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Should the City close the 100 block of South Murphy Ave to vehicular traffic?

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Should the City close the 100 block of South Murphy Ave to vehicular traffic?

Thank you for completing our survey. Below are the results:

Which of the following applies to you?

72.3% - I live in Sunnyvale
22.8% - I live and work in Sunnyvale
2.7% - I work in Sunnyvale

When you visit downtown Sunnyvale, where do you typically park? (Select all that apply)

71.1% - Parking lot
53.7% - Parking garage
27.5% - I don't drive
23.1% - Street parking

If the City were to close Murphy Avenue to cars, how often would you visit downtown?

55% - I would visit more often
42% - I would visit the same amount
3% - I would visit less often

Should the City?:

94.5% - Close Murphy Ave to cars permanently
4.1% - Close Murphy Ave seasonally (closed from May to September)
1.3% - Proceed with reopening Murphy Ave to cars

If Murphy Ave is permanently closed, should businesses be allowed to continue using the street for outdoor dining?

76.2% - Yes, but businesses should not have to pay extra to use the street
22.8% - Yes, but businesses should pay extra to use the public street
1% - No. Dining on the public street should not be allowed

What concerns do you have, if any, with closing Murphy Ave? (select all that apply)

80.7% - I have no concerns
12.8% - Short-term and accessible parking will be further away from businesses
11.1% - Other businesses don't have access to public streets/sidewalks to expand outdoor dining
1.8% - Loss of on-street parking