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Speak Up San Mateo!

How do you feel about the recent pavement improvement near you?

10 registered responses

Enter your project Code as it is written on the postcard you received in the mail:


How did you hear about the project coming to your neighborhood? (choose all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
A project notification in the mail 80.0% 8
Social media, like NextDoor 10.0% 1
My Home Owners Association or Neighborhood Association 10.0% 1
City enewsletter 20.0% 2
The ‘no parking’ signs on my street 60.0% 6
The project information (A-Frames) on my street 30.0% 3
Other 10.0% 1

If you received a notification, did it provide enough information for you to plan in order to avoid schedule conflicts with the construction project? Note: Opportunities for expanded comments are below.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 90.0% 9
No 10.0% 1

Did you seek more information on the project webpage?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 20.0% 2
No 80.0% 8

During construction, did the construction crew treat you with courtesy and respect?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 70.0% 7
No 10.0% 1
I had no interaction with the construction crew 20.0% 2

During construction, did City staff treat you with courtesy and respect?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 50.0% 5
I had no interaction with the City staff 50.0% 5

During construction, did you get adequate notice of any ‘no parking’ restrictions near you?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 100.0% 10

During construction, was access to your home limited?

Response Percent Response Count
The construction project did not limit access to my home 10.0% 1
I had to detour around equipment/personnel but still had access to my home 60.0% 6
The project blocked access to my home during working hours 30.0% 3

Do you have anything more to tell us about access to your home during construction near you?


Were the detour signs clear and visible for this construction project?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 90.0% 9
No 10.0% 1

Did our work improve the quality of your street?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 70.0% 7
No 30.0% 3

Please rank your preferred method of communication for upcoming Public Works projects in your neighborhood, 1 = least preferred, 5 = most preferred

Mailed notifications
Response Percent Response Count
4 10.0% 1
5 90.0% 9
Response Percent Response Count
1 50.0% 5
3 10.0% 1
5 20.0% 2
City's ENewsletter
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 2
2 10.0% 1
3 30.0% 3
5 20.0% 2
HOA Social Media/Newsletter
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 2
2 10.0% 1
3 30.0% 3
4 10.0% 1
5 10.0% 1
'No Parking' signs
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.0% 1
3 20.0% 2
4 20.0% 2
5 50.0% 5

Do you have any further comments for the Public Works Department?

Sheila Sandow inside SUNNYBRAE
July 22, 2021, 6:39 PM
  • Enter your project Code as it is written on the postcard you received in the mail:
  • How did you hear about the project coming to your neighborhood? (choose all that apply)
    • A project notification in the mail
  • If you received a notification, did it provide enough information for you to plan in order to avoid schedule conflicts with the construction project? Note: Opportunities for expanded comments are below.
    • Yes
  • Did you seek more information on the project webpage?
    • No
  • During construction, did the construction crew treat you with courtesy and respect?
    • Yes
  • During construction, did City staff treat you with courtesy and respect?
    • I had no interaction with the City staff
  • During construction, did you get adequate notice of any ‘no parking’ restrictions near you?
    • Yes
  • During construction, was access to your home limited?
    • The project blocked access to my home during working hours
  • Do you have anything more to tell us about access to your home during construction near you?

    It was a long time ago ... so it's hard to remember exactly what happened. My recollection is that they worked on one side of the street at a time, so we all parked our cars on the opposite side of the street when we did not have access.

  • Were the detour signs clear and visible for this construction project?
    • Yes
  • Did our work improve the quality of your street?
    • Yes
  • Please rank your preferred method of communication for upcoming Public Works projects in your neighborhood, 1 = least preferred, 5 = most preferred
    • Mailed notifications - 5
    • NextDoor - 5
    • City's ENewsletter - 3
    • HOA Social Media/Newsletter - 1
    • 'No Parking' signs - 3
  • Do you have any further comments for the Public Works Department?

    I cannot tell what the "SS21" project entails.

    We were promised renewed rolled curbs and some sidewalk repairs, followed by replacement of our road bed, which has been badly in need of replacement for MANY years. The curbs and sidewalk repairs were done, but the curbs varied a great deal in terms of height; many residents are complaining about scraping the undercarriage of their cars when going in and out of driveways.

    Next, the manhole covers were removed to prepare for the roadbed replacement. For ~four months, I stared at a really ugly manhole cover left dead center in front of my house, making both parking and trash-can placement difficult. Then suddenly, we were sent postcards saying the City had run out of money because it overspent on a project somewhere else in town, and that our roadway would not be replaced until 2022! Many of our neighborhood's roads were replaced this year but not Sunnybrae Blvd., even though our street is the main one in this area, and it suffered a lot of damage from the trucks that built Arbor Rose. (Wasn't Arbor Rose supposed to pay for that damage to be fixed?)

    Since the roadbed was not being replaced, someone decided to replace the manhole covers. However, the crew that did that work did not clean up after themselves, leaving huge chunks of broken-off roadway where the displaced manhole covers had been, and a big cleanup project for ME!

    Where was the City's oversight on this project? And why penalize our neighborhood for overspending elsewhere?

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  • The Registered Channel: Sign in before or just after you submit your response. Either way, Community Feedback will show your response on this website.
  • The Unregistered Channel: Don't sign in and remain anonymous. Community Feedback will just share your response with San Mateo staff.

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  • To prevent any single user from dominating the forum, the City of San Mateo restricts the number of responses any one user can post on selected topics. Registration helps Community Feedback enforce this restriction.
  • Users, staff and government leaders often want to know the neighborhood from which a response is posted. Community Feedback uses registration to show the neighborhood next to each response (not the address).
  • If a user posts a response that does not meet the City of San Mateo guidelines for civility, Community Feedback uses the user's email address to invite the user to resolve the issue.

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  • You'll be able to change and/or delete your response as long as the topic is open.

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Neither the registered nor the unregistered channel represent a certified voting system or ballot box - and that caveat is footnoted on every page of feedback. Instead, both are additional channels for feedback to government.

Users can participate on the registered channel (by signing in) or on the unregistered channel (by remaining anonymous). The City of San Mateo offers both channels in order to broaden participation and maximize decision makers' insights.

The registered channel enables users to assure decision makers that their feedback comes from a real person in a specific neighborhood. It also enables users to participate in a public discussion on the website, as well as manage their own response after posting it.

The unregistered channel is for users who want to provide quick feedback without registering, and/or whose privacy concerns would prevent them from participating if required to register. Because many users with valuable insights will only share them anonymously, this channel gives decision makers the option to consider those insights in their deliberations.

OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of San Mateo has contracted with OpenGov to administer Speak Up San Mateo!.

* required
Mailed notifications
City's ENewsletter
HOA Social Media/Newsletter
'No Parking' signs

Thank you for completing our survey. Your feedback helps us prioritize improvements. 

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