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Check out some recent announcements

December 11, 2024, 9:28 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo is excited to share the Public Review Draft of our Lead by Example 2025-29 Work Program, and we want to hear from you!

In SLO, climate change is causing more frequent wildfires, droughts, and extreme heat waves, putting local businesses and the health of residents at risk. Taking action at the local level is crucial to protecting our way of life, preserving our natural resources, and ensuring a stable economy for future generations. By supporting common-sense solutions that improve our quality of life today, we can safeguard San Luis Obispo for years to come.

Your feedback has been instrumental in shaping our approach to local climate action. We've listened, and know that to achieve real climate action, the City must lead by example. That's why the City set an ambitious target to reach carbon neutrality in our municipal operations by 2030—five years ahead of our community-wide goal. In 2021, the City adopted the Lead by Example Plan: the City’s first roadmap for carbon neutral operations. Since then, we've made significant progress and now we’re ready to share what we've learned and keep building on this momentum.

The new Lead by Example 2025-29 Work Program lays out our strategy for the next four years, including initiatives like:

  • Supporting 100% carbon-free electricity
  • Phasing out fossil fuels in City buildings and vehicles
  • Encouraging sustainable commuting for City employees
  • Expanding our composting efforts for organic waste
  • Protecting and enhancing City open spaces to maximize carbon sequestration

Take a moment to review the draft and share your feedback by clicking the link below. The survey will be open until 12:00 PM on Thursday, December 19th, 2024. Thank you for being part of this important conversation as we work together to create a more sustainable and resilient San Luis Obispo.

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November 15, 2024, 11:26 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo is seeking your feedback!   

Now is your opportunity to take the 2025-27 Community Priorities Survey (para rellenar la encuesta en español, haga clic aquí) and help shape the City of San Luis Obispo’s top priorities for the next two years. The survey opened on November 12, 2024, and the deadline to submit your feedback is December 13, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.  

With valuable input from community members like you, the City Council can better prioritize projects, programs, services, and initiatives that matter most to our community. In addition to reviewing your own responses on the survey, you can see real-time feedback from the community to understand the priorities of your neighbors. 

This survey kicks off the City’s two-year financial planning process and is the first step in gathering valuable insights from community members that will lay the foundation for the City’s priorities over the next two fiscal years. This goal-setting stage in the City’s budgeting process is critical to making San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work and play. 

Survey Results  

City staff will compile community feedback from the survey results for the City Council to review before the Community Forum on January 23, 2025 and the Council goal-setting workshop in February. During the goal-setting workshop, the Council will officially set City goals for the next two years. A preliminary budget will then be presented to the City Council in April 2025 and the final 2025-27 Financial Plan will be adopted in June 2025.  

Civic participation is the cornerstone of local government. We encourage anyone who lives, works, or studies in San Luis Obispo to share your thoughts today!  

For more information about the budgeting process and how to get involved, please visit

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March 26, 2024, 4:52 PM

Community members who missed recent workshops on a new proposed policy now have an opportunity to weigh in online.

The City recently held two community workshops to get public input on a proposed policy that would help cut greenhouse gas emissions in existing buildings. City staff have heard from a variety of constituents and encourage anyone who is interested and impacted by this proposed policy to weigh in online at Open City Hall by April 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

Buildings are the second largest source of climate pollution in San Luis Obispo. The City’s Climate Action Plan sets the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in existing buildings by 50 percent by 2030. A mix of incentives, rebates, and new public policies are needed to help the community hit that target.

An Energy Efficient Renovations Policy is currently being developed by the City and will have proposed requirements for energy-efficient improvements when major renovations or additions are planned for existing single-family residential buildings in San Luis Obispo. Community input will be considered as City staff makes final touches to the proposed policy before it is presented to the City Council on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

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February 9, 2024, 2:16 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites community members to share their experiences with parking rates and services in San Luis Obispo by participating in an online survey.

The online survey is now live and can be accessed at, or directly via Open City Hall, the City’s online civic engagement platform. The survey will be available until March 8, 2024 at 11:59 PM (PST).  

Two community meetings will also be held next week as an opportunity for the community to provide input on the 2024 Parking Rate Study. The online survey is yet another opportunity for the community to share their experiences and let the City know what is most important to them when it comes to parking.

Parking in San Luis Obispo, especially in downtown, is an ongoing point of community interest. Community members have offered many ideas that could make downtown parking more user-friendly and affordable. To explore some of these ideas, the City is conducting a Parking Rate Study that will include community engagement to analyze parking demand, pricing, and user experience. Short and long-term solutions from the Parking Rate Study will be brought to the City Council in April 2024 to help keep downtown parking accessible and affordable.

With the community’s help, the City will develop parking priorities and recommendations to help shape future parking service rates and offerings.

The City’s Parking Services Program conducts parking rate studies every two to five years to evaluate demand, occupancy rates, revenue generation, and to address changing needs in support of efficient parking management. Parking services play a crucial role in supporting local business by providing convenient and accessible parking.

For more information, please visit

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November 6, 2023, 12:34 PM

Consistent with state goals, the City has an adopted target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in existing buildings by 50 percent by 2030. Reducing energy use in existing buildings looks like adding solar, replacing old appliances with high efficiency heat pump hot-water heaters and HVAC systems, and making building envelope improvements like installing new windows and insulation.

Achieving that goal will require a mix of incentives, rebates, and in some cases, may necessitate new energy retrofit policies. As of 2023, historic levels of resources and support for voluntary retrofits are being provided at the local, regional, state, and federal levels. Nearly every building owner in the City has access to financial incentives to improve their buildings and reduce their energy use. The majority of these financial resources are focused on helping low-income homeowners access electric appliances when the time is right for them.  

However, these resources alone are likely insufficient to achieve the adopted goals. As directed by the Climate Action Plan and the 2023-25 Financial Plan Climate Action Major City Goal, staff are currently researching retrofit options to understand which policies might be a good fit for San Luis Obispo. Due to current regulatory limitations, the City is not including stoves or laundry dryers in a potential policy. 

Please take this survey to inform staff's presentation to City Council about green building policy options for existing buildings, which will take place on Tuesday, December 5th 2023.

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September 18, 2023, 4:29 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites community members to participate in a brief visioning survey to help inform the City’s first-ever Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Plan.

Community members can take the survey in English or in Spanish at Open City Hall ( by Oct. 31, 2023 at 5 pm.

As we strive to create a San Luis Obispo where every resident feels valued and heard, we recognize that community involvement is integral to our success. Inclusivity is not merely a goal; it's an ongoing journey, and this strategic plan will serve as our roadmap.

The City of San Luis Obispo is taking a significant step towards fostering a more inclusive and equitable community by creating a DEI Strategic Plan, which will serve as a roadmap for the next five years, guiding City programs and operations in alignment with the City Council's vision, core values, and Major City Goals.

To ensure that this plan accurately reflects the diverse perspectives and needs of our community, the City of San Luis Obispo is excited to announce several equitable opportunities for residents to participate in shaping our DEI Strategic Plan. We are committed to making this process as inclusive as possible, and your input and insights are invaluable to us.

The DEI Strategic Plan is not just an idea; it's a roadmap towards a more inclusive San Luis Obispo. Your input is the cornerstone upon which we'll build this vision. The survey is one platform to make your voice heard and the survey results will help shape the future of our community.

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July 17, 2023, 11:36 AM

Help shape the future of the San Luis Obispo Police Department’s services by taking an online survey in the next two weeks. Take the Survey Now.

SLOPD is working with the community to develop a five-year strategic plan to enhance SLOPD services to the community.  We invite you to contribute feedback! Through this survey, your contributions will help ensure the five-year plan is tailored to the needs of our community. The survey will close on August 1, 2023. 

The department hired a consultant to gather community feedback and conduct an overall department assessment to help inform the strategic plan. The assessment incorporates feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders in our community which has been collected through interviews and surveys. Once the assessment is complete, the consultant will help develop a set of priorities and an action plan to be detailed in the five-year plan that the Police Department will use to guide goal setting, strategy development and metrics for determining success.  

When the strategic plan is completed, a draft will be presented to the public and City Council by the end of the year.     


Ayude a dar forma al futuro de los servicios del Departamento de Policía de San Luis Obispo tomando una encuesta en línea en las próximas dos semanas.  Responda ahora a la encuesta.

SLOPD está trabajando con la comunidad para desarrollar un plan estratégico de cinco años para mejorar los servicios de SLOPD a la comunidad.  ¡Le invitamos a contribuir con sus comentarios! A través de esta encuesta, sus contribuciones ayudarán a asegurar que el plan de cinco años se adapte a las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. La encuesta se cerrará el 1 de agosto de 2023.  

El departamento contrató a un consultor para recabar las opiniones de la comunidad y realizar una evaluación general del departamento que contribuyera a elaborar el plan estratégico. La evaluación incorpora los comentarios de una amplia variedad de partes interesadas de nuestra comunidad, que se han recogido a través de entrevistas y encuestas. Una vez finalizada la evaluación, el consultor ayudará a desarrollar un conjunto de prioridades y un plan de acción que se detallarán en el plan quinquenal que el Departamento de Policía utilizará para orientar el establecimiento de objetivos, el desarrollo de estrategias y los parámetros para determinar el éxito.   

Una vez finalizado el plan estratégico, se presentará un borrador al público y al Ayuntamiento a finales de año. 

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June 22, 2023, 11:36 AM

Take our survey to provide feedback on the conceptual layouts of the Emerson Park Amenity Upgrades and Beautification Project. 

The City of San Luis Obispo is revitalizing Emerson Park with new and improved features, including shade and lighting, a new dog park, upgraded and expanded playgrounds for children of all abilities, and more. We want the community’s feedback on the concept options and theme.  

Feedback Opportunities 

The City values community input and has organized several opportunities for feedback on the proposed amenities and conceptual layouts of the park. San Luis Obispo community members can provide feedback via the following: 

In December 2021, the City was awarded a California State Parks Prop 68 grant of $2.81 million to help create better access to parks for people of all abilities and income levels and to revitalize Emerson Park, a three-acre neighborhood park in downtown San Luis Obispo. 

To receive updates from the City, please register for City News via e-notifications at or follow the City of San Luis Obispo on social media.  

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June 20, 2023, 10:42 AM

San Luis Obispo community members have about five more days to provide formal feedback on the City of San Luis Obispo's proposed 2023 Economic Development Strategic Plan, which will help shape SLO's economy for the next five years. We invite you to share your thoughtsson this planning document now through Monday, June 26 at noon. 

Download a copy of the draft plan and provide input at

About the Economic Development Strategic Plan The City’s updated Economic Development Strategic Plan provides a framework for prioritizing strategies and allocating resources to promote, encourage and enhance an economic environment that is dynamic and resilient with a focus on sustainable and equitable policies, programs, and processes. The strategies and actions in the plan will be focused on business and entrepreneur vitality, place making and promotion as well as talent development and attraction.

The City has been engaging the community and gathering ideas and input for several months to inform this plan. The updated plan is intended to help ensure that San Luis Obispo remains competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing environment. It also aligns the City’s economic development activities with other major city goals and plans, such as the Climate Action Plan, Downtown Concept Plan, DEI Strategic Plan, and more. For more information about this project, visit 

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April 10, 2023, 3:10 PM

Take our survey to provide feedback on the conceptual layouts of several planned parks in the Orcutt Area. Located in the southeastern portion of San Luis Obispo, the Orcutt Area includes neighborhoods in Righetti Ranch, Bullock Ranch, Taylor Ranch, Vinifera, and Jones Ranch developments. The plans for that area include three parks – an 11.25-acre community park, a 1.16-acer linear park, and 0.2-acre pocket park – and a trailhead for the Righetti Hill Open Space. Righetti Hill Open Space is 51 acres that will be managed for natural resource protection and will also provide approximately 1-1.5 miles of trails for passive recreation for the community to enjoy.

Feedback Opportunities

The City values community input and has organized several opportunities for feedback on the proposed amenities and conceptual layouts of the parks. San Luis Obispo community members can provide feedback via the following:

  • Attend the Open House April 11 from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Ludwick Community Center 864 Santa Rosa Street This is a drop-in, interactive opportunity to see and share ideas with staff and project designers.

  • Take the Open City Hall survey (online) April 10 – May 10

  • Attend the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting May 3 at 5:30 p.m. City Hall, 990 Palm Street

The parks are required by the conditions of approval of the Orcutt Area Specific Plan and the Righetti Ranch Development. They will also help the City’s Parks and Recreation Department meet community needs and maximize access to high-quality parks and recreation opportunities, as outlined in the 2021-2024 Parks and Recreation Blueprint for the Future (the revised Parks and Recreation Plan and Element of the City’s General Plan).

To receive updates from the City, please register for City News via e-notifications at or follow the City of San Luis Obispo on social media. 

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March 6, 2023, 5:26 PM

San Luis Obispo residents and businesses can help shape SLO’s economy to better support current and future generations.  

Take the City’s Economic Vision Survey online to help the City understand your vision for San Luis Obispo’s economy. The survey will close on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 5 p.m.  

Survey results are anonymous and will inform how the City of San Luis Obispo will update its Economic Development Strategic Plan, which will guide the City’s economic development activities over the next five years.  

This is a valuable opportunity for community members to have a say in the future direction of San Luis Obispo’s economy. The community has identified economic resiliency as a priority, and now we need everyone’s help in shaping the actual plan to make that happen. By staying engaged throughout this planning process, residents can help the City create a stronger, more inclusive, more sustainable, and more successful Economic Development Strategic Plan.

The City’s Economic Development Strategic Plan is intended to be updated every four to five years and is currently going through a full update, which will be consistent with the City Council’s Vision Statement and Major City Goals.  For more information, visit the project webpage.      

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January 30, 2023, 5:14 PM

Provide your feedback on the City's draft of the 2023 Access and Parking Management Plan. 

First, review the draft of the 2023 Access and Parking Management Plan here:

Then, provide feedback here:

The deadline to submit feedback is February 10, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

This is your chance to help make downtown SLO and residential neighborhoods safer and easier for everyone to access, regardless of their preferred mode of transportation.

Community input ensures that the City uses a balanced approach to competing demands for curbside spaces, incorporation of new parking designs, and address future mobility options.

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January 25, 2023, 5:16 PM

After 26 years of public service to the City of San Luis Obispo, Community Development Director Michael Codron has announced his retirement from City government, effective June 30, 2023. Before starting a nationwide recruitment and selecting a new Community Development Director, the City is seeking community input via an online survey. 

Take the survey to share your thoughts on Open City Hall at before February 2, 2023.

The recruitment for the position is expected to begin in mid-February to allow for some overlap and knowledge transfer before Codron leaves his role at the end of the Fiscal Year.

The City's Community Development Department is responsible for the physical development of property in San Luis Obispo so that it meets the community's economic, environmental, and social needs. The activities of the department range from producing long-range plans for the City to inspecting new construction. Divisions of this department include Planning, Housing Policy and Programs, Engineering Development Review, and Building and Safety.

The City's Community Development Director is responsible for managing the department and its budget, as well as preparing, maintaining, and implementing the City's General Plan and its various elements. The Director is also responsible for maintaining, updating, and interpreting the zoning code for current and future development projects to ensure that the buildings in San Luis Obispo are healthy and safe. The Director works with architects, engineers, contractors, civic organizations, the public, as well as City Council Members, planning commissioners, and advisory body committee members on a variety of topics, including cultural resource preservation. The Director also serves as the City representative to the Housing Authority, County Airport Land Use Commission, Cal Poly University, Cuesta College, and other public agencies, and provides staff to support the Architectural Review Commission, Planning Commission, Cultural Heritage Committee and Construction Board of Appeals.

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January 19, 2023, 5:14 PM

The community is invited to provide input on the City of San Luis Obispo’s Draft Flexible Density Ordinance, a tool to increase the supply of housing in the downtown core.

The City of San Luis Obispo is proposing a Downtown Flexible Density Program and an updated City ordinance that would relax density limits for qualifying units, allow parking reductions, and provide exemptions from the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO) for residential units less than 600 square feet in size and located in the downtown core.

The concept of the proposed Flexible Density Program is one of many City housing tools to support a wide range of housing types and it is specifically identified in the City’s General Plan Housing Element as an opportunity to incentivize housing production within the City’s downtown core and support the production of smaller residential units. Housing is an essential element to a healthy downtown district. Providing housing in the commercial core of a community generates an increased flow of foot traffic to support nearby retailers, services, restaurants, and other businesses.

We welcome your input!

Download the draft ordinance, review the key features, and provide feedback via Open City Hall by February 15, 2023

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January 18, 2023, 4:58 PM

How can the City of San Luis Obispo best achieve the community’s priorities? You are invited to collaborate on community priorities and share your ideas for achieving those priorities over the next two years. 

Join your neighbors, friends, and family at the 2023 Community Forum next week.

2023 Community Forum January 26 from 6 to 9 p.m. Ludwick Community Center RSVP on Facebook (not required)

A free bike valet will be available for anyone who chooses to ride their bike to the Community Forum and parents are encouraged to bring their children, as some City staff will provide activities for school age children while parents are on site (until 8:30 p.m.).

The 2023 Community Forum promises to be an in-person, interactive experience. The event will have several information stations each with subject matter experts who will share planned and ongoing work associated with meeting community-identified priorities.

Following the opportunity to speak with subject matter experts, Community Forum attendees will have the opportunity to rank what tasks they think are most important to achieving potential goals for the coming two years. They’ll be able to see all rankings and votes from others in real time.

To prepare for this event, City staff members are compiling recommendations from the survey, Council Advisory Bodies, and community groups to develop suggested goals and identify potential work and tasks that will help achieve those goals. Following the 2023 Community Forum, City Council will continue the goal-setting process in February 2023 and a public budget hearing in June 2023.

Can’t attend? Email your ideas to [email protected].

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December 14, 2022, 12:21 PM

Give your input via our brief online survey to help improve the City of San Luis Obispo's Access and Parking Management Plan.

Take the survey:

This is your chance to help make downtown SLO safer and easier for everyone to access, regardless of their preferred mode of transportation. 

Community input ensures that the City uses a balanced approach to competing demands for curbside spaces, incorporation of new parking designs, and address future mobility options. 

For more information on this project, please visit the City's Access Parking and Management Plan webpage.

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December 8, 2022, 12:37 PM

Climate Action Plan Update The City’s Climate Action Plan update (referred to as the Climate Action Plan 2023-27 Work Program) is now published for public review. The item will be brought to City Council for adoption next week Tuesday, December 13th. The document can be viewed and downloaded on the City’s website here:

What is the Climate Action Plan 2023-27 Work Program?

City staff, with feedback from community members and stakeholders, developed the Climate Action Plan Volume 3: 2023-27 Work Program (CAP Volume 3) to identify the next set of implementation tasks needed to accomplish the goals and foundational actions established in the 2020 Climate Action Plan.

Do you want to comment on the Climate Action Plan 2023-27 Work Program?

You can comment on the item in person at the 5:30 PM City Council meeting on December 13th. You can also comment on the item by mail, email, or voicemail, but comments must be received 3 hours in advance of Tuesday’s City Council meeting. All correspondence will be archived and distributed to councilmembers, however, submissions received after the deadline will not be processed until the following day.

  • In person – Participate at the City Council meeting at City Hall on Tuesday, December 13th. The meeting starts at 5:30pm in Council Chambers in City Hall, located at 990 Palm Street. The ‘Adoption of the 2023- 2027 Climate Action Plan Work Program’ is the first item on the public hearing agenda. You can see the full agenda here.
  • Mail - Delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Address letters to the City Clerk's Office at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, 93401.
  • Email - Submit Public Comments via email to [email protected]. In the body of your email, please include the date of the meeting and the item number (if applicable). Emails will not be read aloud during the meeting.
  • Voicemail - Call (805) 781-7164 and leave a voicemail. Please state and spell your name, the agenda item number you are calling about, and leave your comment. Verbal comments must be limited to 3 minutes. Voicemails will not be played during the meeting.

Please feel free to email Lucia Pohlman at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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December 2, 2022, 12:14 PM

The City is pleased to share the Draft Climate Adaptation and Safety Element.  This document is part of the City General Plan and assesses the city’s vulnerability to hazards in the San Luis Obispo area and establishes goals, policies, and implementation measures to protect people, property, and the natural environment. It is designed to realize an equitable, resilient community that thrives despite the changing climate and other known hazards.  This safety element update also includes policies and programs addressing environment justice. 

Work on the safety element update has spanned over the last two years and includes extensive community engagement and the Hazards and Vulnerability Assessment work produced through the Resilient SLO project, funded with a Caltrans Adaptation Planning Grant

The Planning Commission reviewed the workshop draft element on October 26, 2022, and the Commission is scheduled to review the public hearing Draft Climate Adaptation and Safety Element and environmental review document at their public hearing scheduled on December 14, 2022.  The City Council is tentatively scheduled to review and consider the Draft Climate Adaptation and Safety Element on January 17, 2023. 

We invite you to review the Draft Climate Adaptation and Safety Element and provide your input through Open City Hall.  Voice your thoughts online here:  The form will close at 11:59pm on January 6th, 2023.

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November 14, 2022, 4:53 PM

Voice your thoughts: What should the City of SLO prioritize for the next two years? The City is seeking community feedback via an online survey to better prioritize City resources and budget to achieve the goals that are most important to the community over the next two years. 

The deadline to submit feedback is December 15, 2022 at 11:59 pm. 

Take the Survey

Every two years the City begins a community-based goal-setting process to establish Major City Goals that will help make San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work, and play. Your input is the first step and will be considered as City Council establishes the Major City Goals that will guide the City’s 2023-25 Financial Plan.

Through the City's budget process, City Council will then match these priorities with the City's resources and integrate those priorities into its next two-year financial plan, which includes the City's core services. The goals identified will represent the most important, highest priority goals for the City to work toward accomplishing from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025, and the adopted budget then enables the City to provide high-quality services, programs, and projects with the community’s priorities in mind. 

City staff will compile community feedback for the City Council to review in advance of an in-person Community Forum in January and the Council goal-setting workshop in February. During the workshop, council will officially set the goals for the next two years. A preliminary budget will then be presented to the City Council in April and the final 2023-25 Financial Plan adoption in June.

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November 2, 2022, 3:12 PM

Since the adoption of the 2020 Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery (2020 CAP), the City of San Luis Obispo has made considerable strides toward its goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2035. We’ve also been busy working on what comes next.

The City is excited to share the Public Review Draft of the 2023-27 Climate Action Plan Work Program for community discussion, learning, and feedback. Looking ahead to the next four years of local climate projects and programs, the City is prepared to mobilize and support community-scale solutions that secure carbon-free electricity, decarbonize and electrify buildings, provide accessible low-carbon mobility options, create a robust circular economy around organic waste, and continue to protect and adapt City open space properties to best sequester carbon.

We invite you to review the draft work program and provide your input through Open City Hall. Voice your thoughts online here: The form will close at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.

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November 1, 2022, 3:22 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo Fire Department is looking for your input to inform the development of our 5-YearStrategic Plan update. Please take time to review our most recent 2018-2023 Strategic Plan to get a better sense of what we have been focused on the past several years.

The Fire Department’s mission is to enhance and protect the lives, environment, and property of the community and visitors. It strives to do this through a variety of programs, services, and projects which can be reviewed in the Fire Department’s 2021 Annual Report.

We're very eager to hear how we can best serve you! Please take a few minutes to complete our curvey. 

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February 3, 2021, 2:52 PM

On February 2, 2021, the San Luis Obispo City Council adopted the City’s first Active Transportation Plan, a comprehensive blueprint of policies, programs and infrastructure recommendations that aim to increase the number of people bicycling and walking. By improving sustainable transportation such as walking and bicycling, the City can reduce vehicle use and related greenhouse gas emissions. This in turn will place the City on a stronger path to meeting its goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2035. 

“From improving bikeways and intersections to making a walk more interesting and enjoyable with public art and parklets, the Active Transportation Plan provides a series of actions to make bicycling and walking easier, cheaper, and safer for everyone in our community,” said Adam Fukushima, Active Transportation Manager. Beginning in the summer of 2021, community members will start to see the first improvements from the plan, which include a protected bike lane on Marsh Street downtown and improvements for walking such as new curb ramps and high-visibility crosswalks. 

The plan takes a new approach to implementing projects, focusing on serving community members of all ages and abilities and using new strategies to build projects more rapidly and affordably. In addition, the recommendations of the Active Transportation Plan support using resources more effectively and supporting an economy that is more resilient. Outreach for the Active Transportation Plan was a comprehensive effort, spanning nearly three years and engaging hundreds of community members at neighborhood pop-up events, the Active Transportation Committee meetings, public workshops, through surveys, interactive online tools, and other activities. 

The Active Transportation Plan is in line with the Sustainable Transportation Major City Goal identified in the 2019-21 Financial Plan as well as both the City's General Plan and Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery. 

Thank you to the many community members who contributed to the Active Transportation Plan.

To read the full staff report, click here

To receive updates from the City, please register for City News e-notifications on the City’s website at or follow the City of San Luis Obispo on social media.

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January 26, 2021, 1:54 PM

The final draft of the City of San Luis Obispo Active Transportation Plan is now available. To review the Plan and details of the public hearing for the Plan adoption on February 2, 2021, go to the project website at

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January 15, 2021, 8:01 PM

The Community Forum held on January 14th allowed Community members to engage in conversation with the City Council, Revenue Enhancement Oversight Commission and City staff to provide feedback on the topics identified in the Community Priorities Survey and suggest new priorities.  The results from the forum have been summarized and organized to assist community members with completing the survey and dot exercise.  With the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on our community, community member input on priorities for the 2021-23 Financial Plan are more important than ever.  This survey will be available from Friday, January 15th, 2021 until noon on Monday, January 25th, 2021.  For questions on the survey, contact Ryan Betz at [email protected].

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January 7, 2021, 8:05 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo’s Parks and Recreation Department is actively seeking State grant funding to revitalize and improve Emerson Park (1316 Beach Street).  A vital step in the grant process includes gathering community input to better understand community needs for the revitalization project.  The primary objective for this project is to assess Emerson Park’s status, identify the community’s needs and incorporate community input into the final design.

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November 30, 2020, 6:22 PM

A friendly reminder to San Luis Obispo community members the deadline for completing the 2021-23 Community Survey is December 15th!    What should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years?  Included in the survey is a list of previously priorities identified by the community in addition to 5 'Other' options, providing you a direct opportunity to submit your top priorities.  Make sure your voice is heard!  Your input will help establish community-based goals and priorities that will be incorporated into the City's two-year financial plan, making San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work and play.   

With the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on our community, your input on priorities for the 2021-23 Financial Plan are more important than ever.  In response to these impacts, the Council, in June 2020, adopted a goal focused on San Luis Obispo’s economic stability, recovery, and resiliency. The City is seeking your input on the most important, highest priorities you want the City to accomplish in the next two years and this survey is the first step!

All surveys must be completed by December 15, 2020.

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November 20, 2020, 6:06 PM

Culminating two years of public outreach, analysis, and development, the public draft of the Active Transportation Plan is now available for review! To review the plan or view the schedule of upcoming meetings, visit The public is invited to provide comments on the draft plan and provide input by December 31, 2020. Comments can be submitted by either leaving a statement at or via email to Adam Fukushima, Active Transportation Manager at [email protected].

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November 16, 2020, 12:54 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to provide the City Council the community priorities in preparation of the 2021-23 Financial Plan.  Every two years the City hosts a community-based goal setting process to establish the top priorities to make San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work, and play. Through its budget process, the City Council then matches the resources necessary to achieve these priorities and integrate them into its two-year financial plan. The adopted budget then enables the City to provide high quality services, programs, and projects with the community’s priorities in mind.

With the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on our community, your input on priorities for the 2021-23 Financial Plan are more important than ever.  In response to these impacts, the Council, in June 2020, adopted a goal focused on San Luis Obispo’s economic stability, recovery, and resiliency. The City is seeking your input on the most important, highest priorities you want the City to accomplish in the next two years and this survey is the first step!

All surveys must be completed by December 15, 2020.

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September 8, 2020, 8:52 AM

A reminder to make your voice heard! The City of San Luis Obispo is launching Resilient SLO, an initiative to identify strategies for building community resilience to the impacts of climate change. This initiative will result in an update to the City’s General Plan Safety Element, which creates a roadmap for the decades ahead. This survey gathers input from those living and/or working in the City of San Luis Obispo. This survey will inform the City’s vulnerability assessment to ensure that it captures community priorities and needs in addition to potential physical hazards. Survey responses will also inform the development of adaptation strategies and future community engagement and education activities as part of the Resilient SLO initiative.

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August 31, 2020, 11:36 AM

Make your voice heard! The City of San Luis Obispo is launching Resilient SLO, an initiative to identify strategies for building community resilience to the impacts of climate change. This initiative will result in an update to the City’s General Plan Safety Element, which creates a roadmap for the decades ahead. This survey gathers input from those living and/or working in the City of San Luis Obispo. This survey will inform the City’s vulnerability assessment to ensure that it captures community priorities and needs in addition to potential physical hazards. Survey responses will also inform the development of adaptation strategies and future community engagement and education activities as part of the Resilient SLO initiative.

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June 30, 2020, 2:03 PM

The Public Review Draft: Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery is available for public comment through Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The plan is linked in the survey for participants to review before responding to the prompt. Suggestions, concerns, and questions will be considered by Staff when preparing the final documents in order to effectively and equitably achieve the City's climate action goals. Please contact Chris Read, Sustainability Manager, at [email protected] with questions. 

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June 8, 2020, 9:30 AM

Over the last year, the City of San Luis Obispo has been in the process of updating the 6th Cycle Housing Element. Staff is proposing modifications to Chapter 3 of the Housing Element: Goals, Policies and Programs based on feedback received from the community and stakeholders as part of the December 2019 Workshop and 4-week online survey. The Housing Major City Goal, current needs, resources, and conditions in the community, and changes in state housing law were also considered as part of the proposed revisions. 

We want to hear from you! Please check out the online survey by selecting "read more" below and provide feedback regarding the proposed revisions to the Goals, Policies, and Programs of the Housing Element.

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June 4, 2020, 11:34 AM

SLO Forward is a conversation with the community about community investment and economic recovery efforts the community values most. 

The social and ecomoic impacts of the COVID-19 emergency on our community is unprecedented.  The City of San Luis Obispo is engaging the community about the services, maintenance and infrastructure that support our unique character and quality of life.  Together, we can find local solutions to invest in our community so we can recover together.     

We want you to join the conversation.  Communities work best when residents, businesses and organizations are engaged and working together for the good of all.

Please fill out the community survey on what your highest priorities are.

The feedback will be presented to the City Council on July 21, 2020 to ensure the City has the resources to continue providing the services, maintenance and infrastructure the community values most.

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February 3, 2020, 8:31 AM

SLO Forward is a conversation with the community about the future needs, challenges, and vision of San Luis Obispo

The City of San Luis Obispo is engaging the community about the services, maintenance and infrastructure that support our quality of life and character.  Together, we can find local solutions that maintain our quality of life, now and into the future.   

We want you to join the conversation.  Communities work best when residents, businesses and organizations are engaged and working together for the good of all.

Please fill out the community survey on what your highest priorities are.

The feedback will be presented to the City Council in early summer to ensure the City has the resources to continue providing the services, maintenance and infrastructure the community values most.

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December 19, 2019, 10:14 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding City Council compensation. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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December 2, 2019, 5:20 PM

Thanks to all who provided input so far on the forthcoming Active Transportation Plan. City staff has compiled a summary of outreach activities and major themes along with attachments showing all of the outreach boards (including dots & post-it notes), along with preliminary results from the online survey. To read the summary, visit It's not too late to give input. The online survey and interactive map close on December 13, 2019. Next steps in the Plan effort is to compile all input and release a Plan draft by spring of 2020, which will be available on the project website listed above. 

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July 10, 2019, 4:11 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to provide input in preparation of the City's Emergency Management Plan (EMP) update.

In an effort to continuously improve the City's ability to serve the community during large-scale disasters the Fire Department is updating the City’s EMP. The EMP is a comprehensive all-hazards document that City Staff, public safety and public service personnel can utilize as a guide while providing critical services during an emergency. The current version was adopted by the City Council on June 7, 2011 and has several annex plans. The City has determined that this plan is ready for a comprehensive review and update and is reaching out to the public to help guide the types of disasters the City should include as specific annexes to the plan. While the current plan helps guide staff to manage a broad range of emergencies, it also singles out earthquake, nuclear power plant, hazardous materials, storm/flood, wildland fire and multi-casualty incidents. 

This Open City Hall survey is your chance to be heard before the update plan is finalized. Thank you for taking the time to help prepare the City for the next large-scale disaster.

The survey will remain open until 5:00 PM on August 12, 2019.

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May 30, 2019, 10:42 AM

In response to the climate crisis, the City of San Luis Obispo City Council directed staff to update the City’s climate action plan with a target of carbon neutrality by 2035.

A climate action plan guides city and community action for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The update process includes three phases. In this first phase, the City an community are generating ideas and understanding the universe of what is possible. In the second phase, the City and the community will begin refining actions. In the third phase, the updated Climate Action Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption (expected to occur in December of 2019).  

During the update process, the City will be conducting an extensive outreach effort. For Phase 1, the City held a workshop to explain what a climate action plan is and to gather big ideas on key topic areas. A recording of the presentation and the presentation slides are available here. If you missed the workshop, this Open City Hall survey is your chance to be heard. Phase 2 and 3 workshop dates will be announced shortly.

Note: additional outreach and education is occurring in partnership with the SLO Climate Coalition, which is hosting the SLO Climate Solutions Forum Series. More information can be found at

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May 22, 2019, 11:39 AM

In response to the climate crisis, the City of San Luis Obispo City Council directed staff to update the City’s climate action plan with a target of carbon neutrality by 2035.

A climate action plan guides city and community action for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The update process includes three phases. In this first phase, the City an community are generating ideas and understanding the universe of what is possible. In the second phase, the City and the community will begin refining actions. In the third phase, the updated Climate Action Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption (expected to occur in December of 2019).  

During the update process, the City will be conducting an extensive outreach effort. For Phase 1, the City held a workshop to explain what a climate action plan is and to gather big ideas on key topic areas. A recording of the presentation and the presentation slides are available here. If you missed the workshop, this Open City Hall survey is your chance to be heard. Phase 2 and 3 workshop dates will be announced shortly.

Note: additional outreach and education is occurring in partnership with the SLO Climate Coalition, which is hosting the SLO Climate Solutions Forum Series. More information can be found at

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January 22, 2019, 2:36 PM

Thank you for your participation in the Community Priorities Survey!

This year, we had more responses than ever. We hope you will also attend the Community Forum on Wednesday, Jan. 23.

The workshop-style forum is from 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the SLO Vets Hall, 801 Grand Avenue.

  • Learn about Major City Goals, core services and feedback from the community priorities survey in a workshop setting with stations staffed by City employees. There will also be informational stations about the Fiscal Health Response Plan, Local Revenue Measure, and Funding the Future of SLO (capital improvement projects).
  • Hear from and interact with other community members during the workshop as well as during public comment.
  • Voice your opinion with a dot poll throughout the event. Dots will be distributed when forum attendees arrive and can be placed at stations during the event.

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November 27, 2018, 1:20 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to provide the City Council the community priorities in preparation of the 2019-21 Financial Plan.  Every two years the City establishes the top priorities to make San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work, and play. The City Council then matches the resources necessary to achieve these priorities through adopting the budget in June. The adopted budget sets the City’s course of action for the next two years and helps the City to continue to provide high-quality services that maintain an excellent quality of life for the community.

This year, the City implemented the Fiscal Health Response Plan to address significant financial challenges due to increased pension costs. Continuing this progress toward long-term fiscal health, the 2019-21 Financial Plan will emphasize maintaining existing City infrastructure, providing core services, and advancing the Fiscal Health Response Plan objectives (employee concessions, new ways of doing business, operating reductions and new revenues). Given this, it is critical we have an effective process for setting the most important, highest priority things for the City to accomplish in the next two years and this survey is the first step!

All surveys must be completed by December 16, 2018.

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November 5, 2018, 1:45 PM

On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, a Study Session on Parking Management Issues and Strategies will be at the City Council meeting, starting at 4:00 p.m., at City Hall, 990 Palm Street.   The City of San Luis Obispo operates one of the most comprehensive parking management programs (structured and surface parking, neighborhood parking programs, trolly systems,etc) for cities of comparable sizes.  The economic vitality and quality of life in the downtown, commercial areas and the neighborhoods is dependent on actively managed parking. Changes in the downtown, growth patterns in the City, technological changes, Cal Poly student housing, and other trends have or will impact parking.  The community is invited to attend the Study Session to learn more about parking management issues, strategies and provide their input on the future of parking in the City.  Responses to the survey will also be provided to the City Council as part of the Study Session.

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November 2, 2018, 9:03 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to provide the City Council the community priorities in preparation of the 2019-21 Financial Plan.  Every two years the City establishes the top priorities to make San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work, and play. The City Council then matches the resources necessary to achieve these priorities through adopting the budget in June. The adopted budget sets the City’s course of action for the next two years and helps the City to continue to provide high-quality services that maintain an excellent quality of life for the community.

This year, the City implemented the Fiscal Health Response Plan to address significant financial challenges due to increased pension costs. Continuing this progress toward long-term fiscal health, the 2019-21 Financial Plan will emphasize maintaining existing City infrastructure, providing core services, and advancing the Fiscal Health Response Plan objectives (employee concessions, new ways of doing business, operating reductions and new revenues). Given this, it is critical we have an effective process for setting the most important, highest priority things for the City to accomplish in the next two years and this survey is the first step!

All surveys must be completed by December 16, 2018.

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November 1, 2018, 12:23 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend a study session on Parking Management Issues and Strategies on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at the City Council meeting at City Hall, 990 Palm Street.   The City of San Luis Obispo operates one of the most comprehensive parking management programs (structured and surface parking, neighborhood parking programs, trolly systems,etc) for cities of comparable sizes.  The economic vitality and quality of life in the downtown, commercial areas and the neighborhoods is dependent on actively managed parking. Changes in the downtown, growth patterns in the City, technological changes, Cal Poly student housing, and other trends have or will impact parking.  The community is invited to attend the Study Session to learn more about parking management issues, strategies and provide their input on the future of parking in the City. 

In addition, a survey has been created to gather the public's input on the City's Parking Services.  Responses to the survey will also be provided to the City Council as part of the Study Session.

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October 1, 2018, 4:41 PM

You are invited to join us this Wednesday, October 3rd to the Human Relations Commission (HRC) annual Community Needs Workshop at 5:00 pm in the Council Chamber Room of City Hall (990 Palm Street).  The HRC will use all public testimony to formulate funding priorities for the upcoming Grants-in-Aid (GIA) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs.  

Can't make it to the Workshop?  You still have an opportunity to be heard!  A forum has been created through Open City Hall for members of the public to submit comments.  The Community Health and Human Needs Survey will be open until 4:00 pm on October 3rd.  All feedback received via the online survey will be incorporated into the HRC's formulation of funding priorities.

Still have questions? Contact Cara Vereschagin by phone at (805) 781-7596 or by email at [email protected].

The HRC looks forward to hearing from you!

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September 12, 2018, 9:16 AM

Parks and Recreation Master Plan and General Plan Element Update

Tell us your bright ideas for the future of parks and recreation in San Luis Obispo!

The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking feedback regarding what you currently love about parks and recreation in the City, and what parks, activities, and recreational facilities you wish to have in the next 20 years.

The City Parks and Recreation Department is updating the Parks Master Plan and Parks and Recreation General Plan Element, and needs your input and bright ideas.  Tell us what you love, and send us your aspirational ideas for the future.  We invite you to provide your valuable feedback on Open City Hall, at the following link:

Feedback given through the Open City Hall page will be reviewed and considered throughout the Update process, and will be provided to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council as they consider the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Element Update.


WHEN: September 13, 2018 | 4:00-7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Ludwick Community Center, 864 Santa Rosa St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

For questions, please contact Shawna Scott, Senior Planner, at [email protected] or 805.781.7176.

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August 28, 2018, 5:22 PM


The agenda and staff report has been posted for the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, 9/4/18 for the Anholm Bikeway Plan. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. 

Feel free to visit the project website to learn more:

If you have any questions, contact Adam Fukushima at [email protected] 

Thanks for your ongoing participation.

City of San Luis Obispo

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August 27, 2018, 4:39 PM


A Meeting Summary has been posted for the Planning Commission Hearing held on 8/14/18 on the Anholm Bikeway Plan. 

The next step is a City Council hearing scheduled for 9/4/18 at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. Another announcement will be sent out when the agenda and staff report are available.

Feel free to visit the project website to learn more:

If you have any questions, contact Adam Fukushima at [email protected] 

Thanks for your ongoing participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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June 28, 2018, 11:59 AM


This is an update on the schedule for the “middle section” (Lincoln to Ramona) of the Anholm Bikeway Plan project. Based on input gathered from the public including the design charrette held on May 10th, staff is putting together an analysis and refining design documents for public hearing per the adopted Anholm Bikeway Plan. These hearings were originally planned to start in July. However, due to a backup of other agenda items in the queue, the hearing at the Planning Commission has been postponed until August 8th. The item will then go to the City Council at the September 4th meeting. As those meeting dates approach, we will send out more detailed information.

Feel free to visit the project website to learn more:

If you have any questions, contact Adam Fukushima at [email protected] 

Thanks for your ongoing participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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May 25, 2018, 12:20 PM


Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the Community Design Charrette on May 10th and the Active Transportation Committee (ATC) presentation on May 17 for planning the "middle section" (Lincoln to Ramona) of the Anholm Bikeway. For those of you who were unable to attend these events, and as additional information for those who did, we've prepared a Meeting Summary to document the input provided and next steps in the planning process.

In the coming months, staff will continue with refining concept designs based on input provided by the City Council (per the adopted Anholm Bikeway Plan), community feedback from the Design Charrette, and per recommendations from the ATC meeting. Skip ahead to the "Next Steps" section in the Meeting Summary for information on upcoming public input opportunities.

If you have any questions, please visit the project website (, or reach out to staff contacts Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Adam Fukushima ([email protected]). 

Thanks for your ongoing participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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April 30, 2018, 7:52 AM

Today is the last day to provide input to the San Luis Obispo City Fire Department while we develop our five year strategic plan. This is a great opportunity to let us know what services are most important to you.

We started our strategic plan with our employees sharing their vision of community service. We've identified five major themes, or Strategic Directions, to our current draft plan. Each Strategic Direction is supported by objectives and tasks that lead to specific, meaningful work.

  1. Connecting with our Community
  2. Improving Processes and Professional Services
  3. Analyzing Relevant Data to Inform Decision Making
  4. Improving Organizational Culture, Sustainability and Health
  5. Supporting Fiscal Sustainability in Department Operations

To get a sense of the details of each Strategic Direction, please read this outline. Thank you for your input!

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April 25, 2018, 3:35 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend a community meeting on Thursday, May 10th, 2018, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the City/County Library, 995 Palm Street for the Anholm Bikeway Plan. The purpose of this meeting is for the community to participate in a design charrette for the "middle segment" of the corridor between Lincoln St. and Ramona Dr., developing their own ideas to be incorporated into a draft plan to be presented to the Active Transportation Committee, the Planning Commission, and the City Council for consideration.

The agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Brief review of project background and Council action
  2. Staff presentation on preliminary design concepts
  3. Design charrette where attendees develop and present their own concepts
  4. Group Discussion and critique of concepts

The Anholm Bikeway Plan has been adopted by the City Council on April 10, 2018, with approval of specific design recommendations for the "northern segment" (north of Ramona Dr. and crossing Foothill) and "southern segment" (from Lincoln St. south to Downtown).  With adoption of the Plan, Council directed staff to continue working with the community to develop a refined design concept for the “middle segment” (between Lincoln and Ramona).  Per Council direction, the desired concept for this segment will feature a traditional bicycle boulevard configuration--similar to the existing bicycle boulevard on Morro St. This concept would include traffic diversion and calming along Broad, coupled with traffic calming measures on nearby streets.

To subscribe to project updates or to provide feedback on the project, visit the City’s online forum at

Project Manager Adam Fukushima can be reached at [email protected] or via phone at (805) 781-7590.

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February 9, 2018, 6:38 PM

On February 6, 2018 the San Luis Obispo City Council adopted a final concept plan for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard---now titled Anholm Bikeway Plan

The final concept approved by the Council reflects a hybrid, or variant of two options presented by staff for consideration--the Preferred Alternative and Lincoln Street Alternative. The final plan includes the following features:

Phase I (2018-19)

  • Safe Routes to School Improvements at the north end of the corridor:
    • Construction of a pedestrian & bicycle crossing at Foothill/Ferrini with installation of a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (a.k.a. HAWK) device. 
    • Right-of-Way Acquisition and Construction of a Class I Pedestrian/Bicycle Path from Ramona to the Foothill/Ferrini intersection, extending through the Church of Latter Day Saints' property.
  • Installation of a two-way protected bikeway ("cycle track") along the north side of Ramona between the Safe Routes to School Class I Path and Broad Street. Requires removal of aproximately 15 on-street parking spaces on north side of Ramona.
  • City to facilitate initiation of a Residential Parking District within the Anholm neighborhood, if supported and approved by residents. For more information on this process, visit the City Parking Services website.

Phase II (2019-20)

  • Installation of protected bike lanes (one-way on each side of the street) along Chorro Street from Palm Street to Lincoln Street.
  • Installation of safety lighting and gateway enhancements at the Highway 101/Chorro Street undercrossing.
  • Addition of traffic calming measures along the designated route between Lincoln and Ramona. Proposed route follows Chorro (Lincoln to Mission), Mission (Chorro to Broad) and Broad (Mission to Ramona).  Route will remain as shared street at this time, retaining existing on-street parking. Traffic calming plan to be developed concurrent with Phase I with planned opportunities for community input.
  • Install route signage and pavement markings along extent of Anholm Bikeway route.

Phase III (2020 & Beyond)

  • Incremental installation of remaining improvements, including completion of sidewalk gaps, construction of accessible curb ramps at intersections, additional street lighting, and other pedestrian crossing improvements. Timing dependent on grant opportunities and City Capital Improvement Program funding priorities.
  • Performance monitoring data will be collected and provided for Council review throughout project implementation, including bicycle ridership counts, traffic volumes/speeds and user surveys.  If the Council determines that the traffic calming measures proposed for the Lincoln-to-Ramona portion of the route in Phase 2 are not achieving the intended results, Council has the discretion to consider more substantial improvements, which could include revisiting removal of parking for protected bike lanes, more substantial traffic calming or traffic diversion on Broad Street, or other features. Opportunities for community input would be provided with any future modifications to the adopted plan.

Staff would like to thank all of you for attending providing input, attending project meetings, and for truly making this a community-driven planning process.

The final Anholm Bikeway Plan document will be prepared and uploaded to the project website ( in the comming weeks.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Project Managers  Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]).

Thank you!

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January 12, 2018, 3:48 PM


A few updates regarding the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan:

  • Final Plan Document - Final reports are now available for review, with a standalone document for each of the two alternatives considered for the northern segment of the corridor (Lincoln Street to Foothill Blvd.). Recommendations for the southern segment (Downtown to Lincoln Street) are consistent in both reports. The documents include detailed descriptions of the proposed improvements, analysis of project benefits and concerns, summary of project phasing and implementation strategies, and conceptual design drawings. Although this planning effort continues to be called the "Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard", City staff is recommending that the actual plan be named the "Anholm Bikeway Plan" because neither of the final options is technically a continuous bicycle boulevard or exclusively on Broad Street. This is a draft title and staff welcomes any recommendations of alternatives titles. Each report can be accessed as follows:
  • Upcoming Meetings - Staff will present the final plans for review, and potential approval at the following upcoming meetings:
  • Final Alternatives Surveys - Responses to both the online and neighborhood mail-in surveys are due by Tuesday, January 16, 2018. As mentioned in previous updates, the surveys do not represent a formal vote for either of the proposed project alternatives, but are intended to gauge general community support for the proposed options. Survey results will be summarized in the Bicycle Advisory Committee and City Council presentations and will be available for public review in the February 6th City Council Meeting Packet. Survey details are available here:

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website and feel free to contact Project Managers Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]) with any questions.

Thank you for your ongoing participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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December 20, 2017, 6:07 PM


Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the 4th community meeting on December 11th for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. For those of you who were unable to attend, and as additional information for those who did, the Community Meeting #4 Summary and Presentation Slides have been uploaded to the project website (

At the most recent meeting, staff presented updated concept designs and analysis for the proposed project. The presentation focused on two specific areas of the bikeway corridor--the Northern Segment (Lincoln to Foothill) and Southern Segment (Downtown to Lincoln). Per City Council direction at the project Council Study Session back in August, two distinct alternatives are being considered for the Northern Segment: 

  • Preferred Alternative (Protected Bike Lanes) - Convert one side of on-street parking to protected/buffered bike lanes on Chorro Street, Broad Street and Ramona Drive. 
  • Lincoln Street Alternative (Minimal Parking Loss) - Bikeway provided with pavement markings, wayfinding signage and minor traffic calming. No dedicated bike lanes and minimal on-street parking loss.

A description of concepts for the Northern and Southern Segments are provided in the Meeting #4 Summary. Staff will present final plans to the City Bicycle Advisory Committee (January 18) and City Council (February 6) in early 2018 for review, and potential adoption. The Final Report, including detailed concept drawings, documentation of project analysis, costs and implementation strategies will be uploaded in early January prior to the Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting.

Final Alternatives Survey -- City staff will be conducting informal surveys (similar to those distributed this past summer) to gauge community support for either of the two final alternatives presented for the Northern Segment (Lincoln to Foothill). This survey is not a formal vote. Mail-in surveys will go out this week to residents living within the vicinity of the project. An online survey is open to citywide participation and can be accessed here:      Surveys will be due by January 16, 2018.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website and feel free to contact Project Managers Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]) with any questions.

Happy Holidays. Thank you for your ongoing participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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November 22, 2017, 2:35 PM

Good Afternoon,

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend the 4th neighborhood meeting for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan. The meeting will take place on Monday, December 11th, 2017, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the City/County Library, 995 Palm Street. The purpose of this meeting is to present the final analysis and recommended design concepts for public review before taking the Final Plan to the City Bicycle Advisory Committee (January 2018) and City Council (February 2018) for consideration, and potential adoption.

The agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Review of project background, Council Study Session, and work completed to date
  2. Staff presentation of design concepts and analysis for:
  1. Project Phasing, Costs & Performance Monitoring Strategies
  2. Open Discussion
  3. Outline of upcoming meetings and next steps

Those whom cannot attend the meeting are encouraged to visit the project website ( to review meeting summaries, project materials, provide comments, and subscribe to project updates.  If you have any questions, please contact Project Managers  Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]).

Happy Thanksgiving to All.

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August 31, 2017, 10:52 AM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo, and thanks to those of you who were able to attend the City Council Study Session on August 15th for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. For those who were unable to attend the meeting, and as additional information for those who did attend, a Meeting Summary has been uploaded to the project website. The summary includes a brief overview of the staff presentation, public input and Council direction regarding preferred concepts to carry forward for further development. View the summary here:

  1. Meeting Summary - City Council Study Session on Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard (8/15/17)

Staff will proceed with additional technical studies to refine the preferred design concepts per Council direction and will present the final plans to the public at Community Meeting #4, to be scheduled later this fall. Meeting details will be provided when date/time/location are confirmed. The final plans will then be presented to the Bicycle Advisory Committee and City Council for final consideration, and potential adoption--likely in early 2018.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website and feel free to contact Project Managers Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]) with any questions.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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August 28, 2017, 10:27 AM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding a community needs workshop survey for the Human Relations Commission. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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July 14, 2017, 1:04 PM

Thanks to those of you have participated in the year-long planning process to help us identify strategies to make walking and biking to Bishop's Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools a more attractive, viable option for students and families. Our Draft Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan for Bishop's Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools in now available for your review.

The SRTS Plan documents the primary barriers to walking and biking to school--as identified by school representatives, parents, and other community members--and identifies recommended Transportation Improvement Projects and Coordination, Enforcement & Education strategies to help reduce these barriers. 

The highest-priority recommendation presented in the SRTS Plan is the proposed installation of an enhanced pedestrian/bicycle crossing at Foothill Boulevard & Ferrini Road. Foothill Boulevard is a high volume/speed street and creates a significant mobility barrier for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling to/from the schools and neighborhoods north of Foothill. Other recommendations in the Plan include pedestrian/bicycle intersection crossing enhancements at the Foothill/Patricia/La Entrada, Ramona/Palomar and Highland/Santa Rosa intersections, installation of accessible curb ramps, traffic calming measures and potential bicycle facility enhancements at several locations throughout the study area.

The SRTS Plan is being developed in parallel with the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan. Together, these planning efforts will create a strong foundation for establishing safe, accessible and attractive pedestrian and bicycle connections for users of all ages and ability levels in the norther portion of the city.

City Transportation Staff will present the Draft SRTS Plan to the Bicycle Advisory Committee and City Council at the following upcoming meetings:

  • Bicycle Advisory Committee --  Thursday, July 20, 2017
  • City Council --  Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Visit for meeting times and locations.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on the Draft SRTS Plan at these meetings, or by contacting staff directly: 

Adam Fukushima, Active Transportation Manager ([email protected])

Luke Schwartz, Transportation Planner-Engineer ([email protected])

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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June 13, 2017, 9:32 AM

Thanks to those of you who have visited our project website or attended previous community meetings to help guide development of the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard project. Based on the analysis completed thus far and valuable public input provided through ongoing stakeholder outreach activities, City of SLO Transportation Staff have developed three distinct concept alternatives for consideration.

To guide selection of a preferred project alternative, the City is asking for your input. There are several ways you can participate:

1. Complete the Survey

  • A neighborhood survey will be mailed to properties within the north Broad Street study area the week of 6/12. The survey describes each concept alternative and provides residents with the opportunity provide comments and identify a preferred project alternative within a pre-paid survey postcard to be returned to the City.
  • An online survey is provided to allow those who live or work in SLO, but reside outside of the project study area to provide comments and identify a preferred alternative. The online survey can be accessed here ( and will be open until the end of July 2017.

The intent of these surveys is to gauge community support for any of the three alternatives (or neither alternative) for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. This is NOT a formal vote to determine a final decision. Additional refinements can be made to any alternative based on your input.

2. Upcoming Public Meetings

Staff will present the three bicycle boulevard concept alternatives and the findings of their Alternatives Analysis to the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and City Council for consideration at the following upcoming meetings:

  • Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) Meeting – July 20, 2017
  • City Council Study Session – August 15, 2017

A preferred alternative is anticipated to be selected following these additional public outreach opportunities and per BAC and Council guidance.

How Can I Learn More About the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Project?

Visit the Project Website

  • To review more detailed information on the project, including project goals and objectives, meeting summaries, concept drawings for each concept alternative, and an Alternatives Screening Analysis Report, which includes an assessment of traffic/parking impacts, costs, pros and cons of each concept alternative, visit the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan website:

Contact Project Managers:

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April 5, 2017, 3:11 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. Thanks to those of you who could attend the 3rd community meeting on March 23rd for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. For those who were unable to attend the meeting, and as additional information for those who did attend, the following new documents have been uploaded to the project website (

  1. Community Meeting #3 Summary and Presentation Slides
  2. Concept Alternatives Screening Report (includes concept designs, evaluation of alternatives)

At the most recent community meeting, staff presented a detailed summary of key features, pros and cons for two unique project alternatives for the bicycle boulevard. The alternatives are discussed in detail in the Alternatives Screening Report, while a summary of the analysis and a discussion of next steps is provided in the Meeting Summary.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website and feel free to contact Project Managers Luke Schwartz ([email protected]) or Jennifer Rice ([email protected]) with any questions.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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March 28, 2017, 5:53 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic regarding the Cost of Service Fee Study. 

The City is in the process of reviewing the fees that the City charges for services provided by the City; known as User and Regulatory fees and commonly referred to as Cost of Service fees; associated with Planning, Public Works, Engineering, Utilities, Police, Finance, and Fire Departments.   

The page provides background information as well as the staff report from a City Council Study Session and other pertinent materials. In particular, at the bottom of the page is an orange question mark with a prompt for feedback. Please feel free to provide written feedback using the “Add Your Statement” button. Feedback given through the Open City Hall page will be provided to the City Council 

To view this topic and comment, please visit (click "Cost of Service Fee Study and Appeal Fees and select the "Go to the topic" orange button)

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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March 15, 2017, 4:57 PM

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the 2nd community meeting on March 8th to continue efforts planning Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements for Bishop's Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools. To help inform those who were unable to attend the meeting, the following new documents have been uploaded to the project website (

  1. Community Meeting #2 Summary (Draft Recommendations and Presentation Slides)

The first phase of the project included a Needs Assessment - the process of identifying and prioritizing locations where improvements are needed to enhance conditions for walking and biking to school.  The March 8th meeting focused on the second phase of the project - presentation of Draft SRTS Improvement Recommendations.  Staff presented a series of preliminary recommendations, including Transportation Improvement Projects (physical improvements) and Coordination & Enforcement Strategies (targeted coordination between the schools, SLCUSD, City Public Works and Police Departments).  The draft recommendations are detailed in the Community Meeting #2 Summary.

Based on the community input received thus far, staff will refine the draft recommendations and prepare a final SRTS Improvements Plan. The final Plan will include a comprehensive report documenting the fundamental philosophies of SRTS, key issues identified in the Needs Assessment phase, final project recommendations, and a summary of public engagement activities conducted to date.  The final SRTS Improvement Plan will be made available for public review, and subsequent City Council consideration with a target date of spring/summer 2017 for completion.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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March 14, 2017, 1:26 PM

Good Afternoon,

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend the 3rd neighborhood meeting for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan. The meeting will take place on Thursday, March 23rd, 2017, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the City/County Library, 995 Palm Street. The agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Review of project background and work completed to date
  2. Staff presentation of concept designs for project alternatives
  3. Staff summary of alternatives analysis (costs, traffic impacts, etc.)
  4. Group discussion and critique of concepts
  5. Outline of next steps

At the first two project meetings, the project was introduced and staff gained feedback on key issues & types of features desired by the community for the bicycle boulevard. The goal of the 3rd meeting is to present detailed concept alternatives and receive input to guide refinement of a preferred concept plan to carry forward for final community review and subsequent Council consideration.

Those whom cannot attend the meeting are encouraged to visit the project website ( to review meeting summaries, project materials, provide comments, and subscribe to project updates.  If you have any questions, please contact Project Manager Luke Schwartz via phone (805-781-7190) or email ([email protected]).

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March 2, 2017, 8:25 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend the second neighborhood meeting for the Bishop’s Peak and Pacheco Elementary Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements Plan. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 8th, 2017, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the Pacheco Elementary Multipurpose Room, 261 Cuesta Drive, SLO. The agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Staff summary of key transportation needs and issues identified to date
  2. Staff presentation on their Draft SRTS Improvement Recommendations
  3. Public forum to refine recommendations and project prioritization

Based on comments and feedback provided on the Draft Improvement Recommendations, staff will refine their recommendations and present a final SRTS Improvement Plan for Bishop's Peak & Pacheco Elementary to City Council for approval.  To subscribe to project updates and/or provide feedback on the project, visit the City’s online forum at

Please contact Transportation Planner-Engineer, Luke Schwartz ([email protected] / 805.781.7190) or Active Transportation Manager, Adam Fukushima  ([email protected] / 805.781.7590) with any questions.

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January 11, 2017, 9:00 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic regarding an online dot exercise which allows you to provide your input on priorities for the upcoming two-year City budget. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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November 21, 2016, 5:29 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic regarding the Community Priorities Survey. The survey is a part of the process to develop the 2017-2019 Financial Plan and helps determine what priorities the City will focus on during the next two years. All surveys received before December 15, 2016 will be summarized and presented to the City Council at the January 10, 2017 Community Forum. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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October 21, 2016, 1:57 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding sidewalk standards in the Railroad District. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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October 4, 2016, 9:34 AM

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the 1st community meeting back in June to kick off efforts to plan Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Improvements for Bishop's Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools. To help inform those who were unable to attend the meeting, the following new documents have been uploaded to the project website (

  1. Community Meeting #1 Summary and Presentation Slides

The first phase of the project includes a Needs Assessment - the process of identifying and prioritizing locations where improvements are needed to enhance conditions for walking and biking to school. At the 1st community meeting, City staff discussed the project process/schedule and asked attendees to identify key access and safety needs within the vicinity of the schools. The Community Meeting #1 Summary lists the top needs identified by parents, neighbors and school representatives to date--most notably, the need for pedestrian/bicycle crossing improvements along Foothill Boulevard. If there are additional issues that you would like to convey to staff, please visit the project website to access the Interactive Comment Map and staff contact information.

Based on the community input received thus far and review of current traffic data crash history, staff will prioritize locations where transportation needs have been identified, conduct appropriate technical studies, and develop a draft concept plan for recommended improvements. A second community workshop will follow in early 2017, where staff will present the Draft SRTS Improvements Plan to the community for review and input.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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August 26, 2016, 8:58 AM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding a community needs workshop survey for the Human Relations Commission. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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June 27, 2016, 9:58 AM

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the 2nd community meeting on June 9th for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. To help inform those who were unable to attend the meeting, and as supplementary information for those who did attend, the following new documents have been uploaded to the project website (

  1. Community Meeting #2 Summary and Presentation Slides
  2. Existing Conditions Summary Maps

At the 2nd community meeting, City staff presented their preliminary concept for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard and invited attendees to break off into groups and develop their own concepts for the boulevard via an interactive design charrette. Based on input from the design charrette and first community meeting, as well as input continually being received on the project's online forum, staff will now proceed with developing a refined set of concept design alternatives for the bicycle boulevard. Concept drawings will be developed for each alternative and staff will evaluate each option using quantitative and qualitative measures to assess potential traffic and parking impacts, emergency vehicle access concerns, costs and overall effectiveness in supporting the objectives of the project. 

Once the refined design concept alternatives and corresponding screening analyses are prepared, staff will present this information to the community for review and input. Please stay tuned for updates later in the fall of 2016.

Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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June 9, 2016, 9:03 AM

The City of San Luis Obispo would like to invite the public to attend a neighborhood meeting on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Pacheco Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 261 Cuesta Drive, San Luis Obispo.

The purpose of this meeting is to kick off the process for developing safe routes to school transportation improvements for Bishop’s Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools. The project will identify opportunities to improve access and safety for children who walk or bike to school. Parents, neighbors and other residents are invited to this initial meeting to help identify access needs and priority locations for potential improvements.

To subscribe to project updates and/or provide feedback on the project, visit the City’s online site at

To help the City identify locations near Bishop's Peak and Pacheco Elementary Schools to prioritize for safety/access improvements for pedestrians and bicycles, add your comments to our interactive comment map by clicking here

Project Manager, Luke Schwartz, is also available and can be reached at [email protected], or via phone at (805) 781-7190. 

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June 1, 2016, 1:29 PM

The City of San Luis Obispo invites the public to attend the second neighborhood meeting for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Plan. The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 9th, 2016, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the City/County Library, 995 Palm Street. The agenda for this meeting includes:

  1. Staff presentation on work completed to date
  2. Staff presentation on their preliminary design concepts
  3. Design charrette, attendees develop & present their own concepts
  4. Group discussion and critique of concepts

At the first meeting, the project was introduced and staff gained feedback on issues to be addressed and the type of bike boulevard that was desired. The goal of the 2nd meeting is to explore a range of design concepts and begin to narrow those concepts into a plan for the bike boulevard. To subscribe to project updates and/or provide feedback on the project, visit the City’s online forum at

Project Managers Jennifer Rice and Luke Schwartz can also be reached at [email protected] and [email protected], or via phone at (805) 781-7190.

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April 18, 2016, 1:01 PM

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the project kick-off meeting on March 24th for the Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard. To help inform those who were unable to attend the meeting, and as supplementary information for those who did attend, the following new documents have been uploaded to the project website (

  1. Community Meeting #1 Summary and Presentation Slides
  2. Broad Street Bicycle Boulevard Design Guidelines

The Design Guidelines identify the goal and objectives of the project and provide additional information regarding the various types of design elements that may be considered for the bicycle boulevard. Staff will be collecting traffic data and developing preliminary design concepts over the next few months to present to the community at the next public meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for June 2016. The plan for the June meeting is to host a more interactive workshop in the form of a design charrette, where staff will present their draft concepts and attendees will be asked to create their own concept for the Broad Street Bike Boulevard. Please click the "Read More" button below to continue to the project website.

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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February 19, 2016, 9:45 AM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. Will you take a few minutes to help us Imagine Downtown SLO? We have posted a brief survey regarding the Downtown Concept Plan and Mission Plaza Master Plan, and would love to hear from you. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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July 28, 2015, 5:30 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding a proposed Neighborhood Matching Grant program. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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May 5, 2015, 4:52 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding expanded polystyrene (plastic foam) food containers and products. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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April 10, 2015, 3:29 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding a rental housing inspection program. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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January 28, 2015, 5:20 PM


Thank you for subscribing to Open City Hall from the City of San Luis Obispo. We have posted a new topic for discussion regarding electronic cigarettes. To view this topic and comment, please visit

Thank you for your participation!

City of San Luis Obispo

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