What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 1? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lane at Conflict Zones
Parking Restrictions near Intersections and Driveways
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 1:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 2? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lane at Conflict Zones
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 2:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 3? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Sidewalk/Pathway to Close Gap
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lane at Conflict Zones
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 3:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 4? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Flashing Pedestrian Warning Signs
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Zones
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 4:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 5? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Flashing Pedestrian Warning Signs
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Sidewalk/Pathway to Close Gap
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Zones
Parking Restrictions near Intersections and Driveways
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 5:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 6? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Zones
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 6:
Mathilda speed limit is quite high and the high speed limit does not help commuter throughput anyhow. I suggest reducing 45mph to 35mph.
Maude shared bike/car lane is a dangerous recent change. Maude west bound right lane could be changed back to a shared car right turn lane/bike lane. The east bound traffic on the west end of Maude is a major problem for afternoon commuter traffic. How was the office expansion permitted with the traffic limitations?
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 7? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Flashing Pedestrian Warning Signs
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Zones
Parking Restrictions near Intersections and Driveways
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 7:
Shortcut traffic through Duane should be eliminated. A neighborhood parallel bike path or a dedicated bike lane in the parking spaces should be a focus as Fair Oaks is currently too dangerous for cyclists.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 8? (select all that apply)
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Pedestrian Median Refuge Islands
Separated Bikeways (Cycle Tracks)
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Zones
No Right Turns on Red Signal
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 8:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 9? (select all that apply)
Leading Pedestrian Walk Signal
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Buffered Bike Lanes
Green Bike Lane at Conflict Zones
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 9:
No response.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 10? (select all that apply)
Bulbouts/Curb Extensions
Green Bike Box at Intersections
Green Bike Lane at Conflict Zones
Parking Restrictions near Intersections and Driveways
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 10:
No response.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 1? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 1:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 2? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 2:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 3? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 3:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 4? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 4:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 5? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 5:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 6? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 6:
Mathilda speed limit is quite high and the high speed limit does not help commuter throughput anyhow. I suggest reducing 45mph to 35mph.
Maude shared bike/car lane is a dangerous recent change. Maude west bound right lane could be changed back to a shared car right turn lane/bike lane. The east bound traffic on the west end of Maude is a major problem for afternoon commuter traffic. How was the office expansion permitted with the traffic limitations?
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 7? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 7:
Shortcut traffic through Duane should be eliminated. A neighborhood parallel bike path or a dedicated bike lane in the parking spaces should be a focus as Fair Oaks is currently too dangerous for cyclists.
What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 8? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 8:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 9? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 9:
No response.What safety improvements would you like to see at priority project location 10? (select all that apply)
Comments / Other Suggestions for Location 10:
No response.