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Statements are emailed at most once per day (in the morning).
Check out some recent announcements
January 14, 2025, 8:34 AM
As the City of Tempe has grown, the Public Art Collection continues to expand to meet community needs. Examples of current public art projects include art in streetscapes, parks, neighborhoods, and community centers throughout Tempe. A Public Art Plan is crucial to prioritize the creation of artworks within the built environment by providing a set of principles and strategies that can be applied to future programming. Share your vision for the future of Tempe’s Public Art Program by Jan. 31 at
February 28, 2024, 6:15 PM
The Tempe City Council continues to welcome your input on the Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget through an online survey open until March 6, 2024. Through the online survey, "spend $100” by selecting your priorities from a list of city service options. This exercise helps show where Council should consider investing the City’s budget. Access the survey at
October 27, 2023, 3:34 PM
Tempe is considering updates on code regulations that allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). This code sets the rules for building extra living spaces or creating separate rental units on existing properties.
Right now, only a limited number of properties qualify to build an ADU, and we want to hear your thoughts on a possible code update that could expand its use.
Watch a recorded meeting, view project materials and tell us what you think now through October 30 at
September 26, 2023, 8:31 PM
Provide feedback on the proposed bike/ped bridge over the over the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) located near Los Feliz Drive. Watch a recorded meeting, view project materials and tell us what you think now through Sept. 28 at
Give input on the proposed bike/ped improvements along Farmer Avenue, Roosevelt Street, and Kyrene Road linking Downtown Tempe, Clark Park and Kiwanis Park. Watch a recorded meeting, view project materials and tell us what you think now through Oct. 4 at
August 28, 2023, 8:40 PM
There are a few days left to provide input on two important topics:
- View sidewalk concepts and proposed trees and give feedback on the future look of Tempe's historic Mill Avenue.
- Tempe is pursuing a voluntary building code designed to help developers build in a more sustainable manner. Review and provide comments on the draft green building code designed to help combat extreme summer heat and help cool the city.
Visit now through Aug. 31 for more information and to fill out the surveys.
July 21, 2023, 4:22 PM
Park Rangers are coming back to Tempe! These full-time city employees will be the community’s connection to our parks, preserves and green spaces. The city is asking for community input so that the program truly reflects our parks and neighborhoods.
Submit your feedback through an in-person public meeting on Monday, July 24 at 6 p.m. in the Desert Willow Room at the Tempe Public Library (lower level) 3500 S. Rural Road or take an online survey open through July 31 at
June 7, 2023, 2:15 PM
Over the past year, feedback from across the city has been instrumental in creating a draft plan to guide Tempe from 2024 through 2050. This valuable input was collected through formal meetings, community events, surveys, email, phone calls, and online platforms.
As a reminder, the draft general plan is available for your review. Share feedback on the entire draft or on specific elements, such as affordable housing, density, land use, sustainability, transportation, and more. You can view proposed changes to density and land use by character area or through an interactive map.
Insights on what you like, what you don’t like, and other thoughts will contribute to the revision process. Want more information? Visit the project page at, come to an upcoming neighborhood meeting or feel free to reach out to [email protected] or 480-350-8234 to set up a one-on one.
May 9, 2023, 10:47 AM
After multiple rounds of public input, a community-driven draft general plan is now available for your review through May 24. Please review the draft, share your feedback and join us for an online or in-person public meeting on Wednesday, May 17.
Details can be found at
Después de varias rondas de comentarios públicos, un borrador del plan general impulsado por la comunidad está disponible para su revisión hasta el 24 de mayo. Revise el borrador, comparte sus comentarios y únase con nosotros para una junta pública en línea o en persona el miércoles 17 de mayo.
Los detalles se pueden encontrar en
May 5, 2023, 9:16 AM
An online community survey is open through May 22 to learn more about how you experience Tempe's parks and recreation places. Your feedback will directly help us celebrate diversity, explore new opportunities and break down barriers in YOUR parks and recreation spaces. Learn more at or join us for the Making Space Festival on Wednesday, May 10, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Escalante Park and Community Center! This free community event will feature:
- Arts activities
- Music
- Bike tune-ups
- Games
- Drop-in workouts
- Local food
- Tree and plant giveaways
Connect with your community and share your story as part of Making Space: An Equity Study for Parks & Recreation.
March 3, 2023, 4:45 PM
Every year, one of the most important things a city does is plan and pass an annual operating and capital budget. Tempe’s budget covers all services and programs for residents, including recreation and cultural programs, trash and recycling, streets, parks and multi-modal transportation options. What matters most to you? Spend a theoretical $100 on Tempe programs and services – like art projects, special events and street and sidewalk maintenance. The survey is open through March 6.
February 13, 2023, 11:26 AM
You asked for more investment in sustainability and conservation programs. An additional $1 million in funding was dedicated to programs that support the implementation of the city’s Climate Action Plan.
You asked for better roads and sidewalks. The city invested over $76 million dollars over the next several years to road improvements.
Make your voice heard, let us know what matters most to you. Attend a public forum this Wednesday, Feb. 15 virtually at noon or in-person at 6 p.m. at the Tempe History Museum, 809 E. Southern Ave. Also take the survey: spend a theoretical $100 on Tempe programs and services now through March 6. Details at
February 4, 2023, 8:43 AM
Weigh in on topics like affordable housing, bike paths, parks and more as part of the creation of Tempe Tomorrow: General Plan 2050. Survey ends Sunday.
December 2, 2022, 9:41 AM
The north side of Kiwanis Park is ready for a refresh! We want your ideas for what you want to see on the north side of the park (Baseline Road to Kiwanis Lake). Community members can review and provide feedback on proposed concepts for the inclusive playground and concessions and restroom buildings as well as potential designs for a new dog park and other amenities. View an on-demand video and project details at and comment online through Dec. 4.
October 23, 2022, 9:20 AM
Show us what you’d like Tempe to be in 2050. Share your ideas for development, land use, transportation, historic preservation, neighborhoods, art, open space and everything else that makes Tempe unique. Join the public workshop at LEGOLAND Discovery Center on Wednesday, October 26 at 6 p.m. and take the online survey that is open through November 6.
October 18, 2022, 11:53 AM
Public Meetings and Survey
Two public meetings – one virtual and one in-person – will allow community members to learn more about the proposed ordinance that would amend Tempe City Code by creating a requirement for a new tobacco sales license, prohibiting the sale of flavored vape products and defining the minimum age for purchase of tobacco products at age 21. Join us at a meeting to ask questions and submit feedback or comment online through Oct. 30.
The virtual meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 25 at noon. A recording of the virtual meeting will be available online after the event. The in-person meeting will take place the same day, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m. in the Tempe Transportation Center Don Cassano Community Room, 200 E. Fifth St. Free parking is available in the City Hall garage.
August 18, 2022, 2:11 PM
Proposed improvements along Smith Road, between Apache Boulevard and University Drive, will enhance visibility and bicycle and pedestrian safety in the project area, and may include pavement markings and signage for bike lanes, sidewalks, bus shelters, ADA ramps/driveway improvements, landscaping and lighting. Watch a recorded presentation and provide feedback on preliminary designs through Aug. 28.
July 8, 2022, 11:23 AM
Improvements could be coming to the City of Tempe’s Rolling Hills Golf Course, and the city is seeking input from residents and golfers on the proposed plan to ensure the Rolling Hills course reflects what they would like to see. The city has been offering value-driven, community-based golf for more than 50 years, with a goal of providing quality outdoor recreational experiences to the Tempe community and its visitors. Join us at an in-person meeting on Wednesday, July 13 at 6 p.m. at the Tempe History Museum, 809 E. Southern Ave. or take the online survey through July 31 to provide feedback.
May 23, 2022, 8:04 AM
Tempe is developing recommendations for street improvements along Smith Road, between Apache Boulevard and University Drive, that would improve access for pedestrians and bicyclists. This project will link to an existing project planned along Smith Road, between University Drive and Rio Salado Parkway, resulting in a mile of improvements. A pre-recorded project overview video is posted on the website: We want to hear how you use the street and what would make it more walkable and bikeable. Comment online through Tuesday, May 31 at
April 27, 2022, 3:09 PM
View the April 13 meeting recording to learn how the rate study process works and take a moment to share your thoughts. The deadline to comment has been extended to Sunday, May 1.
March 29, 2022, 9:25 AM
The City of Tempe is redeveloping four city-owned parcels along Apache Boulevard to expand affordable housing and is seeking public input. Combined, these concepts could add as many as 500 affordable units in Tempe, including rental and homeownership opportunities. The concepts include parking, open space and commercial space. The comment period is open through April 1.
March 9, 2022, 4:34 PM
The City of Tempe is redeveloping four city-owned parcels along Apache Boulevard to expand affordable housing and is seeking public input. Combined, these concepts could add as many as 500 affordable units in Tempe, including rental and homeownership opportunities. The concepts include parking, open space and commercial space. The comment period is open through April 1.
March 3, 2022, 5:02 PM
Tempe community members are the most important part of the budget planning process. Your feedback helps Tempe City Council decide how to allocate funding for all of Tempe's services and programs, ranging from trash and recycling collection to park projects to recreation offerings to roads and transportation. We need your input! Share your priorities by taking a brief survey that lets you designate funding in the areas most important to you. These survey results will help guide City Council as the budget process continues for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The survey closes on March 7.
February 18, 2022, 1:09 PM
Climate action plans help cities decide how to make and prioritize important investments and take actions to create lasting, positive environmental change. Tempe’s Climate Action Plan was adopted in 2019. We have been working with residents, businesses and stakeholders on an update. Preview the draft Climate Action Plan Update now and share your input by answering a few short questions.
February 4, 2022, 12:50 PM
Provide input on several projects that are paving the way for a more sustainable Tempe transportation network. Visit to give feedback on Tranportation Demand Management (TDM) and Mobility Hub plans by Feb. 8, Adaptive Streets by Feb. 13 and new transit shelter designs by Feb. 27.
November 16, 2021, 10:24 AM
Have some thoughts regarding the new bike lane design on Scottsdale Road for the stretch north of Curry Road to our northern boundary at Continental Drive? Click on the survey and provide us your feedback. Comments close November 17 at midnight.
September 9, 2021, 4:22 PM
The 2021 Solid Waste Rate Study is nearing completion and the recommendations of the Study are available for review. Coinciding with the Study, the City is recommending revisions to Tempe City Code Chapter 28 – Solid Waste. Tempe residents and businesses are invited to participate in this process by providing feedback on the proposed recommendations of the Study and revisions to Chapter 28.
To get involved:
• Visit the Utility Rate Study website.
• Complete the public comment survey through September 12, 2021.
August 17, 2021, 5:20 PM
The 2021 Solid Waste Rate Study is nearing completion and the recommendations of the Study are available for review. Coinciding with the Study, the City is recommending revisions to Tempe City Code Chapter 28 – Solid Waste. Tempe residents and businesses are invited to participate in this process by providing feedback on the proposed recommendations of the Study and revisions to Chapter 28.
To get involved:
• Visit the Utility Rate Study website.
• Attend the virtual public meeting Friday, August 20, 2021, at noon.
• Complete the public comment survey through September 12, 2021.
August 13, 2021, 10:33 AM
Tempe is updating its Streetscape and Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP) Manual, focusing on what type of neighborhood approval process should be required to install different traffic mitigation devices.
❓ How many signatures should be necessary to initiate a traffic calming study?
❓ How many neighbors should have to agree to installing a device, like speed humps?
❓ What happens if someone doesn't respond?
These are all questions we are asking on our STEP survey. Answer all the questions, or just the ones that matter the most to you.
June 30, 2021, 3:26 PM
Give us your feedback regarding the bicycle and pedestrian improvements to Country Club Way south of the US 60 to Warner Rd. To view recordings of past meetings or public input received to date please visit Survey closes July 7.
April 19, 2021, 3:41 PM
The 2021 Solid Waste Rate Study is underway. All residents are invited to participate in this process by providing input on solid waste services and rates. Be sure to complete the first public comment survey online through May 8, 2021.
Attend a webinar and share your feedback:
Tuesday, April 20
April 8, 2021, 8:26 AM
Tell us what you think about Tempe’s Climate Action Plan update and the new City Council Sustainable and Livable Communities Committee. Then, help us develop sustainable solutions for the city’s transportation network by telling us about your travelling habits. All three surveys available at
March 16, 2021, 2:41 PM
Because of the economic impact due to COVID 19 and declining tax revenue, Tempe is proposing a second round of transit service cuts to address a $9.5 million deficit. Please tell us how these proposed service changes would affect your travel habits. Several service reductions were approved for implementation in spring, 2021.
This survey is related to a second round of potential service changes for October, 2021.
March 9, 2021, 10:51 AM
After close to two years of data collection, research and public input, the Parks & Recreation Master Plan is now in draft form. Here's how to provide feedback and take part.
Virtual public meeting on Tuesday, March 16 from 6-7 p.m. Via Webex. Event number: 146 516 0160 Event password: parks
Online survey now through March 31 at
The master plan is formatted as an interactive story map, easily guiding you through all the plan elements. The Parks & Recreation Master Plan will create city standards for park amenities, sports fields, equipment and recreation programming. The plan will be used as a blueprint for future park projects and program offerings. Visit the parks webpage for more information on all city parks.
March 4, 2021, 11:24 AM
Check out the proposed bike and ped improvements for Country Club Way at then share your feedback. Your input is important to our process! Survey closes Sunday, March 7.
February 16, 2021, 8:13 AM
Tempe community members always have an open invitation to provide their thoughts on the city budget – and especially during the spring preparation period each year for the next fiscal year’s budget. The city’s fiscal year 2021-22 budget begins on July 1, 2021. Please contribute your thoughts about how the city should be maintaining and investing in our community. Here are the first opportunities for you to get involved:
- Take a survey: Visit and participate in this annual exercise in which each resident is given a theoretical $100 to allocate to their particular community priorities. This helps the Tempe City Council understand the top priorities of residents. The survey is open through March 5.
- Attend the virtual budget forum: At 6 p.m. on Feb. 24, city staff will provide an overview of the budget and priorities for fiscal year 2021-22. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments. Participate or watch at
February 11, 2021, 12:58 PM
The City of Tempe is in the process of updating our 2019 Climate Action Plan (CAP) and we are looking for community input to guide the process. We invite you to submit your input through Feb. 28 to co-create climate actions that benefit all members of our community.
February 9, 2021, 8:29 AM
Your feedback from the previous alternatives presented has been used to develop a preferred design for the Clark Park and Aquatic Center Improvements. Share your thoughts on the concept for the park master plan and aquatic design through Feb. 23.
Planned park improvements at Clark Park include:
- community swimming pool
- playground
- ramada
- restroom
- baseball infield material
- basketball court lighting
- additional trees and landscaping
December 11, 2020, 1:07 PM
The passage of marijuana initiative Prop 207 was the first step in creating new rules, licensing procedures and land use regulations regarding marijuana. Residents are invited to take a survey regarding the aspects of the ordinance that Tempe can regulate. The survey will run through Dec. 21. Visit to get additional information and to respond.
November 13, 2020, 12:20 PM
Thank you for an amazing response to the first round of community outreach. Your feedback is the basis for preliminary design concepts for Clark Park and the Aquatic Center.
Planned park improvements at Clark Park include:
- community swimming pool
- playground
- ramada
- restroom
- baseball infield material
- basketball court lighting
- additional trees and landscaping
Share your thoughts on the proposed concepts through Nov. 19.
October 8, 2020, 5:32 PM
Clark Park
Help us shape the future of the park by providing feedback by Oct. 11 on proposed improvements including a community swimming pool, playground, ramada, restroom, baseball infield, basketball court lighting, additional trees and landscaping. Your input will help steer the plan in a direction that reflects the community.
Tempe Community Complex.
Provide input by Oct. 21 on a master plan that will guide improvements and new developments at the Tempe Community Complex for the next 30 years. The complex is home to Tempe Public Library, Tempe History Museum, Edna Vihel Arts Center and Pyle Recreation Center, making it a hub of activity in the center of the city. The plan will provide recommendations on use of space, pedestrian connectivity, complex visibility, and environmental improvements. It will also evaluate the needs of the complex, including an expansion of space for the Human Services Department.
September 28, 2020, 10:08 AM
The City of Tempe is looking for your feedback on five surveys. Topics range from the cost of your water to a Golf Loyalty Program and the implementation of the Rio Salado Master Plan at Tempe Town Lake. There’s also a survey about COVID-19 related transit service reductions and another about bicycle path and pedestrian walkway improvements.
Take all these surveys now at
Rio Salado and Beach Park Master Plan Implementation – deadline Oct. 1 Country Club Way Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Survey – deadline Oct. 7 Golf Tempe Loyalty Program – deadline Oct. 11 Water/Wastewater Rate Study Survey – deadline Oct. 14 Transit Changes Survey – deadline Oct. 25
September 3, 2020, 9:41 AM
Would an aerial experience appeal to you? Or maybe you’re more of an aquatics-lover. The responses are in for the Rio Salado and Beach Park Master Plan Request for Information (RFI), which solicited ideas from the business community to activate the area surrounding Tempe Town Lake. The community is invited to provide input on the four idea categories that emerged from the RFI:
- Water
- Land
- Aerial
- Support amenities
Comment at through Oct. 1, 2020.
July 30, 2020, 3:25 PM
In anticipation of lower sales tax and gasoline tax revenues due to the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic during the 2020-21 fiscal year, which started July 1, the City of Tempe has outlined reductions in the Performing Arts and Highway User Revenue (HURF) funds.
Community members can view the proposed cuts and provide feedback through Aug. 4 at
The Performing Arts Fund includes programs and services of the Tempe Center for the Arts. Starting in January 2021, the fund will also include the operations of the Tempe History Museum and other Arts and Culture Division programs and services. The new Arts & Cultural Tax takes effect in January 2021 and replaces the expiring Performing Arts Tax. Proposed cuts in the fund equal 14% of its budget, or $953,166.
The HURF Fund includes maintenance of streets and sidewalks, pavement marking and striping, traffic signals, street lighting and street signs. Proposed cuts in the fund equal 12% of its budget, or $1.36 million.
July 27, 2020, 10:33 AM
Over the last year, Tempe has hosted public meetings to receive input and worked with a steering committee of community stakeholders, industry professionals, riders, and residents to develop new transit shelter design. Please review the information and presentation at The link to provide your input on the Forum is posted on the project webpage as well.
July 22, 2020, 1:09 PM
Let us know what you think about the alternatives being proposed for pedestrian and bicycle improvements along Priest Drive from Ray Road on the south to Grove Parkway on the north. Take the survey at
This preliminary design project seeks to solicit public recommendations and proposals for improving the corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists. The project seeks to provide continuous bicycle facilities and sidewalk along Priest Drive connecting to the major commercial/employment destinations, parks, schools, and surrounding bicycle facilities such as the newly opened Highline Canal Multi-use Path.
The project was awarded a regional design assistance grant to create 15% conceptual plans and a preliminary design report. There is no final design or construction funding identified for this project.
July 21, 2020, 4:41 PM
Progress continues on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which creates standards for park amenities, sports fields, equipment and recreation programming. Now, your input is needed to make sure we’re on the right track. Please take a moment to complete a survey at
The survey focuses on three key components of the plan:
- Recreation Program Assessments: Recommendations that provide program and service delivery strategies.
- Recreation Level of Service (LOS): Determines amenities and facilities needed to keep up with changes in population.
- Parks Classification System: Organizes parks to help guide activities, use and maintenance.
The survey will be open through Aug. 2. Survey results will be used to help finalize the draft master plan, which will go before City Council for adoption this fall or winter.
June 18, 2020, 3:27 PM
The City of Tempe launched two COVID-19 related surveys: one to determine how COVID-19 has affected the lives of residents and their families who have had the illness and another regarding the socio-economic effects the virus has had on the community. Results from the first survey will help the City of Tempe gain an understanding of what those who have experienced COVID-19 most need in order to find ways to best help. Results from the second survey will be used to formulate topics for virtual Tempe Listens sessions in the weeks to come. Tempe Listens is an ongoing series of candid, open dialogues about issues important to the community. In the upcoming sessions, we will explore how this historic pandemic affected our entire community. Both surveys, in English and in Spanish, may be found at
June 15, 2020, 3:43 PM
Due to the economic impact of COVID-19, including lower sales tax and bed tax revenues, the city will need to make adjustments to several aspects of the 2020-21 budget and the City Council discussions about those will begin at its June 25 Regular Meeting.
Specific reductions from every city department have been identified totaling nearly $14 million. In advance of the June 25 meeting, Tempe is asking for resident and employee input about those reductions. You can provide input at now through June 18. You are also invited to attend (virtually) or submit comments to Councilmembers for the June 25 budget discussion.
June 3, 2020, 1:21 PM
The city is taking a phased approach to reopening to ensure the health and safety of residents and patrons. Several amenities are now open, with many more scheduled to reopen on June 15. Your input will help us continue to shape the reopening plans in a way that keeps people healthy while also meeting the needs of the community. Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about the city’s reopening effort: The survey closes at midnight on June 9. For up-to-date information, visit
January 31, 2020, 8:30 AM
Tell us your priorities for the 2020-2021 fiscal year budget at or join us at public forums to learn more about projections for the city’s operating and capital budgets, and to share your priorities in person.
Public forums will be held:
- Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 6 p.m., at Kiwanis Recreation Center, 6111 S. All-America Way
- Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 6 p.m., at Tempe Public Library, 3500 S. Rural Road
- Saturday, Feb. 22, at 10 a.m., at North Tempe Multi-Generational Center, 1555 N. Bridalwreath St.
January 24, 2020, 4:27 PM
Tempe is in the process of designing new transit shelters that focus on shade and other important elements that make waiting for the bus more comfortable and pleasant. Check out the concepts and tell us what you think! The full presentation is under the "Documents" section of the link. The survey will be open until Feb. 8. Share with your friends and neighbors!
January 17, 2020, 11:55 AM
Many of you took the Parks and Recreation Master Plan survey last summer, providing valuable feedback that we’ve been analyzing over the past few months. Now, we need your input again as we refine the information gathered and develop the draft master plan. Please complete an online survey by Jan. 26 to share your thoughts on the progress so far and provide feedback on some new topics, like urban parks.
December 11, 2019, 9:34 AM
Aligned with the city’s Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities and reduce serious injury crashes, Tempe is looking to institute a “safe systems” approach when it comes to setting speed limits. Please view materials on the topic and share your feedback at through Dec. 28.
You are also invited to attend a public meeting this Saturday, December 14 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Tempe Public Library – Meeting Room A, 3500 S. Rural Road.
December 4, 2019, 3:58 PM
Tempe is seeking input on a draft Development Bonus Program as part of the city’s Urban Core Master Plan process. A development bonus would provide the opportunity to add housing units or commercial office space in exchange for providing community benefits, such as affordable/workforce housing, sustainability elements, public improvements or amenities, and/or preservation of historic resources. Provide your input through Dec. 17 at
October 29, 2019, 3:06 PM
Over the next two years, approximately 17 older Orbit buses will require replacement.
The City of Tempe is hosting two open houses to give the public an opportunity to board and compare the existing buses and provide input regarding priorities for the evaluation process for upcoming Orbit bus purchases. This feedback will be provided to the selection panel reviewing the Orbit bus purchase Request for Proposals.
Take a few minutes to take the Orbit Replacement Fleet Survey. Deadline to comment is Nov. 14, 2019.
October 10, 2019, 9:52 AM
Help Tempe design new transit shelters!
Tempe is working with a consultant team, guided by a Steering Committee, to develop new shelter designs that encourage increased ridership by improving the waiting environment and provide a new iconic Tempe identity for the transit system.
Currently, there are 806 transit stops in Tempe; 38% have shelters. Tempe is committed to working with all stakeholders to develop a new shelter that is sustainable, comfortable, and adapts to a variety of locations.
We would like your comments on what features are most important to you.
September 30, 2019, 4:30 PM
The City Council will be considering a solid waste rate adjustment that, if approved, would begin in January 2020. We would like your input in determining what programs and services are the most important to you as we work towards making additional operational improvements and efficiencies. This also relates to the rates you pay for solid waste services and the days your trash and recycling are collected.
Join us for one of two public meetings on Thursday, October 3 or Saturday, October 5 to share your feedback. You are also invited to visit to view the proposed changes and take the survey through Oct. 7 at
September 12, 2019, 9:22 AM
To align with recent changes to Arizona law, the City of Tempe’s Protecting Neighborhoods from the Consequences of Short-Term Rentals Working Group is proposing an ordinance to require contact information from short-term rental owners. Residents can learn more at a public meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 16, at the Pyle Recreation Center, 655 E. Southern Ave, as well as voice their opinions through an online survey at
July 23, 2019, 1:44 PM
There's still a week left to give us your feedback on the Kiwanis Park Management Plan, which will provide guidelines for future programming, amenities and operational needs of the park and recreation center. Your input will help ensure the plan reflects the needs and desires of community. Take the survey through July 31 here:
June 20, 2019, 8:13 AM
Summer is here and water use around Arizona goes up. Tempe offers several water conservation programs that make it easy to conserve water and save money at the same time. Give us your feedback on ways you help cut down your water bill and save our natural resources at
For more information on water conservation programs, please visit
June 7, 2019, 12:01 PM
Our community is trying to find a way to keep our feline friends healthy and help our dog pals use their indoor voices. You can give your opinions on both a proposed barking dog ordinance change and a proposed pilot program that would work directly with neighborhoods on feral cat issues including Trap-Neuter-Return services, education about cat colony management and resources available to neighborhoods on Tempe Forum,
May 30, 2019, 3:49 PM
Participate online by clicking here.
The Urban Core Master Plan is designed to guide the future development in the Urban Core area, and the updated Transportation Overlay District will help promote transit ridership and shape development around the light rail and streetcar routes. The draft plans were developed based on review of existing planning documents and assessment of relevant data, along with extensive public input gathered over the last 15 months. As part of the ongoing outreach, public meetings were held in May and and online comment is open through June 2. The Urban Core is more than downtown Tempe; it reaches from Loop 202 to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, and from Hardy Drive to Loop 101.
April 29, 2019, 4:45 PM
As a part of the ongoing public outreach process for the Urban Core Master Plan (UCMP) and updated Transportation Overlay District (TOD), Tempe is hosting the last round of public meetings to seek input on the draft plans. Community members are invited to review and provide feedback on the UCMP and TOD draft documents:
- Saturday, May 18 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Tempe Transportation Center, 200 E. 5th St.
- Monday, May 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tempe Transportation Center, 200 E. 5th St.
- Monday, May 20 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Escalante Community Center, 2150 E. Orange St.
The same material will be presented at all three meetings. People can also review the documents and comment online through June 2 at
April 2, 2019, 4:32 PM
In February of 2018 the City Council formally committed to adopting VISION ZERO as a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for everyone that uses Tempe streets. Please share your thoughts to help us refine the plan. Read the plan at link below and then click on the link to the Forum to let us know your thoughts.
March 1, 2019, 1:20 PM
Provide input on draft plans for guiding the future of the city’s affordable housing efforts by joining us from 8 to 9:30 a.m. or 6 to 7:30 p.m. on March 7 at the Tempe History Museum, 809 E. Southern Ave. The same material will be presented at both meetings and food and childcare will be available.
The meetings will cover two different affordable housing initiatives. Each has a unique survey.
Draft Affordable Housing Strategy: Through a comprehensive public planning process, Tempe has been working over the past year to develop an Affordable Housing Strategy, a holistic citywide approach to promote affordable and diverse housing options and price points.
Impediments to Fair Housing: Share the barriers you face in finding affordable housing as well as learn about forms of housing discrimination and what the city can do to help out.
Visit for more information or to comment online on both projects through March 31, 2019.
February 5, 2019, 11:48 AM
Join us to provide input on community priorities for the city’s fiscal year 2019/2020 budgets.
Budget Forum, 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 20, at Tempe History Museum, 809 E. Southern Avenue.
As the city develops its budgets, resident feedback is needed on various community related priorities. This is an opportunity for you to provide input on city programs and services and to learn about the budget process. Each year, residents tell us they value this chance to offer their feedback on those interests and priorities that were most important to them. If you can't join us at the forum, comment online through March 31, 2019.
February 1, 2019, 11:50 AM
Tempe hosting public meeting on Tempe Town Lake sand volleyball courts
The public is invited to provide input on proposed improvements to the volleyball courts on the north side of Tempe Town Lake. Topics will include proposed enhancements and expansion of the courts.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Where: Tempe Public Library, Meeting Room A, 3500 S. Rural Road
If you can’t make the meeting, comment online through Feb. 12. Comments provided at the meeting and online will be incorporated into a final recommendation to bring to the full City Council for consideration at a later date.
January 15, 2019, 9:12 AM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group is currently collecting feedback about a proposed amendment to the Zoning and Development Code that would make it easier to add a small dwelling unit to qualifying properties in order to preserve the character of Tempe’s older neighborhoods and to provide people with more housing options. Learn more about the proposed changes and comment online through Jan. 27, 2019 on Tempe Forum.
October 30, 2018, 12:22 PM
Tempe’s Climate Action Plan will provide goals and strategies to lower our community’s greenhouse gas emissions and respond to the threat of extreme heat. Provide input online to help us understand how you envision the future of transportation in our city. How people move around Tempe (car, bus, or bike) can have very different impacts on the city’s greenhouse gas emissions.
October 23, 2018, 11:56 AM
The City of Tempe is beginning the annual process of developing its operating and capital budgets for the 2019-20 fiscal year. There are two separate aspects of the budget: operating budgets like the General Fund, Transit Fund, Golf Fund and others that pay for day-to-day operations; and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP), which uses secondary property taxes to repay bonds that fund repair and construction projects. Each year, the City Council sets both of these budgets. Tell us how you would spend the funds. The information gathered is shared with the City Council during the budget process in the spring.
October 5, 2018, 10:29 AM
Want to see more music in city parks? At local restaurants? At Tempe Town Lake? Only on Mill Avenue? The Music on Mill Working Group will host a public meeting to get your feedback on Monday, Oct. 15 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Tempe City Council Chambers, 31 E. Fifth St. The Music on Mill Working Group includes Mayor Mark Mitchell and Councilmembers Joel Navarro and Randy Keating. At this meeting, residents and workforce members will be asked to share where they'd like to see live music in Tempe, to identify the obstacles to encouraging a more robust music ecosystem and to find the best places for live music to happen.
If you can't attend the meeting, you may take an online survey at Input will be shared at an upcoming Tempe City Council meeting.
September 20, 2018, 10:01 AM
Tempe wants community members to continue helping to shape the city’s urban core – the area that includes Town Lake, Rio Salado, Downtown, ASU and Apache Boulevard. The city has been looking at the area to create a comprehensive and unified development blueprint that’s sustainable and cohesive and includes forward-looking ideas about transportation, housing and more. Community members are invited to comment online through October 4 on Tempe Forum.
August 24, 2018, 10:28 AM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group is currently collecting feedback on a proposed Right-of-Way license that would regulate commercially-rented, shared active transportation vehicles use of City operated and publicly accessible Rights-of-Ways. Join us at a public meeting on Sept. 4 at 6 p.m. at the Tempe Transportation Center, 200 E. 5th St. or comment on Tempe Forum through Sept. 6.
May 9, 2018, 3:44 PM
You are invited to provide input on the conceptual draft plan for the Rio Salado and Beach Park Masterplan, a comprehensive planning effort to develop improvement recommendations that will shape the area over the next 20 to 30 years.
The Rio Salado and Beach Park area includes both sides of Tempe Town Lake between Priest Drive and McClintock Drive. The masterplan will focus on programming, infrastructure, access, use of space and land/water activities to provide a blueprint for the future of the area. Comment online through May 23 at
April 30, 2018, 3:12 PM
McClintock Pool re-opened to the public last summer and will soon offer even more ways to cool down with the addition of a splash play area in summer 2019. Provide input through May 10 on specific water features you’d like to play in. The splash play area will be located on the northeast part of the pool complex, formerly the “kiddie” pool.
McClintock Pool will be open for the summer season starting May 26 from 6 – 9 pm. Summer hours: Morning Lap Swim – Monday – Thursday: 6 – 9 a.m. Evening Swim – Saturday – Thursday: 6 – 9 p.m. Pool closed on Friday
March 15, 2018, 9:07 AM
The comment period for the Rio Salado and Beach Park Masterplan has been extended to Sunday, March 25. Help us shape the future of this important area in Tempe. The master plan will provide a roadmap for future use of space, programming, infrastructure, access, management of the park and land/water activities. Read about the project and provide comments online at
February 27, 2018, 3:20 PM
The City of Tempe is looking at the city’s Urban Core – the area focused around Town Lake, Rio Salado, Downtown, ASU, Apache Boulevard, Smith industrial area and several neighborhoods – to create a comprehensive and unified development blueprint for Downtown Tempe and the Urban Core that is sustainable and cohesive.
The Urban Core Masterplan will be founded on existing plans and on-going planning efforts to define how future development and preservation should occur in this geographic area. The project will focus on developing a transit-oriented community where historic preservation and new development work hand in hand to enhance Tempe’s quality of life as well as developing an affordable housing strategy for Tempe.
At the same time, Tempe is beginning initial public input for the Rio Salado and Beach Park Masterplan, which is underway as a separate planning project located within the urban core area.
Provide comments on both projects through March 14, 2018 at
Si a usted le gustaria la información en Español, por favor comuniquese con la ciudad de Tempe a 480-350-4311
February 15, 2018, 4:35 PM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group is currently collecting feedback on a proposed ordinance that would mitigate public nuisances related to feeding pigeons that result in frequent defecation on public and private property. It is based on the excessive dog barking ordinance that requires three separate households to file a complaint.
Visit Tempe Forum through Feb. 21 to provide comments.
January 8, 2018, 5:48 PM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group on the Municipal Renewable Energy Target is currently collecting feedback about adopting renewable energy targets of having 100% of its municipal energy come from renewable sources by 2035 and of having city operations pursue a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Provide your input on the city’s energy policy by answering the questions on Tempe Forum or joining us at a public meeting, Wednesday, January 17 at 6 pm at the Pyle Center, 655 E. Southern.
November 1, 2017, 10:07 AM
October 6, 2017, 8:51 AM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group is currently collecting feedback on a proposed ordinance that would regulate the tethering (or tying out) of dogs on private property. The intent of the ordinance is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens and dogs who live in Tempe.
The proposed ordinance regulates required level of supervision for tying out dogs as well as accepted types of tie-outs, weather restrictions, and shelter requirements.
This proposed ordinance will be brought before the City Council Committee of the Whole for direction on whether to move forward with a vote in a regular Council meeting. Expected date for the Committee of the Whole is November 2, 2017. To keep up to date on this topic, please visit for upcoming Council meeting agendas, times and location.
October 3, 2017, 5:16 PM
A Tempe City Manager’s working group is currently collecting feedback about a proposed Charter amendment to the Tempe City Charter that would allow the City of Tempe to require the disclosure of major contributions from original or intermediary sources used to influence city elections. The accompanying regulations would be adopted by the City Council by ordinance at the same time the Charter amendment is referred to the ballot and would go into effect if the Charter amendment was approved by the voters and signed by the Governor. The accompanying ordinance establishes additional disclosure requirements and if referred to the ballot and passed by voters would be known as the “Sunshine Ordinance.”
A meeting will take place Monday, October 16, 2017 at 6 pm at the Pyle Center, Multi-Purpose Room, 655 E. Southern. Background information will be presented and residents will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments. The comments provided at the meeting and on the Tempe Forum will be presented to the City Council at the October 19, 2017, 4 pm Work Study Session at the Harry E. Mitchell Government Center located at 31 E. 5th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281. Action could be given to move the charter amendment and ordinance forward at that time. The proposed charter amendment could be voted on in the March, 2018 election. If the charter amendment is approved and signed by the Governor, the attendant ordinance would require disclosures for the following city elections held in 2020.
This information is solely for the purposes of providing information on the proposal and obtaining community feedback. The City of Tempe does not support or oppose the proposed Charter amendment or Ordinance. Opportunities for input and meeting shall not be construed as an attempt to influence the outcome of an election under Arizona law or otherwise.
September 5, 2017, 10:50 AM
A Tempe City Council working group is currently collecting feedback about a proposed amendment to the Zoning and Development Code that would allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) to be built on Multi-Family zoned properties with an existing single-family use. An ADU may be a supplemental rental, multigenerational house, a tiny house design, or a downsizing option (live in the smaller home, rent out the main residence). This is one strategy being explored to help address and mitigate the concerns of development pressure on these types of properties, provide an alternate housing style and address affordable housing needs. Get more information and provide your input on this topic through September 12 at
August 2, 2017, 1:44 PM
The City of Tempe is seeking input on a proposed Amendment to the Tempe City Charter that could ask voters to make Papago Park a preserve.
July 26, 2017, 9:59 AM
The City Council is considering holding Tempe's March 13 and May 15, 2018, elections as Vote by Mail elections. Voting by mail is increasingly popular among Tempe voters. In the March 2016 City election, nearly 94 percent of voters cast an early ballot.
The City is hosting public forums to get your feedback on this proposal on Saturday, August 12 from 9:30 – 10:30 am and Tuesday, August 15 from 6 -7 pm at the Tempe Public Library, 3500 S. Rural Road. The same material will be presented at both meetings and residents will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments.
Not able to attend either of the forums? Please consider leaving feedback on Tempe Forum.
March 6, 2017, 2:22 PM
Comment on Tempe Forum through March 14, 2017 or attend the community open house scheduled for March 13, 2017 from 4 – 6 p.m. at the Kiwanis Park playground ramada at 5233 S. Ash Avenue (North soccer field/playground just west of Mill Ave.) to provide input on the proposed splash playground features for the future Kiwanis Splash Playground. The new playground will become Tempe’s only large water park amenity. Other, smaller splash pads are located throughout Tempe. Admission to any splash playground and splash pad in Tempe is free.
For more information, please visit or call 480-350-4311.
January 6, 2017, 12:44 PM
The City of Tempe is seeking input into proposed changes to ordinances for the recreational use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones. Let us know in which city parks should drone take-offs and landings be allowed. You are also invited to attend a community meeting to discuss current and proposed drone regulations by the FAA, State, and the City of Tempe on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 6 pm at the Business Resource and Innovation Center at the Tempe Public Library, 3500 S. Rural Rd.
For questions, contact Parrish Spisz at [email protected] or 480-350-8816
October 25, 2016, 10:49 AM
The City of Tempe is beginning the annual process of developing its operating and capital budgets for the 2017-18 fiscal year. The Mayor and City Council would like public input on the status of daily operations, city assets and infrastructure, such as streets, community centers, pools, lighting, parks and more. Where do you think the city should focus its limited funds to provide the greatest benefit to the community?
Please visit the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Operating and Capital Budget Planning page at for reference. The city is also holding a public forum to solicit community input during the planning process on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 at 6pm, in the community room of the Tempe History Museum, located at 809 E. Southern Ave.
June 9, 2016, 12:52 PM
Please let the City Council and the working group know what you think about this proposed ordinance.
January 4, 2016, 11:44 AM
The City of Tempe is beginning the annual process of developing its operating and capital budgets for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The Mayor and City Council would like public input on the status of daily operations, city assets and infrastructure such as streets, community centers, pools, lighting, parks and more. Where do you think the city should focus its limited funds to provide the greatest benefit to the community?
Please visit the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operating and Capital Budget Planning page at for reference. The city is also holding a public forum to solicit community input during the planning process on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 6pm, in the community room of the Tempe History Museum, located at 809 E. Southern Ave.
October 6, 2015, 11:16 AM
We want your feedback! The City of Tempe is currently collecting input into a proposed amendment to the Tempe City Charter for the March 8, 2015 Special Election. Please provide your comments on the proposed Charter amendment.
August 18, 2015, 12:30 PM
Please provide comments on the topic of publicly financed city elections.
February 19, 2015, 6:12 PM
The City of Tempe is beginning the annual process of developing its operating and capital budgets for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The Mayor and City Council would like public input on the status of daily operations, city assets and infrastructure, such as streets, community centers, pools, lighting, parks and more. Where do you think the city should focus its limited funds to provide the greatest benefit to the community.
Please visit the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operating and Capital Budget Planning page at for reference.
The city is also holding a public forum to solicit community input during the planning process for the city’s fiscal year 2015-16 budgets. Residents are encouraged to attend:
Wednesday, Feb. 25, from 6-8 p.m., in the community room of the Tempe History Museum, located at 809 E. Southern Ave. (Southern Avenue near Rural Road, next to the Tempe Public Library)
February 17, 2015, 2:02 PM
Please join us to provide input into the formulation of the Tempe Arts Plan.
May 13, 2014, 2:14 PM
The City of Tempe is seeking input into proposed changes to its current regulations for the operation of food trucks on public property and public streets. The changes would allow for the expansion of food truck operations while maintaining public safety. There aren’t any changes proposed to existing regulations relating to food truck operations for private property and special events. Visit the Food Trucks topic to comment on where you’d like to see food trucks in the community.
April 29, 2014, 1:27 PM
The City of Tempe is hosting a community conversation about its solid waste services, featuring recent modifications to the green waste and bulk trash collection service. We want to hear from residents about how the City’s new green waste and bulk trash collection program is working. Comment online by clicking Read More, below.
Or, join us on Monday, May 5 at 6 p.m. at the Tempe History Museum, 809 E. Southern Ave. Discussion will include: working with the modified collection schedule, the green organics to compost element of the program, and illegal dumping/misuse of the service. For more information, visit or call 480-350-4311.