Provide your feedback for a future public park at Freedom Circle
This topic has 535 visitors and 342 responses.
That's 17.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
The City of Santa Clara is currently reviewing a proposed mixed use development project located at 3905 Freedom Circle on a 13.3 acre site within the Freedom Circle Focus Plan area. The project consists of up to 1,100 residential units, with 1,540 parking spaces, up to 2,000 square feet of commercial space with 10 parking spaces, and a 2-acre public neighborhood park. To meet the City’s park and design standards, the proposed conceptual design includes: age appropriate playgrounds, multi-use sports court, natural grass open space, an off leash dog area, picnic facilities, and connection to the creek trail, landscaping, and restroom and parking facilities in the adjacent building. The project applicant, Greystar (developer) and the City Parks & Recreation Department are seeking community input on the future neighborhood park features. We want to know what park design elements and features are important to you.
The survey will close on Thursday, Sept. 2 at 11:59 p.m. The survey can be completed in ten minutes or less.
View the Parks & Recreation Commission Agenda Packet from the July 2021 meeting for the Schematic Design and Presentation.
This topic has 535 visitors and 342 responses.
That's 17.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.