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Check out some recent announcements

October 25, 2021, 3:28 PM

What can we do about the high cost of housing in San Mateo? How can we create housing that is more affordable while ensuring San Mateo is a great place to live? 

The City of San Mateo is working on its 8-year housing plan, also known as the Housing Element 2023-2031, that provides a roadmap to address housing needs of our community members.  The state requires all cities to create Housing Elements and San Mateo is required to plan for thousands of new homes in the coming years. Your input will help us prepare our Housing Element update, which will become part of the City’s General Plan.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts!

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June 25, 2021, 4:45 PM

Take Our 2021 Park Survey by July 6!

We value your opinion and would like to know how we can improve our parks! Please help by taking a few minutes to answer our 2021 Parks Survey at

Did you know our Parks & Recreation Department maintains 30 parks in the City of San Mateo? Responses from surveys like these help us collect information from the community so we can improve the parks you care about most.  Please share your thoughts and help support City of San Mateo parks!

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July 29, 2020, 4:16 PM

We're asking our community to share their input in our Annual Parks and Recreation survey. Please take a few minutes to help us understand how our parks are used, and what we can do to improve our facilities. 

Thank you,

City of San Mateo

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June 25, 2019, 3:33 PM

We're asking our community to share their input in our Annual Parks and Recreation survey. Please take a few minutes to help us understand how our parks are used, and what we can do to improve our facilities. 

Thank you,

City of San Mateo

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October 6, 2017, 11:27 AM

The City Council adopted a Recreation Facilities Strategic Plan in 2016. We are now refining and making this plan more specific, and are seeking your interests, ideas and priorities for the kinds of facilities that should be included in our future community centers and pools.

Read more and share your feedback on the City of San Mateo Recreation Facilities- Vision to Reality on-line participation site. 

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