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How would you travel to Moffett Park?

Thank you for participating!

The first survey on Mary Avenue Overcrossing generated 253 impressions and 91 responses.

What were the Key Concerns

Key concerns ranked by respondents include pedestrian and bike access (2.1 on a scale from 1 to 5), traffic volumes (2.5), safety concerns (3.1) and air quality impacts (3.9). Respondents also requested information on cost and evaluation criteria, and suggested renumbering the options.  

What Input was Provided on Options

Preliminary input was provided on each of the initial project options. Prevailing suggestions included widened sidewalks and bike facilities, creating protected and two-way bike facilities, connecting to light rail and street networks, native and drought resistant planting, and establishing speed limits. More specific suggestions included HOV lanes and congestion pricing under the four-lane option; robust street maintenance under the ped/bike only option; clarification of potential users and operating hours under the transit/ped/bike option; and building housing density north of US-101 under the no project option. Concerns were expressed about cost, sustainability, neighborhood traffic impacts, congestion relief on Mathilda Avenue, and safe access to Moffett Park by bike and walking.  

Who Participated

Most (78%) of respondents reported living in Sunnyvale neighborhoods such as West Sunnyvale (14%), SNAIL (13%), Washington Park (12%), Lowlands (10%) and Downtown (9%). Work locations of respondents included Moffett Park (23%), San José (12%), and Downtown Sunnyvale (8%). The online survey had a larger proportion of female respondents (33%) than the first community meeting (21%) (compared to 49% citywide). It also had a higher proportion of non-White respondents (19%) than the first community meeting (compared to a citywide rate of 53 to 71%). The average age of respondents was 50-54 years (compared to a citywide average of 37 years).

How Feedback has been Used

The above feedback was used to renumber the options and to guide wider outreach efforts for the second community meeting and survey. Feedback was also used to refine the bicycle facilities under all build options, as protected two-way bike facilities with associated signalization or control at either end of the overcrossing, and to ensure that the ped/bike option is adequately sized. Other comments have been noted and may be addressed in the EIR or incorporated into detailed design in later project stages.


Kent Steffens, City Manager

Jaqui Guzman, Deputy City Manager