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Speak Up San Mateo!

The City is in the process of updating its accessory dwelling unit (ADU) ordinance to align with the new state laws and is seeking your input on new rules that will regulate the development of ADUs in San Mateo.

90 registered responses

What is your relationship to community? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Resident of San Mateo 84.4% 76
b. Have family in San Mateo 10.0% 9
c. Would like to live in San Mateo 4.4% 4
d. None of the above 1.1% 1

What is your interest in ADUs? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Already have an ADU 7.8% 7
b. Interested in building an ADU 36.7% 33
c. Have concerns about ADUs 33.3% 30
d. Information gathering 41.1% 37

Which of the following should be the maximum building height for a detached ADU (select one)?

Response Percent Response Count
a. A low height that meets the state's minimum height requirement but allows for a second-floor/loft with certain designs (ex: 16 feet to top plate line/24 feet to roof peak) 38.2% 34
b. Less than than what is allowed for a single-family home, but more than the state’s minimum requirement (ex: 20 feet to top plate line/28 feet to roof peak) 9.0% 8
c. Same maximum height allowed for a single-family home (24 feet to top plate line/32 feet to roof peak) 41.6% 37
d. Other 11.2% 10

For new detached ADUs, which design features should be required to match with the primary home? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Roof form 36.4% 32
b. Exterior materials 39.8% 35
c. Exterior color palette 40.9% 36
d. Architectural style (e.g., modern, ranch, Craftsman, etc.) 44.3% 39
e. Window sizes, frame styles, and trim 26.1% 23
f. None (detached ADUs should not be required to match the design of the primary home) 50.0% 44

For new two-story detached ADUs, which of the following objective design standards should be required to address potential privacy impacts on neighboring properties? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Windowsill heights for second-story windows must be no less than 5 feet in height when located within 4 feet of side and rear property lines and facing neighboring properties 37.1% 33
b. Obscured glazing (permanent) for second story windows located within 4-feet of side and rear property lines 38.2% 34
c. Second-story decks or balconies cannot face adjacent properties when built within 4 feet of side and rear property lines 56.2% 50
d. No objective design standards should be imposed 27.0% 24
Other 22.5% 20

What should the maximum size of an attached ADU be? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Up to 50% of the size of the primary home or 1,000 sq. ft., whichever is greater 18.2% 16
b. Up to 50% the size of the primary home, or up to 1,200 sq. ft. maximum 39.8% 35
c. Up to 850 sq. ft. for a studio/one-bedroom, and up to 1,000 sq. ft. for two or more bedrooms (not percentage based) 42.0% 37

What should be the maximum size of a detached ADU? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Up to 850 sq. ft. for studio/1-bedroom, or up to 1,000 sq. ft. for 2+ bedrooms 34.5% 30
b. Up to 1,000 sq. ft. regardless of bedroom count 3.4% 3
c. Default to the state's established maximum size for detached ADUs (1,200 sq. ft.) 18.4% 16
d. Tiered based on lot size (ex: up to 1,200 sq. ft. for lots 0-9,999 sq. ft. in size; up to 1,500 sq. ft. for lots 10,000 sq. ft. or greater in size; etc.) 43.7% 38

Which of the following should the City do? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Impose both conditions (I and II), limiting the detached ADU to a maximum of 800 sq. ft. in size with a maximum height of 16 feet 44.4% 40
b. Impose only condition I, limiting the detached ADU to a maximum 800 sq. ft. in size 3.3% 3
c. Impose only condition II, limiting the detached ADU to a maximum height of 16 feet 10.0% 9
Do not impose either of these conditions 42.2% 38

Should the City exempt all ADU development from required off-street parking? (select one)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 44.4% 40
No 55.6% 50

Which of the following off-street parking design options for properties building an ADU or JADU be considered? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
a. Allow parking in required setback areas, including paved front, side, and rear yard areas 54.7% 47
b. Allow wider driveways to accommodate more vehicles on-site 61.6% 53
c. Allow tandem parking 54.7% 47
d. Maintain current off-street parking standards 38.4% 33

Should JADU conversions of attached garages be required to provide replacement parking? (Yes or No)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 44.9% 40
No 55.1% 49
Benjamin Lambert outside City Boundary
July 15, 2021, 1:10 PM
  • What is your relationship to community? (select one)
    • a. Resident of San Mateo
  • What is your interest in ADUs? (select all that apply)
    • a. Already have an ADU
  • Which of the following should be the maximum building height for a detached ADU (select one)?
    • c. Same maximum height allowed for a single-family home (24 feet to top plate line/32 feet to roof peak)
  • For new detached ADUs, which design features should be required to match with the primary home? (select all that apply)
    • f. None (detached ADUs should not be required to match the design of the primary home)
  • For new two-story detached ADUs, which of the following objective design standards should be required to address potential privacy impacts on neighboring properties? (select all that apply)
    • d. No objective design standards should be imposed
  • What should the maximum size of an attached ADU be? (select one)
    • b. Up to 50% the size of the primary home, or up to 1,200 sq. ft. maximum
  • What should be the maximum size of a detached ADU? (select one)
    • d. Tiered based on lot size (ex: up to 1,200 sq. ft. for lots 0-9,999 sq. ft. in size; up to 1,500 sq. ft. for lots 10,000 sq. ft. or greater in size; etc.)
  • Which of the following should the City do? (select one)
    • Do not impose either of these conditions
  • Should the City exempt all ADU development from required off-street parking? (select one)
    • Yes
  • Which of the following off-street parking design options for properties building an ADU or JADU be considered? (select all that apply)
    • a. Allow parking in required setback areas, including paved front, side, and rear yard areas
    • b. Allow wider driveways to accommodate more vehicles on-site
    • c. Allow tandem parking
  • Should JADU conversions of attached garages be required to provide replacement parking? (Yes or No)
    • No
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OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of San Mateo has contracted with OpenGov to administer Speak Up San Mateo!.

The City of San Mateo is looking to update its local accessory dwelling unit (ADU) regulations and needs your input! An ADU is a secondary residential housing unit known by many different names, including "in-law unit," "casita," or "guesthouse." ADUs can be built as a detached structure, attached to a single-family home, or be a conversion of an existing space within a home or structure.

We are considering how to update local regulations to align with new state laws, as well as develop ADU standards that best address the needs and concerns of our residents. Please take this survey to learn about the statewid changes and share your feedback on issues such as maximum height and building size, parking requirements, and design standards. This survey, along with feedback gathered during two online workshops held in June, will be shared with both the Planning Commission and City Council as they consider the updated ADU Ordinance later this year.  

Before we start our survey, we would like to learn a little about who you are and your interest in ADUs. We ask that you please answer the following two demographic questions. Thank you!

* required
* required
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