Scott County is partnering with the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project (RCP) to advance and implement key “resilience planning” recommendations coming out of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The County and University students and faculty will collaborate on more than a dozen multidisciplinary projects that advance community resilience, such as investigating self-serve libraries, planting edible landscapes, diversifying agricultural production, managing hazardous waste, improving early childhood education, fostering employer-assisted housing, increasing participation in rental-assistance programs, planning for autonomous vehicles, promoting active living, and investigating the cost of services in rural areas. Click here to see some of the research projects that have been proposed in Scott County.
We are looking for your feedback on some of these topics through an on-line survey, administered by the University of Minnesota. The information collected through this survey will be used by the County and RCP in conjunction with student research. Your participation is voluntary, and your answers will remain completely anonymous.
There are five sections to the survey on the following topics:
Property Value Assessments
Food and Farming
Transportation and Mobility
Household Waste
General Demographic Questions
To begin the survey, click here.