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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants

Noah Schneider inside Santa Clara August 12, 2024, 2:50 PM

Do you live in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
How satisfied are you with the electric services offered by Silicon Valley Power? Satisfied
Please rank the following electric services priorities in terms of importance: (1 being the most important, 4 being the least important)
How much more would you be willing to pay monthly on your electric bill to achieve clean energy goals faster: A lot (~50% increase)
Would you be willing to experience occasional power outages instead of a cost increase? Example: no power for 2 hours, twice per year to achieve clean energy goals. Yes
Estimate the percentage of electricity that comes to the City of Santa Clara from renewable resources: 31% to 50%
Please list in order of importance the following energy initiatives: Charging customers more for energy during peak times when power is dirty and more expensive , Rewarding customers to voluntarily reduce energy, More large-scale wind turbine systems (not in Santa Clara), Development of next generation small-scale nuclear power plants (not in Santa Clara), Rewarding customers for allowing SVP to remotely adjust thermostats, More large-scale battery systems with solar (not in Santa Clara), More local roof top solar businesses with battery systems, More stand-alone battery systems, Retain Santa Clara’s in-town natural gas power plant
California has a 60% renewable energy goal by 2030, which increases to 100% carbon-free by 2045. Do you support the pace of California’s overall energy goals? Too slow
What do you think Silicon Valley Power should prioritize as it develops the Integrated Resource Plan? Keeping costs down, Exceeding the environmental compliance requirements, Meeting the state and federal compliance requirements, Reliability, Public outreach/community input
In general, what are your thoughts about Electric Vehicles (EV)? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not Sure)
If you live in the City of Santa Clara, do you: Own
Do you own or operate a business in the City of Santa Clara? No
Do you work in the City of Santa Clara? No

Name not shown inside Santa Clara June 3, 2024, 9:54 PM

Do you live in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
How satisfied are you with the electric services offered by Silicon Valley Power? Satisfied
Please rank the following electric services priorities in terms of importance: (1 being the most important, 4 being the least important)
How much more would you be willing to pay monthly on your electric bill to achieve clean energy goals faster: None (0% increase)
Would you be willing to experience occasional power outages instead of a cost increase? Example: no power for 2 hours, twice per year to achieve clean energy goals. No
Estimate the percentage of electricity that comes to the City of Santa Clara from renewable resources: 11% to 30%
Please list in order of importance the following energy initiatives: Rewarding customers to voluntarily reduce energy, Development of next generation small-scale nuclear power plants (not in Santa Clara), Charging customers more for energy during peak times when power is dirty and more expensive , Rewarding customers for allowing SVP to remotely adjust thermostats, More local roof top solar businesses with battery systems, More large-scale wind turbine systems (not in Santa Clara), More large-scale battery systems with solar (not in Santa Clara), More stand-alone battery systems, Retain Santa Clara’s in-town natural gas power plant
California has a 60% renewable energy goal by 2030, which increases to 100% carbon-free by 2045. Do you support the pace of California’s overall energy goals? Too slow
What do you think Silicon Valley Power should prioritize as it develops the Integrated Resource Plan? Public outreach/community input, Keeping costs down, Reliability, Exceeding the environmental compliance requirements, Meeting the state and federal compliance requirements
In general, what are your thoughts about Electric Vehicles (EV)? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not Sure)
Have you participated in any of the following programs offered by Silicon Valley Power? Select all that apply. (Press the Ctrl button to select additional options) Other - I have lived in Santa Clara for more than 6 months and am not aware of these programs or at least any that apply to me.
Please let us know what programs you would like SVP to have that we don’t already offer. Advocate for yourselves and make the areas you service more aware of your benefits above PG&E. PG&E is a known lobby and most Californians don't trust them, their rates or worse - they know people whom PG & E has harmed or taken the lives of.
If you live in the City of Santa Clara, do you: Rent
Do you own or operate a business in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
Do you work in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
Do you have any questions or comments for us? Rates are great and reliability has been great. PG & E is a villain/monopoly. How can Silicon Valley Power change the reputation of power companies here and normalize safety, transparency & sustainability without becoming another PG&E?

Ken Fritz inside Santa Clara October 12, 2023, 12:07 PM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide regarding the Chief of Police position? Keep your hands off MY vote for police chief. This is my decision and my vote - not yours. Why do you want to decide for me? You continue to think you should decide for me and not the residents of the city of Santa Clara.
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
Is there any additional information and/or factors you would like the Committee to consider in making their final recommendations to the City Council? MY VOTE, NOT YOURS. The city council should keep the city charter as is. Don't touch my city charter and my vote. City council continue to show just how corrupt they have become.
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95051

Name not shown inside Santa Clara October 11, 2023, 1:53 PM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? Undecided
Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide regarding the Chief of Police position? I think there should be a police committee made up of community residents to decide who the appropriate candidates for chief of police would be. They would offer a list of candidates and the council who would make the final decision. That would allow for both community and council input rather than making it a political event. It should never be decided by a single person.
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? Yes
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: City Manager
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95050

Name not shown inside Santa Clara October 10, 2023, 5:28 PM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
Is there any additional information and/or factors you would like the Committee to consider in making their final recommendations to the City Council? I don’t trust the current city government, the council & especially the mayor - ie the previous City Manager among other bad decisions.
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95051

Name not shown inside Santa Clara October 9, 2023, 8:12 PM

Do you live in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
How satisfied are you with the electric services offered by Silicon Valley Power? Very satisfied
Please rank the following electric services priorities in terms of importance: (1 being the most important, 4 being the least important)
How much more would you be willing to pay monthly on your electric bill to achieve clean energy goals faster: Some (~25% increase)
Would you be willing to experience occasional power outages instead of a cost increase? Example: no power for 2 hours, twice per year to achieve clean energy goals. Yes
Estimate the percentage of electricity that comes to the City of Santa Clara from renewable resources: 31% to 50%
California has a 60% renewable energy goal by 2030, which increases to 100% carbon-free by 2045. Do you support the pace of California’s overall energy goals? Just right
What do you think Silicon Valley Power should prioritize as it develops the Integrated Resource Plan? Exceeding the environmental compliance requirements, Reliability, Meeting the state and federal compliance requirements, Keeping costs down, Public outreach/community input
In general, what are your thoughts about Electric Vehicles (EV)? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not Sure)
Have you participated in any of the following programs offered by Silicon Valley Power? Select all that apply. (Press the Ctrl button to select additional options) Other - Checked out tools from the library
If you live in the City of Santa Clara, do you: Own
Do you own or operate a business in the City of Santa Clara? No
Do you work in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
Do you have any questions or comments for us? I have no trouble paying extra for electricity to accelerate sustainability. One way to do that equitably would be to bring back something like the Green Power Program. Another way would be to establish a tiered rate structure.

Name not shown inside Santa Clara October 9, 2023, 10:56 AM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? Yes
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: City Council
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: Neither, keep elected
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95051

John D'Arcy inside Santa Clara October 9, 2023, 10:39 AM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: Neither, keep elected
Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide regarding the Chief of Police position? As long as the 49ers buy political influence on the council to the point where they can get city employees fired, no position currently elected should be appointed.
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: Neither, keep elected
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95051

Name not shown inside Santa Clara October 8, 2023, 10:45 PM

Should the City consider a change to the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of Chief of Police from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: City Manager
Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide regarding the Chief of Police position? This process is completely rigged. The impetus for this did not come from the general population; it was imposed from the top down by Jed York's stooges on the City Council.
Should the City consider a change to the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed in the City Charter? No
If you responded yes to amend the City Charter to change the position of City Clerk from elected to appointed, should the appropriate appointing authority be: Undecided
Is there any additional information and/or factors you would like the Committee to consider in making their final recommendations to the City Council? This entire process is a just another example of Jed York costing the City millions of dollars in expenditures just to try to cement his control over City government.
Are you a Santa Clara resident? Yes
What is your postal zip code? 95050

Lisa Eckstein inside Santa Clara October 8, 2023, 6:56 PM

Do you live in the City of Santa Clara? Yes
How satisfied are you with the electric services offered by Silicon Valley Power? Very satisfied
Please rank the following electric services priorities in terms of importance: (1 being the most important, 4 being the least important)
How much more would you be willing to pay monthly on your electric bill to achieve clean energy goals faster: Some (~25% increase)
Would you be willing to experience occasional power outages instead of a cost increase? Example: no power for 2 hours, twice per year to achieve clean energy goals. Yes
Estimate the percentage of electricity that comes to the City of Santa Clara from renewable resources: 11% to 30%
Please list in order of importance the following energy initiatives: Charging customers more for energy during peak times when power is dirty and more expensive , Rewarding customers to voluntarily reduce energy, More local roof top solar businesses with battery systems, More large-scale wind turbine systems (not in Santa Clara), Development of next generation small-scale nuclear power plants (not in Santa Clara), More large-scale battery systems with solar (not in Santa Clara), More stand-alone battery systems
California has a 60% renewable energy goal by 2030, which increases to 100% carbon-free by 2045. Do you support the pace of California’s overall energy goals? Just right
What do you think Silicon Valley Power should prioritize as it develops the Integrated Resource Plan? Reliability, Exceeding the environmental compliance requirements, Meeting the state and federal compliance requirements, Keeping costs down, Public outreach/community input
In general, what are your thoughts about Electric Vehicles (EV)? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not Sure)
Have you participated in any of the following programs offered by Silicon Valley Power? Select all that apply. (Press the Ctrl button to select additional options) Solar Rebates
If you live in the City of Santa Clara, do you: Own
Do you own or operate a business in the City of Santa Clara? No
Do you work in the City of Santa Clara? No