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Tempe Forum

YOUR budget YOUR input

142 registered responses

How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you.

Average priorities over 142 responses
  1. Enhancing the quality of life for all Tempe residents and workers through investment in neighborhoods, parks, the arts, human services, and city amenities, with an emphasis on equity and diversity.

    Quality of Life
  2. Ensuring a safe and secure community through a commitment to public safety and justice.

    Safe and Secure Communities
  3. Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies to improve Tempe's environment, quality of life and economic outcomes. Tempe strives to make long-term generational investments in technology, infrastructure and public transit that create a safe, clean, equitable and healthy city.

    Sustainable Growth and Development
  4. Maintaining long-term financial stability and vitality by focusing on economic development, business retention and generating employment to create a robust and diverse economic base.

    Financial Stability and Vitality
  5. Developing and maintaining a strong community connection by emphasizing the importance of open government, customer service and communication with community members.

    Strong Community Connections

Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services?

Response Percent Response Count
Art programs (Quality of Life) 1.6% 23
Business services and Economic Development (Financial Stability & Vitality) 1.1% 15
City and neighborhood park improvements (Quality of Life) 5.4% 76
City development and redevelopment efforts (Sustainable Growth & Development) 3.2% 45
City outreach efforts about programs, events, services, and issues (Strong Community Connections) 1.2% 17
City’s website - information, program registration, permit applications (Strong Community Connections) 0.6% 8
Counseling services for residents (Strong Community Connections) 1.1% 15
Crime prevention programs (Safe & Secure Communities) 5.2% 73
Enforcement of property maintenance codes - weeds, alley maintenance, litter (Quality of Life) 2.6% 36
Financial stability of the city (Financial Stability & Vitality) 3.3% 46
Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities) 5.1% 72
Homeless services (Quality of Life) 6.0% 85
Initiatives to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (Quality of Life) 0.4% 6
Investment to improve and expand affordable housing (Sustainable Growth & Development) 6.1% 86
Investment in new or remodeling City infrastructure - roads, bridges, water systems and pipes, parks and city buildings (Financial Stability & Vitality) 4.8% 67
Landscape maintenance along streets & sidewalks (Quality of Life) 1.8% 25
Library services (Quality of Life) 2.7% 38
Maintaining City facilities (Sustainable Growth & Development) 1.1% 15
Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities) 5.1% 72
Multi-modal transportation (bus, light-rail, bike paths, streetcar) (Quality of Life) 6.2% 88
New jobs development efforts (Financial Stability & Vitality) 1.1% 15
Police oversight, additional training, and reform (Safe & Secure Communities) 2.1% 29
Police services - calls for service, enforcement, investigating criminal activities (Safe & Secure Communities) 4.7% 66
Programs addressing unemployment (Financial Stability & Vitality) 1.0% 14
Programs and services for people with disabilities (Quality of Life) 1.0% 14
Programs for Pre-K children (Quality of Life) 0.9% 13
Programs and services for seniors (Quality of Life) 1.1% 16
Programs to achieve diversified workforce (Strong Community Connections) 0.1% 1
Providing for resident safety in neighborhoods (Safe & Secure Communities) 2.6% 37
Providing for resident safety in parks (Safe & Secure Communities) 2.1% 29
Recreation programs (Quality of Life) 0.7% 10
Recycling and diversion programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) 1.6% 22
Removal of Graffiti (Quality of Life) 0.6% 9
Resident financial inclusion programs (Financial Stability & Vitality) 0.2% 3
Special events (Quality of Life) 0.4% 5
Sustainability and conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) 1.3% 18
Tempe 311 (one-stop center for residents) (Strong Community Connections) 0.5% 7
Traffic mitigation efforts (Quality of Life) 1.6% 22
Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) 3.1% 44
Vision Zero - traffic safety for all road users (Safe & Secure Communities) 2.5% 35
Water conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) 3.0% 43
Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) 2.1% 29
Youth diversion and community programs (Safe & Secure Communities) 1.3% 18

Why did you spend the money on these services?


Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget?

Name not shown inside Tempe
March 6, 2024, 10:01 PM
  • How should the City invest in advancing its strategic priorities? Rank them in order of importance to you.
    1. Ensuring a safe and secure community through a commitment to public safety and justice.

      Safe and Secure Communities
    2. Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies to improve Tempe's environment, quality of life and economic outcomes. Tempe strives to make long-term generational investments in technology, infrastructure and public transit that create a safe, clean, equitable and healthy city.

      Sustainable Growth and Development
    3. Enhancing the quality of life for all Tempe residents and workers through investment in neighborhoods, parks, the arts, human services, and city amenities, with an emphasis on equity and diversity.

      Quality of Life
    4. Developing and maintaining a strong community connection by emphasizing the importance of open government, customer service and communication with community members.

      Strong Community Connections
    5. Maintaining long-term financial stability and vitality by focusing on economic development, business retention and generating employment to create a robust and diverse economic base.

      Financial Stability and Vitality
  • Each dot represents $10 (click on a plus sign 10 times to add up to $100). How would you spend the money on these services?
    • Homeless services (Quality of Life) (1)
    • Investment to improve and expand affordable housing (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
    • Library services (Quality of Life) (1)
    • Multi-modal transportation (bus, light-rail, bike paths, streetcar) (Quality of Life) (1)
    • Police oversight, additional training, and reform (Safe & Secure Communities) (1)
    • Programs addressing unemployment (Financial Stability & Vitality) (1)
    • Providing for resident safety in parks (Safe & Secure Communities) (1)
    • Recycling and diversion programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
    • Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
    • Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development) (1)
  • Why did you spend the money on these services?
    No response.
  • Do you have any other comments or ideas on the budget?
    No response.
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Developing and maintaining a strong community connection by emphasizing the importance of open government, customer service and communication with community members.

Enhancing the quality of life for all Tempe residents and workers through investment in neighborhoods, parks, the arts, human services, and city amenities, with an emphasis on equity and diversity.

Ensuring a safe and secure community through a commitment to public safety and justice.

Maintaining long-term financial stability and vitality by focusing on economic development, business retention and generating employment to create a robust and diverse economic base.

Implementing sustainable growth and development strategies to improve Tempe's environment, quality of life and economic outcomes. Tempe strives to make long-term generational investments in technology, infrastructure and public transit that create a safe, clean, equitable and healthy city.

Below is a list of some of the many services and programs included in the city’s operating and capital budgets, including which of the city’s five strategic priorities it falls under. Please “spend” $100 in increments of $10 spread out over the options to show where you think the Council should consider investing in the upcoming budget.

Art programs (Quality of Life)

Business services and Economic Development (Financial Stability & Vitality)

City and neighborhood park improvements (Quality of Life)

City development and redevelopment efforts (Sustainable Growth & Development)

City outreach efforts about programs, events, services, and issues (Strong Community Connections)

City’s website - information, program registration, permit applications (Strong Community Connections)

Counseling services for residents (Strong Community Connections)

Crime prevention programs (Safe & Secure Communities)

Enforcement of property maintenance codes - weeds, alley maintenance, litter (Quality of Life)

Financial stability of the city (Financial Stability & Vitality)

Fire and medical rescue services - calls for service, medical emergencies, inspections (Safe & Secure Communities)

Homeless services (Quality of Life)

Initiatives to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (Quality of Life)

Investment to improve and expand affordable housing (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Investment in new or remodeling City infrastructure - roads, bridges, water systems and pipes, parks and city buildings (Financial Stability & Vitality)

Landscape maintenance along streets & sidewalks (Quality of Life)

Library services (Quality of Life)

Maintaining City facilities (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Maintaining streets and sidewalks (Safe & Secure Communities)

Multi-modal transportation (bus, light-rail, bike paths, streetcar) (Quality of Life)

New jobs development efforts (Financial Stability & Vitality)

Police oversight, additional training, and reform (Safe & Secure Communities)

Police services - calls for service, enforcement, investigating criminal activities (Safe & Secure Communities)

Programs addressing unemployment (Financial Stability & Vitality)

Programs and services for people with disabilities (Quality of Life)

Programs for Pre-K children (Quality of Life)

Programs and services for seniors (Quality of Life)

Programs to achieve diversified workforce (Strong Community Connections)

Providing for resident safety in neighborhoods (Safe & Secure Communities)

Providing for resident safety in parks (Safe & Secure Communities)

Recreation programs (Quality of Life)

Recycling and diversion programs (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Removal of Graffiti (Quality of Life)

Resident financial inclusion programs (Financial Stability & Vitality)

Special events (Quality of Life)

Sustainability and conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Tempe 311 (one-stop center for residents) (Strong Community Connections)

Traffic mitigation efforts (Quality of Life)

Tree and shade canopy programs (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Vision Zero - traffic safety for all road users (Safe & Secure Communities)

Water conservation programs (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Workforce and affordable housing programs (Sustainable Growth & Development)

Youth diversion and community programs (Safe & Secure Communities)

The City of Tempe wants to better understand how well it provides services to community members. Collecting demographic data allows the city to effectively plan and distribute its programs and investments. The collection of data provides a more precise understanding of current Tempe residents and businesses.  Providing this information is highly encouraged and helpful to the city, but it is not mandatory.

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