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Give your input on programming and classes for the Clark Park Community Center, Pool and Garden!

47 registered responses

Listed below are programming areas that YOUTH might use at an indoor community center. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:

Response Percent Response Count
Parent/Child Toddler Classes 33.3% 13
Toddler/Pre-School Sports and Movement classes 38.5% 15
Youth Craft classes 33.3% 13
Youth Fitness/Exercise/Movement 38.5% 15
Youth Gardening Classes 30.8% 12
Youth Martial Arts 25.6% 10
Youth STEM classes (Engineering, Robotics, Science) 30.8% 12
Youth Yoga Classes 30.8% 12
Youth Summer Camps 38.5% 15
Teen Babysitting Class Certification 15.4% 6
Teen programs/classes 15.4% 6
Teen Volunteer Opportunities 20.5% 8
N/A 38.5% 15
Other 5.1% 2

Listed below are programming areas that ADULTS might use at an indoor community center. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:

Response Percent Response Count
Holistic Classes 25.5% 12
Fitness/Exercise 72.3% 34
Special Interest Classes 44.7% 21
Adult CPR/First Aid/AED classes 38.3% 18
Craft Classes 46.8% 22
Gardening Classes 55.3% 26
Foreign Language classes 51.1% 24
Martial Arts 14.9% 7
Photography 34.0% 16
Yoga Classes Indoor 61.7% 29
Yoga Classes Outdoor in the Park 55.3% 26
Volunteer Opportunities 40.4% 19
Other 12.8% 6

Please let us know what other types of programs/classes you would like to see offered at the Clark Community Center in the future:


What times would you like to use the community center for classes/programs? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.

Average priorities over 47 responses
  1. Morning Saturday

    Morning Saturday
  2. Evening Weekday

    Evening Weekday
  3. Afternoon Saturday

    Afternoon Saturday
  4. Afternoon Weekday

    Afternoon Weekday
  5. Morning Weekday

    Morning Weekday
  6. Evening Saturday

    Evening Saturday
  7. Please explain in additional comments. 


What times/days would you like to reserve the community center for parties/events etc.? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.

Average priorities over 47 responses
  1. Afternoon Saturday

    Afternoon Saturday
  2. Evening Saturday

    Evening Saturday
  3. Morning Saturday

    Morning Saturday
  4. Evening Weekday

    Evening Weekday
  5. Not Applicable

  6. Afternoon Weekday

    Afternoon Weekday
  7. Morning Weekday

    Morning Weekday
  8. Please explain in additional comments


Do you foresee renting classroom space at the Clark Community Center for any of the following? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Small Group Meetings 36.6% 15
HOA or Neighborhood Association Meetings 14.6% 6
Parties (birthdays, baby showers, graduations, etc.) 58.5% 24
Family Reunions 14.6% 6
N/A 29.3% 12
Other 4.9% 2

Listed below are programming areas that ADULTS might use at the outdoor pool. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:

Response Percent Response Count
Swim Lessons 26.1% 12
Water Fitness/Exercise 58.7% 27
Lap Swimming 52.2% 24
Recreation Swimming 63.0% 29
Masters Swim Program 10.9% 5
Swim Club 28.3% 13
N/A 6.5% 3

Please let us know what other types of programs/classes you would like to see offered at the Clark Pool in the future:


What times would you like to use the pool for classes/programs? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.

Average priorities over 47 responses
  1. Monring Saturday

    Morning Saturday
  2. Afternoon Saturday

    Afternoon Saturday
  3. Evening Weekday

    Evening Weekday
  4. Morning Weekday

    Morning Weekday
  5. Afternoon Weekday

    Afternoon Weekday
  6. Evening Saturday

    Evening Saturday
  7. Please explain in additional comments

  8. Not Applicable 


What times/days would you like to reserve the pool for parties/events etc.? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.

Average priorities over 47 responses
  1. Afternoon Weekends

    Afternoon Weekends
  2. Evening Weekends 

    Evening Weekends
  3. Not Applicable

  4. Morning Weekends

    Morning Weekends
  5. Evening Weekday

    Evening Weekday
  6. Morning Weekday

    Morning Weekday
  7. Afternoon Weekday

    Afternoon Weekday

Do you foresee renting the at the Clark Pool for any of the following? Please check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Group Gatherings 25.0% 10
Boy or Girl Scout Events 2.5% 1
Parties (birthdays, baby showers, graduations, etc.) 47.5% 19
Family Reunions 10.0% 4
Swim Team Practice 7.5% 3
N/A 50.0% 20

Do you have any additional comments?


Have you ever visited Clark Park Community Garden?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 53.2% 25
No 46.8% 22

If yes, what did you like about it? (This can refer to physical features in the garden, aspects of the programs hosted there, or anything else you can think of)


Have you ever rented a garden box from us?

Response Percent Response Count
No 100.0% 47

If not, would you be interested in doing so?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 40.4% 19
No 23.4% 11
Not sure 36.2% 17

Are you looking for volunteering opportunities in the garden?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 25.5% 12
No 48.9% 23
Not sure 25.5% 12

Have you ever volunteered with us before?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 4.3% 2
No 91.5% 43
Not sure 4.3% 2

If yes, please describe the experience. Feel free to include anything you liked or disliked about the experience.


What kind of events/programs would you attend in person at the garden if given the opportunity? Please select as many as you'd like:

Response Percent Response Count
Cooking Lessons 66.7% 30
Gardening How-To's 80.0% 36
Plant Exchange 64.4% 29
Board Game Nights 40.0% 18
Potlucks 42.2% 19
Citizen Science 44.4% 20
Other 11.1% 5
Name not shown inside Tempe
November 18, 2023, 7:15 PM
  • Listed below are programming areas that YOUTH might use at an indoor community center. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:
    • N/A
  • Listed below are programming areas that ADULTS might use at an indoor community center. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:
    • Fitness/Exercise
    • Special Interest Classes
    • Craft Classes
    • Gardening Classes
    • Photography
    • Yoga Classes Indoor
    • Yoga Classes Outdoor in the Park
  • Please let us know what other types of programs/classes you would like to see offered at the Clark Community Center in the future:
    No response.
  • What times would you like to use the community center for classes/programs? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.
    1. Morning Saturday

      Morning Saturday
    2. Evening Weekday

      Evening Weekday
    3. Afternoon Saturday

      Afternoon Saturday
    4. Evening Saturday

      Evening Saturday
    5. Morning Weekday

      Morning Weekday
    6. Afternoon Weekday

      Afternoon Weekday
  • What times/days would you like to reserve the community center for parties/events etc.? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.
    1. Morning Saturday

      Morning Saturday
    2. Evening Weekday

      Evening Weekday
    3. Afternoon Saturday

      Afternoon Saturday
    4. Evening Saturday

      Evening Saturday
    5. Morning Weekday

      Morning Weekday
    6. Afternoon Weekday

      Afternoon Weekday
  • Do you foresee renting classroom space at the Clark Community Center for any of the following? Check all that apply.
    • Small Group Meetings
    • HOA or Neighborhood Association Meetings
    • Parties (birthdays, baby showers, graduations, etc.)
    • Other - Club meetings
  • Listed below are programming areas that ADULTS might use at the outdoor pool. Please indicate what programming or classes your household would participate in. Select all that apply:
    • Water Fitness/Exercise
    • Recreation Swimming
  • Please let us know what other types of programs/classes you would like to see offered at the Clark Pool in the future:
    No response.
  • What times would you like to use the pool for classes/programs? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.
    1. Monring Saturday

      Morning Saturday
    2. Afternoon Saturday

      Afternoon Saturday
    3. Evening Saturday

      Evening Saturday
    4. Evening Weekday

      Evening Weekday
    5. Afternoon Weekday

      Afternoon Weekday
    6. Morning Weekday

      Morning Weekday
  • What times/days would you like to reserve the pool for parties/events etc.? Please assign an order from MOST desired to LEAST desired.
    1. Morning Weekends

      Morning Weekends
    2. Afternoon Weekends

      Afternoon Weekends
    3. Evening Weekends 

      Evening Weekends
    4. Evening Weekday

      Evening Weekday
  • Do you foresee renting the at the Clark Pool for any of the following? Please check all that apply.
    • Group Gatherings
    • Parties (birthdays, baby showers, graduations, etc.)
  • Do you have any additional comments?
    No response.
  • Have you ever visited Clark Park Community Garden?
    • Yes
  • If yes, what did you like about it? (This can refer to physical features in the garden, aspects of the programs hosted there, or anything else you can think of)

    Hosting of CSA Farm bag, renting of garden boxes, food demonstrations, opportunities for community building.

  • Have you ever rented a garden box from us?
    • No
  • If not, would you be interested in doing so?
    • Yes
  • Are you looking for volunteering opportunities in the garden?
    • Not sure
  • Have you ever volunteered with us before?
    • No
  • If yes, please describe the experience. Feel free to include anything you liked or disliked about the experience.
    No response.
  • What kind of events/programs would you attend in person at the garden if given the opportunity? Please select as many as you'd like:
    • Cooking Lessons
    • Gardening How-To's
    • Plant Exchange
    • Board Game Nights
    • Potlucks
    • Citizen Science
  • Are there any programs or events that you'd like to host at the garden?
    No response.
  • How did you hear about this survey? Check all that apply.
    • Postcard
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The questions below pertain to Clark Park Community Center

Item Up Down Remove
Item Up Down Remove

Please explain in additional comments. 

Not Applicable

Morning Saturday

Evening Saturday

Afternoon Weekday

Evening Weekday

Morning Weekday

Afternoon Saturday

Item Up Down Remove
Item Up Down Remove

Please explain in additional comments

Morning Saturday

Afternoon Weekday

Not Applicable

Morning Weekday

Evening Weekday

Evening Saturday

Afternoon Saturday

Check out our guidelines for civility
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