How do you feel about the streetlight options in the Demonstration Zone in the Baywood Neighborhood?
This topic has 134 visitors and 19 responses.
That's 57 minutes of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
Since 2017, we have been modernizing our remaining high voltage street light circuits to improve safety and reliability of the circuits in our City. The streetlight fixtures are also being replaced with LED fixtures to meet current goals for sustainability while also ensuring that our residents enjoy safer neighborhoods with improved lighting.
In 2019, as part of the project, staff completed the underground streetlight facilities upgrade in a portion of Baywood (see map) and prepared to modernize the above-ground facilities. Neighborhood feedback, however, prompted staff to seek alternative fixtures that could produce lighting to mimic the current neighborhood streetlights.
After extensive research, staff has not found any fixtures that exactly replicate the lighting produced by the current high voltage fixtures. Instead, staff has identified six fixtures that are acceptable for use in San Mateo and which produce light levels very similar to the high voltage lights.
We ask residents who live within the limits of the Phase 2 project for their feedback on the six new alternatives.
Click on 'Take the Survey' button below to provide your feedback.
This topic has 134 visitors and 19 responses.
That's 57 minutes of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.