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How concerned are you about climate change?
Did you attend the August 30th Community Meeting on Proposed Green Building Reach Codes held on Zoom?
How much have you heard, seen, or read recently about the City of San Mateo’s Green Building Reach Codes?
Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 1 that requires panel capacity for future electrification of gas appliances at time of electrical panel upgrade in residential buildings?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 1?
unless its new construction, existing residents should have option to keep their gas connections if they have it.Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 2 that requires the installation of outlets at time of kitchen or laundry room renovations in single family homes if a gas stove or gas dryer is installed?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 2?
Residents should be able to keep their existing gas appliances if they want them.Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 3 that requires heat pump air conditioning installation at time of AC installation and gas furnace replacement in single family homes and duplexes?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 3?
No response.Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 4A that requires new pools use electric or solar water heating at existing residential buildings?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 4A?
No response.Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 4B that would prohibit the extension of fuel gas infrastructure in the backyard of existing residential buildings, thus, prohibiting fossil gas use for fire pits, grills, and water heating for pools?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 4B?
No response.Do you support or oppose proposed Reach Code Option 5 that requires the installation of a heat pump water heater as part of an addition or alteration projects that include a water heater replacement in single family homes?
Do you have any other comments about Reach Code Option 5?
No response.How concerned are you by the potential cost increase for homeowners as result of adopting these proposed green building reach codes?
Do you think these green building reach code options:
Is there anything else you would like to share about these green building reach code options?
No response.Which of the following describes your connection to the City of San Mateo?
What is your age group?
Which best describes your current housing situation?