Give your input to help shape the Preserves Management Plan!
This topic has 356 visitors and 226 responses: 67 registered responses and 159 unregistered responses.
That's 11.3 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
Help guide the long-term management and preservation of Hayden Butte and Papago preserves. The City of Tempe is embarking on a Preserves Management Plan to design future cultural, educational and recreational opportunities at Tempe's desert park and preserve habitats.
The purpose of a Preserve, per ordinance, is to establish habitat for desert vegetation, wildlife and natural resources, and to protect archaeological, paleontological and historical resources while providing appropriate public access. The City is to follow the ordinance and responsibly provide cultural, educational, and recreation opportunities designed to heighten appreciation and enjoyment of the natural desert environment.
The plan will document and evaluate existing conditions and develop recommendations for how to better think about, interact and ultimately care for and manage these special areas. Community input will be instrumental in creating a plan that enhances the appreciation and enjoyment of these natural spaces.
For more information please visit
This topic has 356 visitors and 226 responses: 67 registered responses and 159 unregistered responses.
That's 11.3 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.