YOUR budget YOUR input
142 registered responses
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How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you.
Ensuring a safe and secure community through a commitment to public safety and justice.
Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies to improve Tempe's environment, quality of life and economic outcomes. Tempe strives to make long-term generational investments in technology, infrastructure and public transit that create a safe, clean, equitable and healthy city.
Enhancing the quality of life for all Tempe residents and workers through investment in neighborhoods, parks, the arts, human services, and city amenities, with an emphasis on equity and diversity.
Developing and maintaining a strong community connection by emphasizing the importance of open government, customer service and communication with community members.
Maintaining long-term financial stability and vitality by focusing on economic development, business retention and generating employment to create a robust and diverse economic base.
Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services?
Why did you spend the money on these services?
No response.Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget?
No response.