Establish Moffett Park as a model community through its commitment to comprehensively addressing resilience, climate protection, and equity in all activities.
Maintain and strengthen Moffett Park as a diverse economic engine that supports economic prosperity for all.
Create a connected, accessible district that prioritizes the movement of people over vehicles to reduce climate pollution and to support a healthy community.
City Council’s direction is to redefine the Moffett Park an “Ecological and Innovation District.” What elements of an Eco-Innovation District are most important to you? (Pick top 3)
Provide new spaces for business incubation
Provide new spaces for non-profits
New transit connections between Moffett Park and Downtown
To what degree do you agree with these statements? (Strongly Disagree, 2
Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
Housing should be added to Moffett Park to create a vibrant and inclusive community. - Strongly Agree
Housing should be added to Moffett Park to support retail, restaurants, and commercial services. - Strongly Agree
Housing should be added to Moffett Park to reduce commute distances and improve transportation. - Agree
Housing growth should be balanced with office growth. - Agree
Housing should be prioritized over office growth. - Neutral
Moffett Park should remain an employment center with NO housing. - Strongly Disagree
If you support adding housing to Moffett Park, what types of housing are most important to you? (Pick top 3)
Housing for young adults/working professionals (smaller units)
Transitional and/or supportive housing
Affordable housing
If Moffett Park becomes a mixed-use community, how would you prioritize the following services? (Pick top 4)
Grocery store/healthy food options
Neighborhood serving retail/shopping
Restaurants/food and beverage
Civic and cultural institutions
If Moffett Park becomes a mixed-use community, how would you prioritize the following amenities? (Pick top 5)
Bike / pedestrian infrastructure (freeway overpasses, paths and trails, designated bike lanes)
Transportation services (local shuttle)
Parks, plazas, and recreational open spaces
Wildlife habitat and natural spaces
Affordable housing (above what is required by the City)
What types of open space should be prioritized in Moffett Park? (Rank)
What size should new open spaces and parks in Moffett Park be? (Please select all that apply)
Neighborhood park (1-10 acres)
Urban plaza/town square (1-2 acres)
Mini Park (< 1 acre)
What kinds of activities would you most like to see in Moffett Park’s open space network? (Please select your top 5 activities/amenities or add your own)
Food and beverage
Habitat areas with limited access (wetland, avian, pollinator, etc.)
Performance and event spaces
Public art
What recreational facilities would you most like to see in Moffett Park? (Please select your top 3 facilities or add your own)
No response.
What programs and features would make Moffett Park’s public spaces intercultural and inclusive? (Select all that apply)
Community participation in design and programming
Please prioritize the following urban design strategies for Moffett Park?
(Pick top 4)
Small blocks to create a walkable network of streets and paths
New safe/separated bike facilities within Moffett Park
Allow building heights to exceed that of existing office buildings in exchange for additional on-site amenities including public open space
Increase density of development to support new transit options
What is your big idea (in one sentence) for the future of Moffett Park?
No response.
What is your age?
36 - 64
How would you describe yourself? (Select all that apply)
White or Caucasian
What industry do you work in?
I am retired
Where do you work?
I do not work and/or I am retired
Where do you live?
If you live in Sunnyvale, how long have you lived here?
More than 10 years
If you live in Sunnyvale, what neighborhood do you live in?
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Pick your top 3 guiding principles. (Pick top 3)
City Council’s direction is to redefine the Moffett Park an “Ecological and Innovation District.” What elements of an Eco-Innovation District are most important to you? (Pick top 3)
To what degree do you agree with these statements? (Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree)
If you support adding housing to Moffett Park, what types of housing are most important to you? (Pick top 3)
If Moffett Park becomes a mixed-use community, how would you prioritize the following services? (Pick top 4)
If Moffett Park becomes a mixed-use community, how would you prioritize the following amenities? (Pick top 5)
What types of open space should be prioritized in Moffett Park? (Rank)
What size should new open spaces and parks in Moffett Park be? (Please select all that apply)
What kinds of activities would you most like to see in Moffett Park’s open space network? (Please select your top 5 activities/amenities or add your own)
What recreational facilities would you most like to see in Moffett Park? (Please select your top 3 facilities or add your own)
No response.What programs and features would make Moffett Park’s public spaces intercultural and inclusive? (Select all that apply)
Please prioritize the following urban design strategies for Moffett Park? (Pick top 4)
What is your big idea (in one sentence) for the future of Moffett Park?
No response.What is your age?
How would you describe yourself? (Select all that apply)
What industry do you work in?
Where do you work?
Where do you live?
If you live in Sunnyvale, how long have you lived here?
If you live in Sunnyvale, what neighborhood do you live in?