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Please select the first community center you would like to provide feedback for. You will have the opportunity to comment on all community centers or you can skip to the ones you want to comment on. Please select the next community center you would like to provide feedback for in sequential order.
What are your priorities for a recreation facility at Bay Meadows Park? Please allocate the dots to your top priorities.
What are your perspectives as relate to the relationship between the Recreation Facility and the surrounding park?
If a facility is built alongside the park, allow both to work synergistically. No additional above ground parking, which runs counter to Bay Meadows development policies for residents (for instance, the 2 hr street parking in conjunction with extremely limited visitor spaces to discourage long term parking, discourage vehicle ownership, encourage turnover).
What is your vision for a recreation facility at Bay Meadows Park?
Facilities shouldn’t take away from existing green space that is, per capita, increasingly shrinking, given the high density, public transit-oriented, walkability-promoting charter of Bay Meadows living. Consider what Cal Academy of Sciences has done with the Living Roof.
Bay Meadows has the opportunity to set an example for midurban living across the Bay Area, the state, and any similar location in the country where high density communities are being promoted as a future-looking alternative to suburban lifestyles or city living. The vision of walkability, bikability, public transit availability, and reduction of car usage/ownership need not conflict with a recreation facility if it is designed with these tenets in mind. Start by prioritizing the philosophy of multi-use space and promoting green space that keeps residents highly incentivized to forego homes with front/back yards in favor of high density, mixed use communities.
Do it right, and Bay Meadows is further solidified as a model to be emulated. Do it wrong, and Bay Meadows becomes just another dated and failed vision.
Please select the next community center you are interested in providing feedback for: