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Western Gateway Weekly Update 2 - August 18, 2022
Mary Ricker said over 2 years ago:

Construction is officially underway for the City of Shelton's Western Gateway project. Please share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up to receive email updates.
Upcoming Work and Construction
Western Gateway construction began on Tuesday, August 9. Our contractor has started underground utility installations. Crews have been working on installing a new 12" water main, and that work will continue into next week. The City's water system is an integral - often invisible - part of our infrastructure, and this new water main is a much-needed upgrade. Crews are also continuing to work on installing stormwater services at the new bus shelter being installed on Pacific Court.
What to Expect During Construction
During construction, expect delays as traffic will be reduced to one lane. Heavy congestion is expected while crews and equipment are working. Working hours will typically be 8-hour window between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please be patient with crews as they work to keep delays to a minimum during this project.
Driving lanes will be narrow and heavy equipment/trucks will be entering and leaving work zones. Please be alert and obey flagging personnel for your safety and others! Plan accordingly and use alternate routes when possible.
Project Updates
This is a major project for us, and we'll share project updates in multiple places. You can follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts. We also have created a project webpage on our City website - A link to this project webpage is also available on the homepage of the City's app.
We'll also share weekly updates here, and you can sign up to receive an email notification when a new update is available. We're also going to try to get some photos next week for a better visual of what the crews are working on.
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