What does "safe" mean to you? Help Scott County officials know where to focus!
Are we doing what’s important?
Is Scott County “Delivering What Matters” to you? Do you feel that you have a safe, healthy, and livable community? Are we fostering the kind of place where individuals, families, and businesses thrive?
Tell us what you think.
The first order of business: Defining what exactly is a “safe” community. What does it look and feel like? We’ve put together a summary of the community characteristics that we’ve been told are important, but we need you to tell us if they’re the right ones, what we missed, and what could be changed so that they really do “matter” to you. And you can even prioritize them as you wish as well.
Scott County has a new approach to doing business, and we call it “Delivering What Matters.” Basically, we’re redoubling our efforts to be more citizen-focused... and priority focused. It’s an ongoing effort to make sure that we’re putting the right resources into the right programs and services for you, and taking a long, hard look at the ones you don’t think hits the mark. It’s a way of telling… no, showing you that what you think matters. (See the “DWM" webpage here for more information and specific stories and examples of this initiative.)
We’ve been working on this for well over two years now, and now we need your help. We’ve had a series of meetings, interacted with people via technology, and have spoken in venues throughout the County, but now we need you to tell us that the information we gathered makes sense… or not.
You can click on the graphic to the right, or just take a look at the measures below.
In your mind, is it important…
To prevent criminal behavior?
To enforce the laws, be prepared, and respond to emergency situations?
To have clean soil, water, and air?
That children and vulnerable adults are protected, and their basic needs are met?
That you feel safe, know your neighbors, children play outside, and feel part of the larger community?
That citizens can travel and move about safely?
So – what do you think? Speak up, Scott County! (P.S. – Future topics here will address “healthy,” “livable,” and “responsible.”) Click on the "post" button below to rank your choices and add your comments.
Outcome: Under review
This topic has 607 visitors and 6 priority lists: 2 registered priority lists and 4 unregistered priority lists.