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Please select the first community center you would like to provide feedback for. You will have the opportunity to comment on all community centers or you can skip to the ones you want to comment on. Please select the next community center you would like to provide feedback for in sequential order.
What are your priorities for a recreation facility at Bay Meadows Park? Please allocate the dots to your top priorities.
What are your perspectives as relate to the relationship between the Recreation Facility and the surrounding park?
We bought into Bay Meadows with the vision and understanding that there is this Bay Meadows Park which will allow us outdoor recreation. If we want indoor recreation, we can get that elsewhere. "Everyone and every dog can use open outdoor space for recreation but that is not true for indoor facility activities." Why can't we have the park and have all outdoor activities there? Why do we have to have indoor activities?
If there has to be a recreation facility, it should be a small structure but location need to be adjacent to the event center, and next to the wetland, and access to facility and parking can be at the event center. Definitely do not build any structures or parking lot anywhere near E. 28th Avenue. Keep that open space and green. That is the area closest to the bay meadows residents and should be kept as a park for our use.
What is your vision for a recreation facility at Bay Meadows Park?
We like to keep it a park and open space as it is currently. Residents of Bay Meadows, and also dogs, do not have any yard or outdoor space so this park is very important to the health and well being of our community and neighborhood. As open space, it is serving as a recreation facility for us already! Used for outdoor recreation-such as soccer field, walking, running, jogging, dog walking paths, barbecue and picnic areas, people of all ages love sitting and playing on the grass. "Everyone and every dog can use open outdoor space for recreation but that is not true for indoor facilities." Outdoor facilities such as tennis courts would be welcomed. There is not enough of parks and outdoor space already. As we all know, more housing are being built which means there will be an increase in residents. So we actually should be increasing or at least protecting our open spaces/parks. The new residential and commercial buildings being built should be designed with indoor space to accommodate for indoor recreations. We can not recover open space for parks once structures are built on them. New buildings can have roof top open space but that is not the same and cannot replace a park.
Please select the next community center you are interested in providing feedback for: