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Western Gateway Weekly Update 5 - September 8, 2022

Mary Ricker said over 2 years ago:

Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.

Upcoming Work and Construction

Crews are continuing to install pipe services throughout the project area. Drivers will continue to experience 15-20 minute delays to travel through the work zone. Electronic readerboards are located at the project site to inform drivers of delays.

Project Updates

We've uploaded a couple of new photos of the project site. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts for real-time updates, and we have a project webpage on the City's website ( A link to this project webpage is also available through the City's app.

Updates will continue to be shared here. As you can see from this week's update, the amount of information we have to share can vary greatly depending on what crews are working on. If you have questions or comments about the project or these updates, please email Communications Specialist Mary Ricker at [email protected]


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