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What are your thoughts on the current ethics code for elected and appointed officials?

7 registered responses

Are there areas of concern you have with the current Ethics Code?


Are there issues you believe are missing from the current Ethics Code that need to be addressed?


Any other additional information you would like the Citizens Ethics Task Force to consider?

Name not shown inside Sugar Land
June 30, 2016, 8:01 AM
  • Are there areas of concern you have with the current Ethics Code?

    Thanks for publishing ethics code and reiterating it's enforcement.
    We do have concern that number of city council members have relationship with developers as their client in the business and/or have close association with them. It has been in the news that last 200+ apartment complex project was agreed (unofficially approved) by city council member(s) prior to public hearing or vote. Only public opposition and petition forced Mayor to address the issue. This conflict of issue needs to be addressed by Ethics Task Force even though it is a year old. I am concern that similar secret deals may be made in past or future.

  • Are there issues you believe are missing from the current Ethics Code that need to be addressed?

    Disclosure of Gift clause may need to be strengthened with NO GIFT over $25 clause. This is common practice in most large corporation. Also no free/ subsidized travel/trips for so called city business.

  • Any other additional information you would like the Citizens Ethics Task Force to consider?

    Citizen Ethics Taskforce Members names, qualifications and professional experience should have been included with Ethics Code email.
    Please include this information in a followup email and Sugar Land publications.
    Hope that this Task Force is truly independent and does not 'white wash' like Task Force in Washington.
    Again thanks for publishing Ethics Guidelines.

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