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Hillsdale Blvd & Alameda de las Pulgas Traffic Signal Project

What types of intersection improvements do you desire for the Hillsdale Blvd & Alameda de las Pulgas Traffic Signal project?

Zona Silenciosa Sin Bocinas de Trenes

¿Cuál es su opinión sobre el cierre de Villa Terrace y las medianas en East Bellevue Avenue para reducir el ruido de las bocinas de los trenes en San Mateo?

Train Horn Noise Quiet Zone

What are your thoughts on the closure of Villa Terrace and medians on East Bellevue Avenue to reduce train horn noise in San Mateo?

Beresford Park Court Survey

Do you play Tennis, Junior Tennis or Pickleball? Tell us how you would like the courts to be striped at Beresford Park!

San Mateo Public Library Customer Satisfaction Survey 2023

How do you think our San Mateo Public Library system has done this past year?

Racial Equity Art Project – Feedback Survey

Which mural do you want painted in Downtown San Mateo?

Annual Parks Survey 2022-2023

What do you think of our City parks?

San Mateo is Hiring a New City Manager 2023

San Mateo is preparing to hire a new City Manager. What characteristics do you want this new leader to have and what should be their top priorities for San Mateo?

Proposed Green Building Reach Codes

How can we make home remodels more sustainable? Survey on green building reach codes.

Annual Park & Recreation Survey 2021 - 2022

What do you think of our City parks and facilities?

North Central 停车许可证计划调查

North Central 停车许可证计划调查

Encuesta del programa de estacionamiento con permiso en North Central

Encuesta del programa de estacionamiento con permiso en North Central

North Central Parking Permit Program Survey

North Central Parking Permit Program Survey

San Mateo Public Library 2021-2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey

San Mateo Public Library 2021-2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey

Building Blocks 22-23

We are conducting this survey to gauge how many programs will be needed by our community in the upcoming 2022-23 school year.

Housing Needs in San Mateo - Housing Element 2023-31

What can we do about the high cost of housing in San Mateo? How can we create more housing that is more affordable and a great place to live?

2021 Summer Camp Survey copy

Were our Summer Camps amazing? Please let us know!