On a scale of 1 - 5 do you feel the current lighting level in your neighborhood is sufficient?
Current Lighting - 5 Perfectly Sufficient
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "The existing lighting in my neighborhood is sufficient for walking at night."
Existing Night Safety - 5 Strongly Agree
Would you like to share anything else about the streetlights in your neighborhood?
Color, quality and brightness of existing lighting is sufficient and pleasant, providing enough light for safety and visibility without being too white, bright or glaring. New lighting should strive to replicate existing lighting as close as possible in color, quality, intensity, diffusion, glare, shade style, and pole height. Existing shades are simple and attractive, with an obscure finish and finial top, distributing light more evenly and diffusely than the demonstration lights.
On a scale of 1- 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I like the way the streetlight lights the sidewalk?"
Street Light 1 - 5 Strongly Agree
Street Light 2 - 4
Street Light 3 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Street Light 4 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Street Light 5 - 4
Street Light 6 - 2
Street Light 7 - 1 Strongly Disagree
On a scale of 1 - 5, how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I like the color of light provided by the streetlight."
Light 1 - 5 Strongly Agree
Light 2 - 4
Light 3 - 2
Light 4 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Light 5 - 4
Light 6 - 2
Light 7 - 1 Strongly Disagree
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I don't think the streetlight generates too much glare."
Light 1 - 4
Light 2 - 3 Neutral
Light 3 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Light 4 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Light 5 - 3 Neutral
Light 6 - 3 Neutral
Light 7 - 1 Strongly Disagree
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "Overall, when considering factors like amount of light, light distribution, light color, and glare, I like this streetlight."
Light 1 - 5 Strongly Agree
Light 2 - 4
Light 3 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Light 4 - 1 Strongly Disagree
Light 5 - 4
Light 6 - 3 Neutral
Light 7 - 1 Strongly Disagree
How closely do you feel each streetlight matches the current high-voltage streetlights in your neighborhood?
Light 1 - 5 Close Match
Light 2 - 3
Light 3 - 1 Poor Match
Light 4 - 1 Poor Match
Light 5 - 3
Light 6 - 2
Light 7 - 1 Poor Match
For each streetlight, tell us how you would feel if it was installed in your neighborhood.
Light 1 - Somewhat Satisfied
Light 2 - Neutral
Light 3 - Not Satisfied
Light 4 - Not Satisfied
Light 5 - Somewhat Dissatisfied
Light 6 - Neutral
Light 7 - Not Satisfied
Did you feel that this survey process allowed you an opportunity to provide sufficient feedback to City staff?
If you wish, please provide any other feedback you have about the sample streetlights in the Demonstration Zone.
Yellower, mellower diffused light is preferable, giving a soft glow (1, 5). Bright, white and concentrated light source is abrasive, unpleasant and distracting (3,4,7). Diffused light source is preferable to a concentrated light source. Shades with a finial top that match existing post tops are preferable (1, 2) and better than the other shades (5,6). Frosted shades diffuse the light better. The gold decorative "halo bracket" doesn't add much, but does not detract either. They could be omitted, in which case they would be more similar to the existing shades.
Speak Up San Mateo! is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Speak Up San Mateo! is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
What street do you live on?
Seville WayOn a scale of 1 - 5 do you feel the current lighting level in your neighborhood is sufficient?
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "The existing lighting in my neighborhood is sufficient for walking at night."
Would you like to share anything else about the streetlights in your neighborhood?
Color, quality and brightness of existing lighting is sufficient and pleasant, providing enough light for safety and visibility without being too white, bright or glaring. New lighting should strive to replicate existing lighting as close as possible in color, quality, intensity, diffusion, glare, shade style, and pole height. Existing shades are simple and attractive, with an obscure finish and finial top, distributing light more evenly and diffusely than the demonstration lights.
On a scale of 1- 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I like the way the streetlight lights the sidewalk?"
On a scale of 1 - 5, how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I like the color of light provided by the streetlight."
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "I don't think the streetlight generates too much glare."
On a scale of 1 - 5 how strongly do you agree with this statement: "Overall, when considering factors like amount of light, light distribution, light color, and glare, I like this streetlight."
How closely do you feel each streetlight matches the current high-voltage streetlights in your neighborhood?
For each streetlight, tell us how you would feel if it was installed in your neighborhood.
Did you feel that this survey process allowed you an opportunity to provide sufficient feedback to City staff?
If you wish, please provide any other feedback you have about the sample streetlights in the Demonstration Zone.
Yellower, mellower diffused light is preferable, giving a soft glow (1, 5). Bright, white and concentrated light source is abrasive, unpleasant and distracting (3,4,7). Diffused light source is preferable to a concentrated light source. Shades with a finial top that match existing post tops are preferable (1, 2) and better than the other shades (5,6). Frosted shades diffuse the light better. The gold decorative "halo bracket" doesn't add much, but does not detract either. They could be omitted, in which case they would be more similar to the existing shades.