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Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:41 PM

Thank you for your comment. This Article previously applied to nonresidential buildings. The regulation prohibiting the painting of brick is an existing regulation. We did not intend that it be applied to The Hill and will modify accordingly.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:40 PM

Thank you for your comment. The owner would only need to come into compliance with the building finish standards if they are replacing more than 50% of that façade. Asbestos does not need to be removed and other siding can be applied over asbestos siding, but because nailing through it breaks the asbestos, it needs to first be encapsulated. If dealing with asbestos, we recommend that a home owner use a qualified, licensed person to perform the work. The owner has the option to use either fiber cement siding, wood siding or brick primary finish materials and secondary finish materials listed in draft Article X. Sec. 2-315.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:40 PM

Thank you for your comment. If no construction is occurring - that is if no building permit is required for constructing, demolishing or expanding a house - then the owner can remove a tree. The owner has the option to replace the tree with any species or choose to not replace the removed tree. We strongly encourage that mature trees be preserved, especially since the canopy and shade cannot easily be replaced with a new tree. In case of removal, we also strongly recommend to replace trees with hardwood trees.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:39 PM

Thank you for your comment. The intent of increasing the size of new trees is to encourage additional Protected Trees be preserved. The regulations found in Subsection D. 1.a., Subsection D. 2., and Subsection D. 3. refer to Protected Trees only and apply to the front half of the lot, in other words, the half that is closest to the street. New trees that must be planted in accordance to Subsection D.1. apply to the area in front of the house and is based on lot width. Subsection C. Tree Specifications states that the list of approved Trees found in Sec. 2-390 must be used to meet the requirements, which only apply when triggered by new construction, additions, and demolitions. A homeowner may add additional trees not found in the list as long as the minimum requirements are met. For example, if the regulations require the owner plant two new trees, then they can add a third tree that is not found in the list. The regulations in Section 2-160 Tree Regulations only refer to trees and do not require shrubs or ground cover planting. The shrub and ground cover plantings section found in Section 2-390 Approved Landscaping Materials do not apply in HR-1.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:38 PM

Thank you for your comment. There have been concerns with overall height of new houses. This regulation addresses that concern and implements that feedback from previous surveys.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:38 PM

Thank you for your comment. These are minimum widths and the owner may choose to increase the width to make the stoop the same width as the walkway or wider.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:37 PM

Thank you for your comment. A property owner may add a second walkway to the driveway in addition to the required walkway to street. If an existing home does not currently have a walkway, they are not required to add it to comply with this regulation. The regulation to add a walkway to existing homes is triggered when they are making significant changes or repairs. As you’ve mentioned, the south side of 6th street does not have sidewalks so the owner can extend the walkway to the curb and driveway. There are a couple of homes that have done that. The regulation does not specify material, so the owner has the option to choose concrete, stone pavers or other materials they find appropriate.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 7:36 PM

Thank you for your comment. The regulation is intended to allow one of each. We will make a correction to make that clear. The Development Code defines a carport as a structure open on 3 sides designed or used to shelter vehicles. The area under the carport is not subject to the maximum garage size. This was intentional since carports are unenclosed.

Abby Martinez May 20, 2021, 4:17 PM

Thank you for your comment. The regulations for 2-story Garages were drafted in response to input from The Hill Community in Phase I where we heard that 2-Story Garages should be located further away from the property line.

Name not shown inside Sugar Land April 28, 2021, 10:46 AM

I would like to know when the restriction on painting brick made it into these regulations. I've been following this from the beginning I do not recall that being part of the conversation at any point. I don't understand why this would be prohibited.