2 registered priority lists
Stephanie McGovern more than 2 miles
June 18, 2014, 2:06 PM
How important is it that children and vulnerable adults are protected, and their basic needs met?
Protection for children and the vulnerable
How important is it that your government enforces laws, is prepared, and responds to emergency situations?
Enforce laws, respond to emergencies
Responding to criminal activity is one thing, how important is it that it is prevented it in the first place?
Prevent criminal behavior
How important is it that everyone feels safe, knows their neighbors, where children can play outside, and everyone feels part of the larger community?
Feeling safe in the community
How important is it that people can travel and move about safely, no matter if that's in a vehicle, on a sidewalk, or on a trail?
Safety in every mode of travel
How important is it that everyone can enjoy clean soil, water, and air?
Clean soil, water, and air
All of these priorities are important. I placed protecting the children and vulnerable at the top because as community members I feel we need to value caring for those who are unable to speak up for themselves. In doing so it makes Scott County a strong community and caring place to live where all members feel valued and safe.
June 15, 2014, 5:04 PM
How important is it that your government enforces laws, is prepared, and responds to emergency situations?
Enforce laws, respond to emergencies
How important is it that everyone can enjoy clean soil, water, and air?
Clean soil, water, and air
How important is it that children and vulnerable adults are protected, and their basic needs met?
Protection for children and the vulnerable
Responding to criminal activity is one thing, how important is it that it is prevented it in the first place?
Prevent criminal behavior
How important is it that people can travel and move about safely, no matter if that's in a vehicle, on a sidewalk, or on a trail?
Safety in every mode of travel
How important is it that everyone feels safe, knows their neighbors, where children can play outside, and everyone feels part of the larger community?
Feeling safe in the community
Speak Up Scott County is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Speak Up Scott County is voluntary. The priority lists in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
All of these priorities are important. I placed protecting the children and vulnerable at the top because as community members I feel we need to value caring for those who are unable to speak up for themselves. In doing so it makes Scott County a strong community and caring place to live where all members feel valued and safe.