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Check out some recent announcements
July 5, 2016, 10:23 AM
What are your thoughts on the future of parks, open spaces, and recreational opportunities in Sugar Land?
The Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan (PROSMP) aims to provide guidance and vision for the future of parks, open spaces, and recreational opportunities in Sugar Land. The PROSMP is one of eight City master plans that implements goals from the Comprehensive Plan. A review of the parks plan in 2015 revealed that 90 percent of the projects have been completed, designed or included in the current capital improvement program budget. An update is required to evaluate future needs.
The plan looks at population growth, inventories existing park facilities, and recommends community priorities to focus in the next ten year period. A key element in determining future priorities is input provided by current city residents. More information about the plan can be found on the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Update website.
This initial survey intends to touch on 5 specific areas of importance and get resident feedback on what could be improved upon, built on, and changed, in order to plan for future needs.
June 29, 2016, 9:23 AM
What are your thoughts on the current ethics code for elected and appointed officials?
City Council adopted an Ethics Code for elected and appointed officials in December 2005. The Ethics Code includes specific guidelines and regulations governing the following:
- conflicts of interest
- business interactions with the City
- disclosure of gifts
- private interests
- misuse and disclosure of confidential information
- restrictions on political activity and political contributions
Changes in state law have prompted City Council to establish a seven-member citizen task force to conduct a ten-year review and provide a report to City Council on recommended updates to the Ethics Code. The Citizens Ethics Task Force would like to request comments from residents on the current ethics code.
June 19, 2015, 10:38 AM
If you or your neighbors experienced any flooding, please take the time to identify the areas by reporting the location, explaining what occurred and uploading any photos that show flooding.
December 1, 2014, 10:57 AM
The City of Sugar Land is updating the Land Use Plan, a document that provides policy guidance for land-use development within the City. The Land Use Plan is one of the city’s eight master plans and was last updated in November 2004.
Using public feedback from the Land Use Forums and Land Use Advisory Committee, a draft vision and goals document was created. Please provide feedback on the plan’s goals and vision statement.
June 9, 2014, 5:53 PM
What amenities would you like to see in potential expansion of Gannoway Lake Park?