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What are your thoughts on the future of parks, open spaces, and recreational opportunities in Sugar Land?

87 registered responses

Adult and Youth Sports - Should the city expand the current youth and adult sports offerings and if so what is your specific interest?


T.E. Harman Senior Center - Are there specific activities that you would be interested in adding to the center’s current offerings?


Specialized Facilities (e.g. skate park, disk golf course, and off road biking trails) - What new facilities or improvements to current facilities would you like to see?


Recreational Water Activities (development of water front along the Brazos River and accessible areas along Oyster Creek) - Would you be supportive of expanding water based activities and if so what would those activities be?


General Recreational Programs (e.g. nature education/activities, fitness classes, group or team activities) – What changes, improvements, or additions would you make to the current offering of recreational programs?

Doug White inside Sugar Land
July 6, 2016, 9:33 AM
  • Adult and Youth Sports - Should the city expand the current youth and adult sports offerings and if so what is your specific interest?

    New areas should not be developed until existing utilization is maybe over 75%. The forecasted growth of utilization is not given so it is difficult to say whether expansions is required at this time. Also, would FBISD allow use of their sporting areas for practice during periods when school is not in session?

  • T.E. Harman Senior Center - Are there specific activities that you would be interested in adding to the center’s current offerings?

    I frankly wasn't even aware there was a Senior Center. I reviewed the activities and there probably are some activities my wife and I would enjoy. We will check it out.

  • Specialized Facilities (e.g. skate park, disk golf course, and off road biking trails) - What new facilities or improvements to current facilities would you like to see?

    The three mentioned above are quite specialized and not necessarily useful to a broad spectrum of our community. While there are plenty of "young" people in Sugar Land, the city is maturing and skate parks and off road biking would only attract a limited number of people, unless folks from other communities came to use them, which "could" bring some undesirable element.

  • Recreational Water Activities (development of water front along the Brazos River and accessible areas along Oyster Creek) - Would you be supportive of expanding water based activities and if so what would those activities be?

    Both could be an interesting addition to services of Sugar Land but think the primary use would only be fishing. No swimming (I hope) would be encouraged as there are some gators in the area.

  • General Recreational Programs (e.g. nature education/activities, fitness classes, group or team activities) – What changes, improvements, or additions would you make to the current offering of recreational programs?

    I don't see this as the City's responsibility. These should be volunteer activities and not sponsored by the city.

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