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Tempe Forum

Provide feedback on a proposed ordinance that would establish a tobacco sales license, enact fees to ensure compliance, and raise the minimum age of tobacco purchase to 21 years old.

65 registered responses

Do you support establishing a tobacco sales license in the City of Tempe?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 75.4% 49
No 21.5% 14
Don't know 3.1% 2

Why or why not?


If a tobacco sales license is established, do you support the proposed fees to ensure compliance?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 72.3% 47
No 23.1% 15
Don't know 4.6% 3

Why or why not?


Do you support increasing the minimum age for purchase of tobacco products to age 21?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 75.4% 49
No 23.1% 15
Don't know 1.5% 1

Why or why not?


Do you currently use tobacco products?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 27.7% 18
No 58.5% 38
I used to 13.8% 9

Do you currently own, manage or work at an establishment that sells tobacco products?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 26.6% 17
No 70.3% 45
Prefer not to answer 3.1% 2

Do you have any other comments?

Philip Carpenter outside Tempe
March 20, 2023, 1:57 PM
  • Do you support establishing a tobacco sales license in the City of Tempe?
    • Yes
  • Why or why not?

    Arizona and Tempe would benefit from a TRL so there would be accountability.

  • If a tobacco sales license is established, do you support the proposed fees to ensure compliance?
    • Yes
  • Why or why not?

    Fee structure should align with corresponding responsibility of selling retail tobacco products.

  • Do you support increasing the minimum age for purchase of tobacco products to age 21?
    • Yes
  • Why or why not?

    State law should correspond with Federal law.

  • Do you currently use tobacco products?
    • No
  • Do you currently own, manage or work at an establishment that sells tobacco products?
    • No
  • Do you have any other comments?

    Yes, Eight years ago Tempe was the first Arizona city to enact a ban on smoking and vaping in cars when children were present. Here are some of the comments then Councilmembers made which accompanied a unanimous decision then by the Tempe City Council.
    Tempe Councilmember Schapira: 'It's an acute problem in the Valley because so many of us drive, we drive long distances, we drive in high temperatures, and so we have our windows rolled up and the effects of secondhand smoke on in that closed contained environment on a young person are very acute".
    Also from Councilmember Schapira: "Exposure to secondhand smoke - especially in that closed, confined small proximity - is damaging, is dangerous," he said. "And so, as many other states, municipalities and counties across the country have done, were looking to ban that practice in Tempe".

    It's obvious that Tempe has a progressive history on smoking policy and tobacco control issues. In 2002 the Citizens of Tempe passed 'Tempe for Healthy Smoke-free Workplaces' which made all workplaces (Bars, Bowling Alleys, Billiard Halls, Restaurants) smokefree to promote health. Tempe now has another unique opportunity to demonstrate Tobacco Control leadership with a Tobacco Retail License (TRL) with high fines for violations and a 100% Comprehensive Flavored Tobacco Ban.

    According to Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids as of 03.17.23 please review this:

    Tempe has an opportunity to demonstrate Tobacco Control leadership and join countless municipalities/localities across the nation along with the following five states (Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and California) and enact a 100% Comprehensive ban (restriction) on the sale of Flavored Tobacco products inside City limits.

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Please review the proposed ordinance and fees.

Proposed ordinance 

Proposed ordinance with redlines

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