improvements (Quality of Life) (1), Counseling services for residents (Strong Community Connections) (1), Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) (1), Homeless services (Quality of Life) (1), Initiatives to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (Quality of Life) (1), Library services (Quality of Life) (1), Multi-modal transportation (bus, light-rail, bike paths, streetcar) (Quality of Life) (1), Water conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1), Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
Why did you spend the money on these services? I understand that in this survey you are limiting our fictional survey options to try to eliminate people simply selecting every option as 'most important', because survey data is more useful without neutral options. But only 10 things from this list of (almost all) vitally important things for our community to thrive? I don't want to choose to fund roads over art programs, employment programs over schools, fire fighting over landscaping, public transportation over sustainable recycling. We deserve all of these things! I guess I'm trying to say, these are all vital parts of a healthy community. Why be made to choose between vital things?

How about we reallocate some of the $27 million that we spend in policing to programs we actually want? I care about having every item on this list except police services. What a colossal misuse of our funds. I haven't seen a reform attempt anywhere in the country that has actually led to more responsibility or less misuse of power by the police. Plus, police reform programs take time and money that would be better spent elsewhere.
Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget? I think the police and fire budgets in the Budget in Brief documents should be separate. I understand you're trying to conserve space on the page, but these are such different services and it's only concealing the amount of money we spend on the police. Transparency would be best there, especially because more people are likely to view the Brief version than the full one.