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Crews will be installing a new 12" water main connection at Railroad Avenue and 8th Street. This work requires a water outage until the water main can be reconnected to the new facilities.
Impacted customers are generally located along Railroad Avenue between 3rd Street and 8th Street, as well as along 8th Street between Cedar and Cota Streets. Impacted customers should also be receiving a doorhanger notice today (November 16).
This work is scheduled to occur on Friday, November 18 from 10 p.m. into Saturday morning. Expect the water outage to last 8 hours. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. If there are any further updates, we will update this post.
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
You may have noticed that it has been a couple of weeks since our last project update. We decided to not write up the weekly updates when the majority of the information is staying the same from week to week. If you have questions about these updates or the Western Gateway project in general, please email our Communications Specialist Mary Ricker at [email protected].
Upcoming Work and Construction
This past week, crews have focused on completing water connections at Pacific Court and South 12th Street. This work resulted in a couple of water outages for customers and we appreciate everyone's patience while that work was completed. Next week, crews will be working on installing the new water main from 12th Street to the east. Crews will also be installing four fire hydrants between Pacific Court and 12th Street.
What to Expect During Construction
Continue to expect heavy congestion while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 8-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible. Drivers may notice traffic control measures further east in the project site to accommodate where crews are working.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll be sharing project updates in a variety of places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We have also created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this webpage has been added to the homepage of the City's app.
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Next week, crews will be continuing to work on installing the new water main from 12th Street eastward. Drivers may notice traffic control measures further east in the project site to accommodate where crews are working.
Additionally, this same project contractor began work on the Civic Center parking lot project this week. Thanks to everyone who came out for the groundbreaking on Monday! These two projects are located in the same general area, so keep an eye out for trucks and other construction equipment as you travel downtown.
What to Expect During Construction
The project contractor is continuing to work a "4 10s" (10-hour workdays, 4 days a week) project schedule until further notice.
Continue to expect heavy congestion while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 10-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll be sharing project updates in a variety of places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We have also created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this webpage has been added to the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available.
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Next week, crews will continue working on installing the 12" water main from 12th Street eastward. Pipe services installation work will continue for a couple of days later next week.
What to Expect During Construction
The project contractor is continuing to work a "4 10s" (10-hour workdays, 4 days a week) project schedule until further notice.
Continue to expect heavy congestion while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 10-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll be sharing project updates in a variety of places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We have also created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this webpage has been added to the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available.
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Crews are continuing to install pipe services throughout the project area. Drivers should plan for 15-20 minute delays to travel through the work zone.
What to Expect During Construction
The project contractor is working a "4 10s" (10-hour work days, 4 days a week) work schedule until further notice.
Continue to expect heavy congestion while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 10-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll be sharing project updates in a variety of places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We have also created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this project webpage has been added to the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available.
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Crews are continuing to install pipe services throughout the project area. Drivers will continue to experience 15-20 minute delays to travel through the work zone. Electronic readerboards are located at the project site to inform drivers of delays.
Project Updates
We've uploaded a couple of new photos of the project site. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts for real-time updates, and we have a project webpage on the City's website ( A link to this project webpage is also available through the City's app.
Updates will continue to be shared here. As you can see from this week's update, the amount of information we have to share can vary greatly depending on what crews are working on. If you have questions or comments about the project or these updates, please email Communications Specialist Mary Ricker at [email protected].
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Crews are now hard at work installing water services throughout the project area. This work will continue for the next several weeks. Due to this work, drivers will begin to experience 15-20 minute delays when traveling through the work zone. We have updated electronic readerboards at the site to inform drivers of the delays.
Within the next few weeks, crews will be trimming a couple of maple trees located east of 12th Street.
What to Expect During Construction
Drivers traveling through the project site will begin to experience 15-20 minute delays when traveling through the work zone this week.
Now that the Shelton School District is back in session, Shelton Police will be conducting some emphasis patrols along Franklin Street to monitor traffic.
Note: The project contractor will not be working on Monday, September 5 in observance of Labor Day.
Heavy congestion is expected while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 8-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts, and we've also uploaded the progress video we shared last week to our YouTube channel. We also have a project webpage on our website - A link to this project webpage has been added to the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also continue to share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available. If you have questions or comments about the project or these updates, please email Communications Specialist Mary Ricker at [email protected].
Drivers traveling through the Western Gateway project site on West Railroad Avenue will experience 15-20 minute delays beginning on Wednesday (August 31).
These delays are for the contractor to install water services. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others!
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
We hope you enjoyed the YouTube video at the top of this update! Earlier this week, we were able to get some drone footage of the project site. You can see both the crews at work and some great drivers who were able to safely navigate through the work area. For a project like this, a drone is a great way to see the project from a different perspective. We also have some project progress photos to share and you can click here to view those.
Western Gateway construction began on Tuesday, August 9. Like we've mentioned in past updates, a primary focus for our contractor in these first few weeks of work has been underground utility installations such as the new water main and pipe services (which you can see in the video above). Crews are also installing stormwater services at the new bus shelter, as well as subgrading the bus shelter area.
Next week, crews will be focusing on the installation of pipe services and that work will continue for the next several weeks. Crews will also be installing two fire hydrants between Pacific Court and 12th Street.
What to Expect During Construction
The Shelton School District has their first day of school next week. Shelton Police will be conducting some emphasis patrols along Franklin Street to monitor traffic.
Continue to expect delays as traffic will be reduced to one lane. Heavy congestion is expected while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 8-hour windows between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts for updates, and we've also uploaded the video above to our YouTube channel. There is also a project webpage on our City website - A link to this project webpage has also been added to the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also continue to share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available. If you have any questions or comments about the Western Gateway project or these updates, email Communications Specialist Mary Ricker at [email protected].
Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Western Gateway construction began on Tuesday, August 9. Our contractor has started underground utility installations. Crews have been working on installing a new 12" water main, and that work will continue into next week. The City's water system is an integral - often invisible - part of our infrastructure, and this new water main is a much-needed upgrade. Crews are also continuing to work on installing stormwater services at the new bus shelter being installed on Pacific Court.
What to Expect During Construction
During construction, expect delays as traffic will be reduced to one lane. Heavy congestion is expected while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 8-hour window between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll share project updates in multiple places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We also have created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this project webpage is also available on the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available. We're also going to try to get some photos next week for a better visual of what the crews are working on.